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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCClAlarmComponentResAlarmsThe structure captures the alarm profile of all alarms that are modeled for each resource in the component
oCClAlarmHandleInfoTThe ClAlarmHandleInfoT data structure is used to store the handle and the information of the alarm
oCClAlarmInfoTThe ClAlarmInfoT data structure is used to store the entire list of alarm attributes that include probable cause, MOID, category, sub-category, severity, and event time along with additional information of the alarm
oCClAlarmPendingAlmInfoStructure to contain the pending alarm information
oCClAlarmPendingAlmListStructure to contain the information about the pending alarms
oCClAlarmProfileThis structure is used to store the alarm related attributes including the category, sub-category, severity, soaking time for assert and clear, probable cause of alarm, and the generation and suppression rule for alarm
oCClAlarmRuleEntryTThis structure contains the information about the alarm configured
oCClAlarmRuleInfoTThis structure specifies the alarm rule relation and the alarms IDs (probable cause) that participate in the alarm rule
oCClAlarmUtilPayLoadThis structure holds the information about the attributes that need to be provided in the alarm payload
oCClAlarmUtilPayLoadListThe stucture is used to specify the alarm payload information
oCClAlarmUtilTlvThe structure is used to store the information about the variables to be used in the trap
oCClAlarmUtilTlvInfoThis structure holds the information about the attributes that needs to be provided in the alarm payload
oCClAmsCompConfigTComponent configuration information
oCClAmsCompStatusTComponent state information
oCClAmsCSIConfigTComponent service instance configuration information
oCClAmsCSINameValuePairTName Value Pair definition for CSIs
oCClAmsCSIStatusTComponent service instance state information
oCClAmsEntityConfigTThis structure represents a reference to an AMF entity
oCClAmsEntityParamsTA structure for aggregating default parameters for an entity
oCClAmsEntityStatusTThis structure is the common fields in all AMF entities' status
oCClAmsNodeConfigTNode configuration information
oCClAmsNodeStatusTNode state information
oCClAmsSGConfigTService group configuration information
oCClAmsSGStatusTService group state information
oCClAmsSIConfigTService Unit configuration information
oCClAmsSIStatusTService Unit state information
oCClAmsSISURefTService Instance preferred ranking
oCClAmsSUConfigTService Unit configuration information
oCClAmsSUSIRefTService Instances assigned to this Service Unit
oCClAmsSUStatusTService Unit status information
oCClBufferPoolConfigTThe type of the buffer configuration info
oCClCachedCkptClientSvcInfoTClient side data structure
oCClCachedCkptDataTThe type of the CachedCkpt section data
oCClCachedCkptSvcInfoTCached Checkpoint global data structure
oCClCkptCallbacksTThis structure is the only location where all the callbacks converge
oCClCkptCheckpointCreationAttributesTThis structure represents the properties of checkpoint that can be specified during the creation process
oCClCkptCheckpointDescriptorTThis structure is used to describe a checkpoint
oCClCkptIOVectorElementTThis structure represents an IO vector which will be used for dealing with more than zero sections
oCClCkptSectionCreationAttributesTThis structure represents section attributes that can be specified during the creation process
oCClCkptSectionDescriptorTThis structure represents a section in a checkpoint
oCClCkptSectionIdTThis structure represents a section identifier
oCClCorAttrAdditionalInfoStructure for complex attribute types like Association, Array and Containment
oCClCorAttrDefAttribute Definition structure
oCClCorAttributeValueType to provide value for the initialized attributes
oCClCorAttributeValueListType to provide the list of attribute values for initialized attributes
oCClCorAttrIdIdxPairAttribute ID and index pair
oCClCorAttrListType to store the list of attributes
oCClCorAttrPathThe structure ClCorAttrPath contains the path-list of the attribute
oCClCorAttrValueDescriptorStructure to attribute job which will be added to the bundle
oCClCorAttrValueDescriptorListType for the attribute value list
oCClCorAttrValuesStructure capturing initialization, minimum and maximum value of simple attribute
oCClCorBundleConfigStructure for storing the bundle configuration
oCClCorClassTreeClass Tree
oCClCorClassTreeNodeClass tree node
oCClCorComponentConfigConfiguration related to COR transaction
oCClCorJobDescriptorStructure to store read job data
oCClCorMOClassPathThe structure ClCorMOClassPath contains the COR object handle
oCClCorMOHandleManaged Object handle
oCClCorMOIdThe structure ClCorMOId contains MoId of the object, which is the address of the COR object
oCClCorMOIdListType to store the list of MoIds
oCClCorObjAttrWalkFilterThe structure ClCorObjAttrWalkFilter is used to specify filter properties while performing attribute walk operation
oCClCorObjectTreeObject Tree
oCClCorObjectTreeNodeObject Tree node
oCClCorTreeCOR Tree common elements (i.e
oCClCorTxnInfoCOR Txn Failed Job Information
oCClCpmCallbacksTThe structure ClCpmCallbacksT contains the various callback functions that the Component Manager can invoke on a component
oCClCpmCompSpecInfoComponent specific data which is maintained by CPM
oCClCpmEventNodePayLoadTPayload data for the node arrival/departure event published by the CPM
oCClCpmEventPayLoadTPayload data for the component death event published by the CPM
oCClCpmNodeClassTypeTThis is the definition of the class of the node
oCClCpmSlotClassTypesTThis structure is used by the clCpmCardMatch() API
oCClCpmSlotInfoTThe structure filled by the clCpmSlotInfoGet() API
oCClDebugFuncEntryTThe structure contains the entry for the debug CLI information that needs the component has to provide on a per command basis
oCClDebugModEntryTThis structure is used to register the module with the CLI library
oCClEoClientObjTThis structure contains the pointer to the callback functions to be registered with the EO and the client specific data
oCClEoConfigTThis structure is passed during the clEoCreate API and contains the EO related configuration parameters
oCClEoExecutionObjThe Execution Object abstracts the properties of a running OS thread or process
oCClEoProtoDefTThis structure contains a list of the protocols registered with the EO
oCClEoSchedFeedBackTFeedback sent by the software component being polled in response of heartbeat [is-Alive]
oCClEoServiceObjThis structure is EO Service Object
oCClEventCallbacksTThe callback structure supplied by an EO to the EM containing the callback functions that can be invoked by the EM
oCClEventFilterArrayTThe event filter array structure defines one or more filters
oCClEventFilterTThe event filter structure defines the filter type and the filter pattern to be applied on an event pattern when filtering events on an event channel
oCClEventPatternArrayTThe type of an event pattern array
oCClEventPatternTAn Event pattern may contain a name (for example: a process name, checkpoint name, service instance name, and so on)
oCClFaultEventThe ClFaultEventT data structure is used by components like Alarm Manager, Component Manager, and Chassis Manager to report faults
oCClFaultRecordFault Manager uses the ClFaultRecordT data structure to store information regarding the faults that it has processed
oCClFaultRepairHandlerTableThe ClFaultRepairHandlerTableT structure is used to capture the repair handlers per MoClassType
oCClGmsCallbacksTThis callback structure is provided to the GMS library during Initialization
oCClGmsClusterManageCallbacksTThis structure contains the cluster managing callbacks provided at the joining time by the member
oCClGmsClusterMemberTThis structure describes one member (or node) of the cluster
oCClGmsClusterNotificationBufferTBuffer to convey the view: the list of nodes and their status
oCClGmsClusterNotificationTBuffer containing the list of nodes that forms the current view of cluster
oCClGmsGroupInfoListTStructure used to pass the meta data on all the existing groups
oCClGmsGroupInfoTStructure used to hold the metadata of a group
oCClGmsGroupMemberTStructure containing attributes of a group member
oCClGmsGroupNotificationBufferTBuffer to convey the view: the list of group member attributes
oCClGmsGroupNotificationTBuffer containing the list of group members in the requested view
oCClGmsGroupParamsTParameters for group provided during group creation
oCClGmsNodeAddressTIP Address of the node can be of IPv4 or IPv6
oCClHeapConfigTClHeapConfigT to be fetched by EO and contains the configuration of the heap library
oCClIocAddressIOC address
oCClIocPhysicalAddressThe IOC Physical address of an application's communication end point
oCClIocRecvOptionIOC receive options
oCClIocRecvParamThe IOC receive returns this structure along with the message
oCClIocSendOptionSend related options
oCClIocTlInfoTransparency layer parameters
oCClIocTLMappingTData-type for holding the physical address and its state
oCClLogCallbacksTThis structure describes about the callbacks which can be provided by process while initializing with Log Service
oCClLogFilterTThis structure describes the filter settings for the stream
oCClLogStreamAttributesTThis structure describes the attributes of the stream
oCClLogStreamInfoTThis structure describes all the information about the log stream
oCClLogStreamMapTThis structure describes the information about the log stream to stream Id mapping
oCClNameSvcAttrEntryTAttribute structure
oCClNameSvcAttrSearchTFor attribute related search
oCClNameSvcCompListList of components
oCClNameSvcConfigTThe structure ClNameSvcConfigT contains the Name Service configuration information
oCClNameSvcEntryTName Service Entry
oCClNameSvcEventInfoTInformation passed to Name Service users via events whenever there is a change in Name Service database
oCClNameSvcRegisterTThe structure ClNameSvcRegisterT contains the name service registration information
oCClNameTA name
oCClPMAttrDataTThis is used to pass PM and PM reset attributes information to the Primary OI
oCClPMCallbacksTThis stores address of the PM callback functions implemented by Primary OI
oCClPMObjectDataTThis is used to pass the PM object's values to the Primary OI
oCClProvTxnCallbacksTThis structure is used to get the start and end callbacks for a transaction from the user
oCClProvTxnDataThe structure is used to pass the job information while calling the object implementer's callback functions
oCClRmdAsyncOptionsThis structure ClRmdAsyncOptionsT contains additional asynchronous call parameters
oCClRmdOptionsThis is a structure to pass optional parameters
oCClRuleExprRule to filter data.Expression definition
oCClTcParamListTList to store all the parsed runtime configuration paramaters, by TLC
oCClTcParamTBasic structure to store the parsed runtime configuration paramater, by TLC
oCClTcParamValUUnion to store parsed runtime configuration paramater value, by TLC
oCClTimerConfigTIt contains the timer library configuration information
oCClTimerTimeOutTThe timeout value in seconds and milliseconds
\CClVersionTVersion Information for various services

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