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Alarm Manager

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions. More...


file  clAlarmApi.h
 Header file of Alarm Service related APIs.
file  clAlarmDefinitions.h
 Header File of Alarm related Definitions.
file  clAlarmErrors.h
 Header file of Alarm Service related Error codes.
file  clAlarmUtils.h
 Header File containing functions and structures used for alarm payload for traps.


struct  ClAlarmComponentResAlarms
 The structure captures the alarm profile of all alarms that are modeled for each resource in the component. More...
struct  ClAlarmHandleInfoT
 The ClAlarmHandleInfoT data structure is used to store the handle and the information of the alarm. More...
struct  ClAlarmInfoT
 The ClAlarmInfoT data structure is used to store the entire list of alarm attributes that include probable cause, MOID, category, sub-category, severity, and event time along with additional information of the alarm. More...
struct  ClAlarmPendingAlmInfo
 Structure to contain the pending alarm information. More...
struct  ClAlarmPendingAlmList
 Structure to contain the information about the pending alarms. More...
struct  ClAlarmProfile
 This structure is used to store the alarm related attributes including the category, sub-category, severity, soaking time for assert and clear, probable cause of alarm, and the generation and suppression rule for alarm. More...
struct  ClAlarmRuleEntryT
 This structure contains the information about the alarm configured. More...
struct  ClAlarmRuleInfoT
 This structure specifies the alarm rule relation and the alarms IDs (probable cause) that participate in the alarm rule. More...
struct  ClAlarmUtilPayLoad
 This structure holds the information about the attributes that need to be provided in the alarm payload. More...
struct  ClAlarmUtilPayLoadList
 The stucture is used to specify the alarm payload information. More...
struct  ClAlarmUtilTlv
 The structure is used to store the information about the variables to be used in the trap. More...
struct  ClAlarmUtilTlvInfo
 This structure holds the information about the attributes that needs to be provided in the alarm payload. More...


 The event channel close failure while unsubscribing for the event.
 The event channel open failure for alarm event channel.
 The event finalize failure while unsubscribing for the event.
#define CL_ALARM_ERR_EVT_INIT   0x108
 The event initialization failure.
 Failed while subscribing for the event.
 The event initialization had been done already.
 The Generation Rule of alarm is invalid.
 Internal error related to alarms.
#define CL_ALARM_ERR_INVALID_CAT   0x100
 Alarm service related error codes.
 The managed object Identifier is invalid.
 The parameter passed in invalid.
 The alarm severity is invalid.
 There is no memory left with the application.
#define CL_ALARM_ERR_NO_OWNER   0x10f
 The managed object doesn't have any owner registered in COR.
 The pointer passed is NULL.
 The OM class creation of alarm failed.
 The probable cause of alarm is not present.
 The Suppression Rule of alarm is invalid.
 Client Library version error.
#define CL_ALARM_EVENT   1
 Event Type to be specifed while subscribing for the events published by alarm server.
 It appends the component ID with the error code.
#define ClAlarmEventName   "CL_ALARM_EVENT_CHANNEL"
 ID to specify whether the alarm is invalid or not.


typedef struct
 The structure captures the alarm profile of all alarms that are modeled for each resource in the component.
typedef ClRcT(* ClAlarmEventCallbackFuncPtrT )(CL_IN const ClAlarmHandleInfoT *pAlarmInfo)
 Informs the consumer of the event about the events published by the alarm server.
typedef ClUint32T ClAlarmHandleT
 The type of the handle for identifying the raised alarm.
typedef ClAlarmInfoTClAlarmInfoPtrT
 Pointer type for ClAlarmInfoT.
typedef ClAlarmPendingAlmInfoTClAlarmPendingAlmInfoPtrT
 Pointer type for ClAlarmPendingAlmInfoT.
typedef struct
 Structure to contain the pending alarm information.
typedef ClAlarmPendingAlmListTClAlarmPendingAlmListPtrT
 Pointer type for ClAlarmPendingAlmListT.
typedef struct
 Structure to contain the information about the pending alarms.
typedef struct ClAlarmProfile ClAlarmProfileT
 This structure is used to store the alarm related attributes including the category, sub-category, severity, soaking time for assert and clear, probable cause of alarm, and the generation and suppression rule for alarm.
typedef ClUint32T ClAlarmSpecificProblemT
 The type of an identifier to the specific problem of the alarm.
typedef struct
 The stucture is used to specify the alarm payload information.
typedef struct ClAlarmUtilPayLoad ClAlarmUtilPayLoadT
 This structure holds the information about the attributes that need to be provided in the alarm payload.
typedef struct ClAlarmUtilTlvInfo ClAlarmUtilTlvInfoT
 This structure holds the information about the attributes that needs to be provided in the alarm payload.
typedef struct ClAlarmUtilTlv ClAlarmUtilTlvT
 The structure is used to store the information about the variables to be used in the trap.


enum  ClAlarmCategoryTypeT {
 Enumeration defining the categories of alarms support by alarm server. More...
enum  ClAlarmFetchModeT {
 Enums for alarm fetch mode. More...
enum  ClAlarmProbableCauseT {
 This enumeration defines all the probable causes of the alarm based on the categories. More...
enum  ClAlarmRuleRelationT {
 The enum enumerates the possible relationships between two alarms. More...
enum  ClAlarmSeverityTypeT {
 Enumeration to depict the severity of the alarm which is specified while modeling and also while publishing the alarm. More...
enum  ClAlarmStateT {
 The enumeration to depict the state of the alarm that is into. More...


ClRcT clAlarmEventDataGet (CL_IN ClUint8T *pData, CL_IN ClSizeT size, CL_OUT ClAlarmHandleInfoT *pAlarmHandleInfo)
 This function is used to get the decoded data in host format of the alarm data obtained after receiving the event.
ClRcT clAlarmEventSubscribe (CL_IN const ClAlarmEventCallbackFuncPtrT pAlarmEvtCallbackFuncFP)
 This function is used to subscribe for the events published by the alarm server.
ClRcT clAlarmEventUnsubscribe ()
 This function is used to unsubscribe for the events published by the alarm server.
ClRcT clAlarmLibFinalize ()
 Cleans up the Alarm Library.
ClRcT clAlarmLibInitialize ()
 Initializes the Alarm Library.
ClRcT clAlarmPendingAlarmListFree (CL_INOUT ClAlarmPendingAlmListPtrT const pPendingAlmList)
 Function to free the pending alarm list populated by clAlarmPendingAlarmsQuery.
ClRcT clAlarmPendingAlarmsQuery (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT const pMoId, CL_OUT ClAlarmPendingAlmListPtrT const pPendingAlmList)
 Function to get the pending alarms on a specific object or in the whole system.
ClRcT clAlarmRaise (CL_IN ClAlarmInfoT *pAlarmInfo, CL_OUT ClAlarmHandleT *pAlarmHandle)
 Raises an alarm on a component.
ClRcT clAlarmStateQuery (CL_IN const ClAlarmInfoT *pAlarmInfo, CL_OUT ClAlarmStateT *const pAlarmState)
 Function to get the current state of the alarm.
void clAlarmUtilPayloadBufFree (ClUint8T *pBuf)
 The function to free the buffer obtained after flattening the payload information.
ClRcT clAlarmUtilPayLoadExtract (ClUint8T *pBuf, ClUint32T size, ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListT **ppPayloadList)
 The function to extract the payload information sent at the time of alarm raise.
ClRcT clAlarmUtilPayloadFlatten (ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListPtrT pPayLoadList, ClUint32T *pSize, ClUint8T **ppBuf)
 Function to convert the payload information into a flat buffer.
void clAlarmUtilPayloadListFree (ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListT *pPayloadList)
 Function used to free the payload data-structure allocated during alarm reporting or receive.
ClRcT clAlarmVersionVerify (CL_INOUT ClVersionT *pVersion)
 This function is used to verify if a version of the function is supported by AM.

Detailed Description

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CL_ALARM_ERR_INVALID_CAT   0x100

Alarm service related error codes.

The alarm category is invalid.

#define ClAlarmEventName   "CL_ALARM_EVENT_CHANNEL"

ID to specify whether the alarm is invalid or not.

Alarm event channel name. This is the channel on which the subscriber will be waiting for notifications.

Typedef Documentation

typedef ClRcT(* ClAlarmEventCallbackFuncPtrT)(CL_IN const ClAlarmHandleInfoT *pAlarmInfo)

Informs the consumer of the event about the events published by the alarm server.

Header File:
pAlarmInfo(in) pointer to the ClAlarmInfoT structure. This structure will populated by the alarm client upon receiving the event on CL_ALARM_EVENT_CHANNEL and then the callback function will called.
Return values
CL_OKThe callback function successfully executed.
This function is registered by using the function clAlarmEventSubscribe in order to receive the events published by the alarm server. The alarm client listens for all the events published on event channel CL_ALARM_EVENT_CHANNEL by the alarm server. When the event is published, the alarm client would call this registered function.
Library File:
See Also
typedef ClUint32T ClAlarmSpecificProblemT

The type of an identifier to the specific problem of the alarm.

This information is not configured but is assigned a value at run-time for segregation of alarms that have the same category and probable cause but are different in their manifestation.

The stucture is used to specify the alarm payload information.

The number of resources for which the payload information should be given is specified as the value of numPayLoadEnteries. The different entries corresponding to different resources should be specified in the pPayload array after allocating it. For each resource there can be multiple attributes whose information should be specified in the array of pTlv element of the ClAlarmUtilTlvPtrT.

This structure holds the information about the attributes that need to be provided in the alarm payload.

This payload is then used by the SNMP subagent for reporting the trap. This is a structure which contains the information about the traps. This structure is similar to the ClAlarmUtilTlvInfoT but this has the MOId of the resource as an extra field. The SNMP subagent extracts the payload information using this structure So a user planning to report an alarm as trap he/she should provide the attribute information in this structure only.

This structure holds the information about the attributes that needs to be provided in the alarm payload.

This payload is then used by the SNMP subagent for reporting the trap after receiving the event published by alarm server. The structure is used to store the number of attributes and pointer to the array of structure containing information about attributes that needs to be part of the trap information. The pointer to the array of the structure ClAlarmUtilTlvT has to be allocated which has the number of elements equal to the value of numTlvs element.

The structure is used to store the information about the variables to be used in the trap.

This takes the type of the attribute which is one of the value from the enum ClCorTypeT, the length of the atttribute and the value of the variable. The element value is a pointer which should be allocated of size equal to value of the element length.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration defining the categories of alarms support by alarm server.


Category for alarms that are not valid.


Category for alarms that are related to communication between to points.


Category for alarms that are related to degrations in quality of service.


Category for alarms that are related to software or processing error.


Category for alarms that are related to equipment problems.


Category for alarms that are related to environmental conditions around the equipment.

Enums for alarm fetch mode.


There are two ways to get alarm notification for the alarm client:

  • The alarm can be reported by the application or any other component that is monitoring.
  • The alarm client polls a resource on which the alarm may be raised.

This enumeration defines all the probable causes of the alarm based on the categories.


invalid cause


Probable cause for alarms which can occur due to communication related problems between two points.

An error condition when there is no data in the communication channel.


An inability to locate the information in bit-delimiters.


Error in the bit-groups delimiters within the bit-stream.


An error has occured in the transmission between local node and adjacent node.


An error has occurred on the transmission channel beyond the adjacent node.


Error occured while establishing the connection.


The quality of the singal has decreased.


A failure in the subsystem which supports communication over telecommunication links.


The communication protocol has been voilated.


Problem detected in the local area network.


Probable cause of the alarm is data transmission error.


Probable causes of alarms caused due to degradation in quality of service.

The time delays between the query and its result is beyond the allowable limits.


The number of items to be processed has exceeded the specified limits.


The bandwidth available for transmission has reduced.


Number of repeat transmission is beyond the allowed limits.


The limit allowed (or configured) has exceeded.


Service limit or service aggrement are outside the acceptable limits.


System is reaching its capacity or approaching it.


Probable cause of the alarm is the maximum capacity is already reached or about to be reached.


Probable causes of alarm caused due to software or processing errors.

Probable cause of the alarm is storage capacity problem.


There is a mismatch in the version of two communicating entities.


An error has caused the data to be incorrect.


CPU cycles limited has been exceeded its limit.


Probable cause of alarm is error in software.


Probable cause of alarm is error in software program error.


Probable cause of alarm is software program abnormally terminated.


Format of the file is incorrect.


There is no program-addressable storage available.


An entity upon which the reporting object depends has become unreliable.


A failure is detected in the application subsystem failure.

A subsystem can be a software supporting the larger module.


The parameter for configuration or customization are given improperly.


Probable cause alarms caused due to equipment related problems.

There is a problem with the power supply.


The process which has timing constraints didn't complete with the specified time or has completed but the results are not reliable.


Internal machine error has occurred on the a Central processing Unit.


An internal error has occured on a dataset or modem.


Error occured while multiplexing the communication signal.


Probable cause of alarm is receiver failure.


Probable cause of alarm is transamitter failure.


Probable cause of alarm is receive failure.


Probable cause of alarm is transmission failure.


Error has occured on a output device.


Probable cause of alarm is input device error.


Probable cause of alarm is input output device error.


Internal error in equipment malfunction for which no actual cause has been identified.


Probable cause of alarm is adapter error.


Probable cause of alarms caused due to environmental changes around the equipment.

Probable cause of alarm is temperature unacceptable.


Probable cause of alarm is humidity unacceptable around equipment.


Probable cause of alarm is heating or ventillation or cooling system problem.


Probable cause of alarm is fire around the equipment.


Probable cause of alarm is flood around equipment.


Probable cause of alarm is toxic leak is detected around equipment.


A leak of gas or fluid is detected around equipment.


The fluid or gas pressure is unacceptable.


The vibration around the equipment has exceeded the limit.


Probable cause of alarm is exhaustion of the materail supply.


Error has occured in the pump which is used to trasfer fluid in the equipment.


Probable cause of alarm is enclosure door is open.

The enum enumerates the possible relationships between two alarms.


If there is only one alarm, then there is no relationship that must be determined.

If there is more than one alarm, then the relationship between them must be determined. The relationship can be either a logical OR or a logical AND.


The alarm is raised or cleared, if at least one of the alarms (specified in the modeling) exist.


The alarm is raised or cleared, only if all the alarms (specified in the modeling) exist.


There is no valid relation between the alarms (specified in the modeling).

Enumeration to depict the severity of the alarm which is specified while modeling and also while publishing the alarm.


Alarm with invalid severity.


Alarm with severity level as critical.


Alarm with severity level as major.


Alarm with severity level as minor.


Alarm with severity level warning.


Alarm with severity level indeterminate.


Alarm with severity level as cleared.

The enumeration to depict the state of the alarm that is into.

It can be in any of the following state that is cleared, assert, suppressed or under soaking.


Invalid alarm state.


The alarm condition has cleared.


The alarm condition has occured.


The alarm state is suppressed.


The alarm state is under soaking.

Function Documentation

ClRcT clAlarmEventDataGet ( CL_IN ClUint8T *  pData,
CL_IN ClSizeT  size,
CL_OUT ClAlarmHandleInfoT pAlarmHandleInfo 

This function is used to get the decoded data in host format of the alarm data obtained after receiving the event.

Header File:
pData(in)The data received through the event on the alarm event channel.
size(in)The size of pData.
pAlarmHandleInfo(out)This parameter is filled with the decoded data into alarm info.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing null pointer in pData or pAlarmHandleInfo.
The Alarm Server encodes the alarm information into network byte format before publishing the event. This function is used to get the decoded alarm information into host byte format in the events delivery callback function. Before using this function user needs to get the data and its size from the event client using the clEventDataGet() API and pass that information to this function. This function converts the encoded data into host format and fills that into pAlarmHandleInfo parameter.
Library File:
ClRcT clAlarmEventSubscribe ( CL_IN const ClAlarmEventCallbackFuncPtrT  pAlarmEvtCallbackFuncFP)

This function is used to subscribe for the events published by the alarm server.

Header File:
pAlarmEvtCallbackFuncFP(in) Pointer to the function which would be called once the event is published by the alarm server.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NULL_POINTERThe pointer to the function passed is NULL.
CL_ALARM_ERR_EVT_INITFailed while initializing the event handle.
CL_ALARM_ERR_EVT_CHANNELFailed while opening the alarm event channel.
CL_ALARM_ERR_EVT_SUBSCRIBEFailed while setting the alarm event patten in subscribe.
CL_ALARM_ERR_EVT_SUBSCRIBE_AGAINFailed while doing duplicate subscription.
This function is used to subscribe for the events published by the alarm server. This function takes the function pointer as parameter which would be called whenever the event is published by the alarm server on the event channel CL_ALARM_EVENT_CHANNEL. After receiving the event the callback function would be called after filling the alarm information in the ClAlarmHandleInfoT structure. The event subscription done via this function can be unsubscribed using the clAlarmEventUnsubscribe().
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmEventUnsubscribe ( )

This function is used to unsubscribe for the events published by the alarm server.

Header File:
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_ERR_EVT_CHANNEL_CLOSEThe function failed while closing the event channel.
CL_ALARM_ERR_EVT_FINALIZEThe function failed while doing event finalize.
This function is used to unsubscribe for the event published by the alarm server on the channel CL_ALARM_EVENT_CHANNEL. After this function is called, the callback registered by the function clAlarmEventSubscribe will not be called any further on the event publish. This function will finalize the event handle and will close the event channel opened by calling clAlarmEventSubscribe().
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmLibFinalize ( )

Cleans up the Alarm Library.

Header File:
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_CLIENT_ERR_FINALIZE_FAILEDIf alarm service finalization failed.
This function is used to clean-up alarm library linked to the component and frees resources allocated to it at the time of initialization. It is called when the alarm-related services are no longer required.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmLibInitialize ( )

Initializes the Alarm Library.

Header File:
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_CLIENT_ERR_INIT_FAILEDIf alarm service initialization failed.
This function is used to initialize the alarm client library and start up the alarm related services for a given component. It initializes the various callbacks and allocates resources. This function must be invoked before invoking any other alarm-related function.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmPendingAlarmListFree ( CL_INOUT ClAlarmPendingAlmListPtrT const  pPendingAlmList)

Function to free the pending alarm list populated by clAlarmPendingAlarmsQuery.

Header File:
pPendingAlmList (in out) : The pointer to the structure containing the list of pending alarms.
Return values
CL_OK: The function exection was successful.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER: The pointer is passed to the function.
The function should be used to free the pending alarm list returned by the clAlarmPendingAlarmsQuery () function.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmPendingAlarmsQuery ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT const  pMoId,
CL_OUT ClAlarmPendingAlmListPtrT const  pPendingAlmList 

Function to get the pending alarms on a specific object or in the whole system.

Header File:
pMoId(in) : It is the pointer to the resource MOID for which the query for all the alarms needs to be done. If NULL is passed, then the function will return all the pending alarms in the system.
pPendingAlmList(out) : It is a pointer to the structure of type ClAlarmPendingAlmListT. After the api returns successfully, this parameter will contain the count and the array of pending alarms information which is of type ClAlarmInfoT.
Return values
CL_OK: The function got executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NO_OWNER: There is no registered owner for the alarm resource.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER: NULL pointer passed for either pMoId or pPendingAlmList.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY: No memory avaible.
The function is used to get list of all the pending alarms. The function is either called with a specific resource MOID for getting all the pending alarms on that managed object, or it can be used for getting all the pending alarms present in the system. For getting all the pending alarms in the system, the first parameter should be given as NULL. The function would fill all the pending alarms in the second parameter. It would fill the count of pending alarms in pPendingAlarms->noOfPendingAlarm and the list of pending alarms in the pPendingAlarms->pAlarmList. The pAlarmList is array of ClAlarmHandleInfoT, so it contains alarm handle and other parameters of the alarm. The alarm handle for the alarm which was raised successfully would be a valid handle generated by alarm server. The alarms which were suppressed, masked or ones for which generation rule didn't satisfy, the alarm handle will be a constant equal to CL_HANDLE_INVALID_VALUE.
The user need to call the function clAlarmPendingAlarmListFree() in order to free the list of pending alarms.

A pending alarm is the one which is either in assert state (or after soaking), under soaking state, or in suppressed state. The ClAlarmStateT describes all the possible state of an alarm.

Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmRaise ( CL_IN ClAlarmInfoT pAlarmInfo,
CL_OUT ClAlarmHandleT pAlarmHandle 

Raises an alarm on a component.

Header File:
alarmInfo(in)Pointer to the structure that contains the alarm information.
pAlarmHandle(out)Pointer to the alarm handle. The alarm handle is used by Fault Manager(FM) to query alarm information and pass the alarm information to the fault repair handlers configured by the user.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_ERR_INVALID_MOIDOn passing invalid MoId, the Managed Object Idetifier.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NO_OWNERThe Managed object passed to the alarm raise doen't have any owner registered in COR.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing either pAlarmInfo or the pAlarmHandle as NULL.
CL_ALARM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing the length of the user buffer (pAlarmInfo->len) as negative or the probable cause (pAlarmInfo->probCause) is not configured.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NO_MEMORYThere is no memory left in this appication to raise the alarm.
This function is used to generate an alarm on a Managed Object (MO). It can be used by a component to raise an alarm on a resource or on a component itself. While invoking this function, you must fill the ClAlarmInfoT structure which has the following attributes:
  • moId : The resource on which the alarm is being raised.
  • compName : The name of component which is raising the alarm.
  • alarmState : Flag to indicate if the alarm was for assert or for clear.
  • probCause : Probable cause of the alarm being raised.

There are certain optional fields of the ClAlarmInfoT structure which can be provided while publishing the alarm:

  • category: The category of the alarm to which it belongs.
  • specificProblem: Specific problem of the alarm. This is to be specified by user.
  • severity : Severity of the alarm.
  • buff : Additional information about the alarm to be specified by the user. This buffer would be allocated by the user and freed after calling this function.
  • len : Length of the additional data about the alarm.

A unique alarm handle is generated by the alarm server and provided back to the component that raises the alarm. The alarm handle is used by FM to query alarm information and pass the alarm information to the repair handlers configured while modeling.

Library File:
ClRcT clAlarmStateQuery ( CL_IN const ClAlarmInfoT pAlarmInfo,
CL_OUT ClAlarmStateT *const  pAlarmState 

Function to get the current state of the alarm.

Header File:
pAlarmInfo(in) : Pointer to the structure of type ClAlarmInfoT. This structure should be populated with the resource MOID and the alarm information like probable cause, category, severity and specific problem of the alarm.
pAlarmState(out) : Pointer to the ClAlarmStateT. On successful return, the function would populate the current state of the alarm in this parameter.
Return values
CL_OK: The function completed successfully.
CL_ERR_NOT_EXIST: The alarm information doesn't exit on the managed resource.
CL_ALARM_ERR_INVALID_MOID: The MOID passed is invalid that is no object exist for this MOID in COR.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NO_OWNER: There is no registered owner for the alarm resource.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER: NULL pointer passed for either pAlarmInfo or pAlarmState.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY: No memory avaible.
The function is used to get the latest state of any alarm. The function takes the alarm information that is the resource MOID, probable cause, specific problem and category. After successful return the pAlarmState would contain the latest state of the alarm provided.
Library File:
See Also
void clAlarmUtilPayloadBufFree ( ClUint8T *  pBuf)

The function to free the buffer obtained after flattening the payload information.

Header File:
pBuf(in) : The pointer containing the payload information.
Return values
The flat buffer allocated and updated on the successfull execution of the clAlarmUtilPayloadFlatten() should be freed. This is achieved by calling this function.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmUtilPayLoadExtract ( ClUint8T *  pBuf,
ClUint32T  size,
ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListT **  ppPayloadList 

The function to extract the payload information sent at the time of alarm raise.

Header File:
pBuf(in) : The pointer containing the payload information. This is the pointer of the payload (buff) obtained from the ClAlarmHandleInfoT of the alarm event delivery callback function.
size(in) : Size of the payload. This is also obtained from the len element of the alarmInfo element of the ClAlarmHandleInfoT structure provided in the event delivery callback function.
ppPayloadList(out) : This is the pointer to the ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListT structure which is populated by the function with the payload information sent by the application reported alarm.
Return values
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER: The pointer passed to pBuf or ppPayLoadListare NULL.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY: Failed while allocating the memory for the payload information.
CL_OK: The function completed successfully.
This function unpacks the the payload buffer sent by the alarm reporter into host format. This buffer contains the payload information packed in certain format. This was done by the alarm reported while raising the alarm. The alarm listener or the SNMP subagent does the job of unpacking the buffer and recreating the payload information. This is done by calling this function. This function allocates the payload buffer in the ppPayloadList argument. This needs to be freed and this can be done by calling clAlarmUtilPayloadListFree().
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmUtilPayloadFlatten ( ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListPtrT  pPayLoadList,
ClUint32T *  pSize,
ClUint8T **  ppBuf 

Function to convert the payload information into a flat buffer.

Header File:
pPayLoadList(in) : The structure containing the payload information.
pSize(out) : The size of payload information. The value of this field has to be provided to the len element of the ClAlarmInfoT structure.
ppBuf(out) : The pointer is allocated by the function after flattening the alarm payload information filled in the pPayLoadList. This pointer has to be copied to the buff element of the ClAlarmInfoT structure.
Return values
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER: The pointer passed to pPayLoadList, pSize or ppBuf is NULL.
CL_OK: The function completed successfully.
This function converts the alarm information into a flat buffer which can be used to provide as alarm payload while reporting the alarm. The function packs the alarm payload details into network byte order and then it puts the information into a flat buffer after allocating it. The size of the buffer is updated into pSize and the buffer is allocated and updated in the ppBuff. The size of the buffer and the buffer could be used to supply it to the element len and buff of the ClAlarmInfoT structure while reporting the alarm. The buffer allocated here has to be freed after raising the alarm, using clAlarmPayloadBufFree(). Also the pPayLoadList which contains the alarm payload information should be freed using the function clAlarmUtilPayloadListFree().
Library File:
See Also
clAlarmUtilPayloadBufFree(), clAlarmUtilPayloadListFree()
void clAlarmUtilPayloadListFree ( ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListT pPayloadList)

Function used to free the payload data-structure allocated during alarm reporting or receive.

Header File:
pPayloadList(in) : This is the pointer to the ClAlarmUtilPayLoadListT structure which is allocated after calling clAlarmUtilPayLoadExtract().
Return values
The pointer pPayloadList has the payload information supplied by the alarm raiser as well after extracting the payload in the alarm event receive function. This payload information is allocated using different structures, which has to be freed. This can be done by calling this function.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clAlarmVersionVerify ( CL_INOUT ClVersionT pVersion)

This function is used to verify if a version of the function is supported by AM.

Header File:
version(in/out) As an input parameter, this contains the version you require to query or the current version. The output parameter is the Version supported.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_ALARM_ERR_NULL_POINTERThe null pointer is passed for the version parameter.
CL_ALARM_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDIf current version of this function is not supported.
This function is used to verify if a version is supported or not. In case the version is not supported, then an error is returned with the value of supported version filled in the output parameter.
Library File:

Generated on Tue Jan 10 10:29:15 PST 2012 for OpenClovis SDK using Doxygen