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Clovis Object Repository (COR)

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions. More...


file  clCorApi.h
 Header file of Clovis Object Registry (COR) related APIs.
file  clCorConfigApi.h
 Header file of Configuration related to COR Transaction.
file  clCorErrors.h
 Header file of all External Error Ids for COR.
file  clCorMetaData.h
 Header file of all MetaData data structures.
file  clCorNotifyApi.h
 Header file of COR APIs for subscribing/unsubscribing to the events on a Managed Objects.
file  clCorServiceId.h
 Header file of COR Service Ids.
file  clCorTxnApi.h
 Header file of Transaction related APIs for COR.
file  clCorUtilityApi.h
 Header File of COR utility APIs.


struct  ClCorAttrAdditionalInfo
 Structure for complex attribute types like Association, Array and Containment. More...
struct  ClCorAttrDef
 Attribute Definition structure. More...
struct  ClCorAttributeValue
 Type to provide value for the initialized attributes. More...
struct  ClCorAttributeValueList
 Type to provide the list of attribute values for initialized attributes. More...
struct  ClCorAttrIdIdxPair
 Attribute ID and index pair. More...
struct  ClCorAttrList
 Type to store the list of attributes. More...
struct  ClCorAttrPath
 The structure ClCorAttrPath contains the path-list of the attribute. More...
struct  ClCorAttrValueDescriptor
 Structure to attribute job which will be added to the bundle. More...
struct  ClCorAttrValueDescriptorList
 Type for the attribute value list. More...
struct  ClCorAttrValues
 Structure capturing initialization, minimum and maximum value of simple attribute. More...
struct  ClCorBundleConfig
 Structure for storing the bundle configuration. More...
struct  ClCorComponentConfig
 Configuration related to COR transaction. More...
struct  ClCorJobDescriptor
 Structure to store read job data. More...
struct  ClCorMOClassPath
 The structure ClCorMOClassPath contains the COR object handle. More...
struct  ClCorMOHandle
 Managed Object handle. More...
struct  ClCorMOId
 The structure ClCorMOId contains MoId of the object, which is the address of the COR object. More...
struct  ClCorMOIdList
 Type to store the list of MoIds. More...
struct  ClCorObjAttrWalkFilter
 The structure ClCorObjAttrWalkFilter is used to specify filter properties while performing attribute walk operation. More...
struct  ClCorTxnInfo
 COR Txn Failed Job Information. More...


#define CL_COR_ATTR_CACHED   0x00000100
 Attribute type is cached (stored in RAM in COR)
#define CL_COR_ATTR_CONFIG   0x01000000
 Macros for defining the attribute flags.
#define CL_COR_ATTR_INITIALIZED   0x00020000
 Attribute type is intialized (upon creation, assign a default value – MUST use clCorObjectCreateAndSet to create)
#define CL_COR_ATTR_OPERATIONAL   0x04000000
#define CL_COR_ATTR_PERSISTENT   0x00000200
 Attribute type is persistent.
#define CL_COR_ATTR_RUNTIME   0x02000000
 Attribute type is runtime (NOT stored in database).
#define CL_COR_ATTR_WRITABLE   0x00010000
 Attribute type is writeable.
#define CL_COR_CLASS_WILD_CARD   ((ClCorClassTypeT)0xFFFFFFFE)
 Wild Card Class Id.
 The invalid usage of the CLI command has occured.
#define CL_COR_CLI_STR_LEN   1024
 String length for cli commands.
#define CL_COR_COMM_ERR_INVALID_OP   0x1d0
 The invalid Operation type supplied to the comm.
 Constants related to ClCorAttrPath.
 This value is 3 seconds.
#define CL_COR_ERR_ALREADY_INIT   0x11c
 The COR EO is already been initialized.
 The attribute user flag passed is invalid.
 A set operation is performed on a non-writable attribute.
 A runtime attribute is marked as persistent without being marked as cached.
#define CL_COR_ERR_ATTR_READ_ONLY   0x1a4
 A read-only attribute is being set.
 The buffer overrun has occured while processing the user buffer.
 Failure while doing a bundle apply.
 The failure occured finalizing the bundle.
 The bundle is applied or finalized to a bundle for which the response has not yet reached after applying.
 A failure occured in the bundle initialization.
 The bundle type (ClCorBundleConfigT) is supplied wrongly to the bundle initialize.
 The bundle timeout has occured in the case of a synchronous bundle.
 The index specified for the attribute is invalid.
 The size of the attribute is not matching its data type.
 The class attribute data type specified is invalid.
 The error shows that the value supplied to the attribute is invalid.
 The object is created for a class containing initialized attributes, without specifying any value for them.
 The attribute being searched is not present in the class.
 The value of attribute is more than the range of value of its data type.
 The class already has an attribute with the attribute Identifier being added.
 The end marker for the class being searched has encountered.
 The class information cannot be modified as it has instances present the object tree.
 The MO class path specified is invalid.
#define CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_IS_BASE   0x11f
 This error will occur when base class is deleted.
 The classes does not match either due to class identifier or attribute identifier present in the classes.
 The class being searched is not present in the COR.
#define CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_PRESENT   0x105
 The class being created is already present in the COR.
 The config attribute is either marked as non-cached or non-persistent.
 The entry being added is already existing in the list.
 The attribute data not found at the OI or at the COR.
 The buffer supplied is not enough for the processing.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER_STR   "Insufficient buffer passed!"
 The string indicating that insufficient buffer has been supplied.
 The user buffer supplied to the functoin is invalid.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_STR   "Invalid buffer"
 The string indicating that buffer passed is invalid.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_CLASS   0x100
 The class Identifier passed is invalid.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_DEPTH   0x104
 The depth specified in the MOID or Object Handle is invalid.
 An invalid handle is supplied to the function.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_MSP_ID   0x102
 The invalid MSP ID is supplied.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_OH_MASK   0x11b
 The Object Handle (OH) mask provided is invalid.
 The invalid parameter supplied to the function.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_STR   "Invalid parameter passed"
 The string indicating that invalid parameter has been provided.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_SIZE   0x121
 The size specified for the attribute is invalid.
#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_STATE   0x101
 The processing has reached an invalid state.
#define CL_COR_ERR_MAX_DEPTH   0x103
 The respective append functions cannot add any more nodes to the MOID or MO class path.
 There is no memory in the system.
#define CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEM_STR   "Out of memory!"
 The string indicating that memory has been exhausted.
 There is no resource remaining in the system.
 The entry being searched does not exist in COR.
#define CL_COR_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED   0x11a
 An unsupported state has reached while processing the request.
 The null pointer has been encountered while processing.
#define CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTR_STR   "NULL value passed"
 The string indicating that pointer passed is NULL.
 The set operation is done on a containment attribute.
 The attribute being set does not exist in the object.
#define CL_COR_ERR_OBJ_NOT_PRESENT   0x120
 The managed object does not exist in the COR.
#define CL_COR_ERR_OBJECT_ACTIVE   0x113
 The object being enabled is already active.
 The object on which operation is requested is invalid.
#define CL_COR_ERR_OBJECT_LOCKED   0x10a
 The object is locked so no more operation can be done till it is unlocked.
 An OI is already registered as a primary OI for the Managed object.
 The OI is not registered when doing get of the primary OI.
 The attribute data type is invalid.
 The specified OI does not exist in the route list.
#define CL_COR_ERR_ROUTE_PRESENT   0x114
 The error shows that OI is already present in the route list.
 The attribute flag of a runtime attribute is marked as writable.
 A set operation is performed on a runtime cached attribute by a non-primary OI.
 Macro to contruct the error string macros.
#define CL_COR_ERR_STR_INVALID_DEPTH   "Invalid depth"
 The string indicating that invalid depth has been provided.
#define CL_COR_ERR_STR_MAX_DEPTH   "Max depth already used!"
 The string indicating that invalid depth has been specified.
#define CL_COR_ERR_STR_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL   "Memory allocation failed!"
 The string indicating that memory allocation has failed.
 The COR server has not responded within the specified timeout.
 The resource is unavilable for time being so COR server has send a try again in the response.
 The disable request for an invalid COR instance has arrived.
 The version specified by the client is not supported at server.
 The bundle is applied without adding any jobs to it.
 The object node cannot be chopped as there is a child node(s) existing.
 The invalid MOID is supplied to the function.
 The request for the object instance creation has exceeded the maximum instance limit specified while modeling.
 The Managed object is already present in the object tree.
#define CL_COR_INST_ERR_MO_ALREADY_PRESENT_STR   "MO Object already present"
 The string indicating that the MO is already present in the object tree.
 The Managed service object for a Managed object is already present in the object tree.
#define CL_COR_INST_ERR_MSO_EXIST   0x149
 The object node cannot be delete as there are MSO node(s) existing.
 The Managed service object for a MO doesn't exist in the object tree.
 The object instance node is already present in the object tree.
 The Mananged object node does not exist in the object tree.
#define CL_COR_INST_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUND_STR   "Unknown Instance node referred"
 The string indicating that the node referenced is not present.
 A failure has occured while packing the instance tree.
 An error occurred while looking for the parent in the object tree.
 An error occured while upacking the object tree.
 Wild Card Instance Id.
 The COR-List is not initialized.
 The object flag type supplied is invalid.
 Invalid Attribute Id.
 Invalid Attribute Index.
 Maximum size of Name for Class, Attributes.
 The MO tree node cannot be deleted as the child node(s) exists.
 The MO class tree do not have a node corresponding to the class identifier specified.
 The error occured while adding the node to the MO class tree.
 The failure occured while deleting the MO-class tree node.
 The error specifies that a failure occured while getting the user buffer from the MO class tree.
#define CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_MAX_INST   0x136
 The maximum instance for the MO class tree has reached.
 The class node already exist in the MO class tree.
#define CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_NODE_FOUND_STR   "Node already found"
 The string to indicate that node is already present in the object or MO class tree.
 The MO class tree node not found for a given MO class path.
#define CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUND_STR   "Unknown node referenced"
 The string indicating that node is not present in the object or the MO class tree.
#define CL_COR_NO_SAVE   0
 Persistency related Macros.
 The service Id of the MOID is specified as wild card while doing event subscription.
 The invalid operation type is specified.
 End Marker for a OH Mask.
 Simple transaction with only one job.
 The Object flag specified is invalid.
#define CL_COR_SVC_ERR_INVALID_ID   0x171
 The service Id for the MSO specified in the MOID is invalid.
 An error has occured while getting the transaction failed-jobs for a given cor-transaction session identifier.
 There are no transaction failed-jobs existing for the given cor-transaction session identifier.
#define CL_COR_TXN_ERR_FIRST_JOB   0x155
 The failure occured to get the previous job when there is only one job in the transacation.
#define CL_COR_TXN_ERR_INVALID_ID   0x151
 The transaction id is invalid.
 The job-Identifier specified is invalid.
#define CL_COR_TXN_ERR_INVALID_OP   0x154
 The Invalid operation type has been supplied.
 This error will occur when both set and delete operation are done on same Managed Object in one transaction.
 The transaction job walk is terminated.
#define CL_COR_TXN_ERR_LAST_JOB   0x156
 The get-next is done after reaching the last job in the job-list.
#define CL_COR_TXN_ERR_OUT_OF_TXN   0x150
 The transaction is completed for this trasaction id.
 The transaction spans mutlitple object.
#define CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBS   0x157
 There are no jobs in the transaction being started.
 Invalid attribute.
 The end tag is encountered while upacking the object or MO-class tree.
 The COR server could not find a specified entry in the object tree or the class tree.
 The invalid node is referred by giving a MO-class path.
 The string indicating that node referred using the MO class path is invalid.
 The tags supplied while packing MO-class tree or object tree at the active COR are not found proper after unpacking at the standby COR.
 The member does not exist in the list.
 The failure occured in comparing two MO-Class paths.
#define CL_COR_VERSION_NO   0x0100
 Currently not supported.
#define CL_COR_VERSION_NO   0x0100
 Currently not supported.
 CookieId of COR client for transaction forwarding.


typedef ClCorAddrTClCorAddrPtrT
 A pointer to the IOC physical address structure.
typedef ClIocPhysicalAddressT ClCorAddrT
 This type definition contains the IOC physical address and the port address of the component that registers itself as an OI for a MO.
typedef ClUint32T ClCorAttrFlagT
 Typedef for storing the attribute flags.
typedef ClCorAttributeValueListTClCorAttributeValueListPtrT
 Pointer type for ClCorAttributeValueListT.
typedef struct
 Type definition for ClCorAttributeValueList.
typedef ClCorAttributeValueTClCorAttributeValuePtrT
 Pointer type for ClCorAttributeValueT.
typedef struct ClCorAttributeValue ClCorAttributeValueT
 Type definition for ClCorAttributeValue.
typedef ClCorAttrIdIdxPairTClCorAttrIdIdxPairPtr
 Pointer type definition for ClCorAttrIdIdxPairT.
typedef struct ClCorAttrIdIdxPair ClCorAttrIdIdxPairT
 Type definition for ClCorAttrIdIdxPair.
typedef ClInt32T ClCorAttrIdT
 The type of an identifier for a COR attribute.
typedef ClCorAttrListTClCorAttrListPtrT
 Pointer type to ClCorAttrListT.
typedef struct ClCorAttrList ClCorAttrListT
 Type to store the list of attributes.
typedef ClCorAttrPathTClCorAttrPathPtrT
 The pointer to ClCorAttrPathT.
typedef struct ClCorAttrPath ClCorAttrPathT
 Type definition for ClCorAttrPath.
typedef enum ClCorAttrType ClCorAttrTypeT
 The values of this enumeration type refer to the COR attribute types.
 Pointer type to ClCorAttrValueDescriptorListT.
typedef struct
 Type definition for ClCorAttrValueDescriptorList.
typedef ClCorAttrValueDescriptorTClCorAttrValueDescriptorPtrT
 Pointer type for ClCorAttrValueDescriptorT.
typedef struct
 Type definition for ClCorAttrValueDescriptor.
typedef struct ClCorAttrValues ClCorAttrValuesT
 Type definition for ClCorAttrValues.
typedef ClRcT(* ClCorBundleCallbackPtrT )(ClCorBundleHandleT bundleHandle, ClPtrT userArg)
 The callback function for the asynchronous bunlde.
typedef ClHandleT ClCorBundleHandleT
 Type definition of the bundle handle.
typedef enum
 Type of the bundle operation.
typedef ClRcT(* ClCorClassAttrWalkFunc )(ClCorClassTypeT clsId, ClCorAttrDefT *attrDef, ClPtrT cookie)
 Attribute Walk function prototype.
typedef ClInt32T ClCorClassTypeT
 The type of an identifier for the COR class.
typedef enum ClCorClsCfgType ClCorClsCfgTypeT
 Class specification.
typedef ClCorCommInfoT * ClCorCommInfoPtrT
 The type of the pointer for COR communication configuration.
typedef struct ClCorComponentConfig ClCorComponentConfigT
 Configuration related to COR transaction.
typedef ClInt32T ClCorInstanceIdT
 The type of an identifier for a COR instance.
typedef ClUint32T ClCorJobStatusT
 Status of each failed job.
typedef ClCorMOHandleTClCorMOHandlePtrT
 Pointer type definition for ClCorMOHandleT.
typedef struct ClCorMOHandle ClCorMOHandleT
 Type definition for ClCorMOHandle.
typedef ClCorMOIdListTClCorMOIdListPtrT
 Pointer type to ClCorMOIdListT.
typedef struct ClCorMOIdList ClCorMOIdListT
 Type to store the list of MoIds.
typedef ClCorMOIdTClCorMOIdPtrT
 A pointer type to ClCorMOIdT.
typedef struct ClCorMOId ClCorMOIdT
 Type definition for ClCorMOId.
typedef ClInt16T ClCorMOServiceIdT
 This type is part of the ClCorMOIdT type to access a MO or MSO.
typedef ClHandleT ClCorNotifyHandleT
 COR notify handle, return by subscribe, used for unsubscribing.
typedef struct
 Typedef for ClCorObjAttrWalkFilter.
typedef ClRcT(* ClCorObjAttrWalkFuncT )(ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, ClCorAttrIdT attrId, ClCorAttrTypeT attrType, ClCorTypeT attrDataType, void *value, ClUint32T size, ClCorAttrFlagT attrData, void *cookie)
 The type of the callback API that is invoked for every attribute within a COR object, during the walk operation.
typedef ClPtrT ClCorObjectHandleT
 The structure ClCorObjectHandle is the handle to MO.
typedef ClRcT(* ClCorObjectWalkFunT )(void *data, void *cookie)
 Type of callback function used for Object Walk.
typedef ClRcT(* ClCorTxnFuncT )(ClCorTxnIdT trans, ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, void *cookie)
 Type of the callback function which will be called while doing transaction job walk.
typedef ClPtrT ClCorTxnIdT
 The type of the COR transaction ID used to identify a transaction session.
typedef ClCorTxnInfoTClCorTxnInfoPtrT
 Pointer type definition for ClCorTxnInfoT.
typedef struct ClCorTxnInfo ClCorTxnInfoT
 Type definition for ClCorTxnInfo.
typedef ClUint32T ClCorTxnJobIdT
 The type of COR transaction Job Id, used to identify a job uniquely within a transaction.
typedef enum ClCorTxnJobStatus ClCorTxnJobStatusT
 To set the status of a job given in the transaction.
typedef ClPtrT ClCorTxnSessionIdT
 The type of the handle of a COR transaction session.
typedef enum ClCorType ClCorTypeT
 The ClCorType enumeration contains the basic COR data types.
typedef ClRcT(* clCorXdrMarshallFP )(void *pGenVar, ClBufferHandleT msg, ClUint32T isDelete)
 IDL Marshall Function Prototype.
typedef ClRcT(* clCorXdrUnmarshallFP )(ClBufferHandleT msg, void *pGenVar)
 IDL UnMarshall Function Prototype.


enum  ClCorAttrCmpFlagT {
 The enumeration ClCorAttrCmpFlagT contains the comparison flags used to compare the attribute values with a specified value. More...
enum  ClCorAttrType { ,
 The values of this enumeration type refer to the COR attribute types. More...
enum  ClCorAttrWalkOpT {
 The enumeration ClCorAttrWalkOpT contains the various options for walk operation on the attributes. More...
enum  ClCorBundleOperationType {
 Type of the bundle operation. More...
enum  ClCorClsCfgType
 Class specification.
enum  ClCorMoIdClassGetFlagsT {
 The values of the ClCorMoIdClassGetFlagsT enumeration type will be used in the clCorMoIdToClassGet() API. More...
enum  ClCorMoPathQualifierT {
 This enumeration is also part of the ClCorMOIdT structure. More...
enum  ClCorObjFlagsT {
 MO and MSO related flags Following flags are used to specify: More...
enum  ClCorObjLockFlagsT
 Lock related definitions.
enum  ClCorObjTypesT {
 This type used to know the type of object the object-handle contains. More...
enum  ClCorObjWalkFlagsT {
 This enumeration type contains the walk related definitions. More...
enum  ClCorOpsT { ,
  CL_COR_OP_SET = 0x2,
  CL_COR_OP_GET = 0x8,
 The values of the ClCorOpsT enumeration type contain the Operation IDs. More...
enum  ClCorPersDataTypeT {
 Pre-provisioning related structures. More...
enum  ClCorServiceIdT { ,
 The members of this enumeration type contains the service ID for all MSPs. More...
enum  ClCorTxnJobStatus
 To set the status of a job given in the transaction.
enum  ClCorType { ,
 The ClCorType enumeration contains the basic COR data types. More...


ClRcT clCorAttrPathAlloc (CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT *pAttrPath)
 Creates an attribute path.
ClRcT clCorAttrPathAppend (CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, CL_IN ClCorClassTypeT attrId, CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT index)
 Adds an entry to the attribute path.
ClRcT clCorAttrPathClone (ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, ClCorAttrPathPtrT *newH)
 Clones a particular ClCorAttrPath.
ClInt32T clCorAttrPathCompare (CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT cmp)
 Compares two ClCorAttrPath.
ClInt16T clCorAttrPathDepthGet (CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath)
 Returns the COR attribute path node depth.
ClRcT clCorAttrPathFree (CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath)
 Deletes the COR attribute path handle.
ClUint32T clCorAttrPathIndexGet (CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath)
 Returns the index of COR attribute path.
ClRcT clCorAttrPathIndexSet (CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, CL_IN ClUint16T ndepth, CL_IN ClUint32T newIndex)
 Sets the index of COR attribute path.
ClRcT clCorAttrPathInitialize (CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath)
 Initializes the attribute path.
ClRcT clCorAttrPathSet (CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, CL_IN ClUint16T level, CL_IN ClCorAttrIdT attrId, CL_IN ClUint32T index)
 Sets the attribute ID for a given node.
void clCorAttrPathShow (CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath)
 Displays the COR attribute path in debug mode only.
ClCorAttrIdT clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet (CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath)
 Returns the attribute ID.
ClRcT clCorAttrPathTruncate (CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, CL_IN ClInt16T level)
 Removes node after specified level.
ClRcT clCorBundleApply (CL_IN ClCorBundleHandleT bundleHandle)
 Submits a bundle to the COR server for execution.
ClRcT clCorBundleApplyAsync (CL_IN ClCorBundleHandleT bundleHandle, CL_IN ClCorBundleCallbackPtrT funcPtr, CL_IN ClPtrT userArg)
 Function to apply the bundle asynchronously.
ClRcT clCorBundleFinalize (ClCorBundleHandleT bundleHandle)
 Finalizes the bundle.
ClRcT clCorBundleInitialize (CL_OUT ClCorBundleHandlePtrT pBundleHandle, CL_IN ClCorBundleConfigPtrT pBundleConfig)
 Creates a bundle and returns a unique handle identifying the bundle.
ClRcT clCorBundleObjectGet (CL_IN ClCorBundleHandleT bundleHandle, CL_IN const ClCorObjectHandleT *pObjectHandle, CL_INOUT ClCorAttrValueDescriptorListPtrT pAttrList)
 Populates a bundle with read-jobs.
ClRcT clCorEventHandleToCorTxnIdGet (ClEventHandleT evtH, ClSizeT size, ClCorTxnIdT *corTxnId)
ClRcT clCorEventSubscribe (ClEventChannelHandleT channelHandle, ClCorMOIdPtrT changedObj, ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath, ClCorAttrListPtrT attrList, ClCorOpsT flags, void *cookie, ClEventSubscriptionIdT subscriptionId)
 Subscribes for notifications when a change occurs in an attribute.
ClRcT clCorEventUnsubscribe (ClEventChannelHandleT channelHandle, ClEventSubscriptionIdT subscriptionId)
 Unsubscribes for attribute change notification.
ClRcT clCorLogicalSlotToMoIdGet (ClUint32T logicalSlot, ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Returns MOId given the Logical Slot.
ClRcT clCorMoIdAlloc (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT *pMoId)
 Creates an MoId.
ClRcT clCorMoIdAppend (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClCorClassTypeT type, CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT instance)
 Adds an entry to the MoId.
ClRcT clCorMoIdClone (ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, ClCorMOIdPtrT *newH)
 Clones a particular MOId.
int clCorMoIdCompare (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT cmp)
 Compares two MoIds and verifies if they are equal.
ClRcT clCorMoIdConcatenate (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT part1, CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT part2, CL_IN ClInt32T copyWhere)
 Concatenates a MoId to another MoId.
ClInt16T clCorMoIdDepthGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Returns node depth of the COR MoId.
ClRcT clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Returns the first child.
ClRcT clCorMoIdFree (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Deletes the ClCorMOId handle.
ClRcT clCorMoIdInitialize (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Initializes a MOID or resets the content of an existing MOID.
ClRcT clCorMoIdInstanceSet (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClUint16T ndepth, CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT newInstance)
 Sets the instance of the MoId.
ClRcT clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet (CL_IN ClNameT *moIdName, CL_OUT ClCorMOIdT *moId)
 Retrieves moId in ClCorMOIdT format, when moId is provided in ClNameT format.
ClRcT clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Returns the next sibling.
ClCorMOServiceIdT clCorMoIdServiceGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Returns the service ID.
ClRcT clCorMoIdServiceSet (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClCorMOServiceIdT svc)
 Sets the service ID.
ClRcT clCorMoIdSet (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClUint16T level, CL_IN ClCorClassTypeT type, CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT instance)
 Sets the class type and instanceId at a given node or level.
void clCorMoIdShow (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Displays the ClCorMOId handle.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToClassGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClCorMoIdClassGetFlagsT flag, CL_OUT ClCorClassTypeT *pClassId)
 Returns the class type.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToComponentAddressGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT moh, CL_OUT ClCorAddrT *addr)
 – IPI's for Route List manipulation –
ClCorInstanceIdT clCorMoIdToInstanceGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Returns the instance.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToLogicalSlotGet (ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, ClUint32T *logicalSlot)
 Returns the logical slot.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT moIdh, CL_OUT ClCorMOClassPathPtrT corIdh)
 Derives the COR path from given a MoId.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdT *moId, CL_OUT ClNameT *moIdName)
 Retrieves MoId in ClNameT format, when MoId is provided in ClCorMOIdT format.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToNodeNameGet (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_OUT ClNameT *nodeName)
 This function can be used to get node name corresponding to a moId which is specified in the ASP configuration file.
ClRcT clCorMoIdTruncate (CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClInt16T level)
 Removes the node after specified level.
ClRcT clCorMoIdValidate (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Validates MoId in the input argument.
ClRcT clCorNodeNameToMoIdGet (CL_IN ClNameT nodeName, CL_OUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 This function can be used to give the MoId corresponding to the node name supplied.
ClRcT clCorObjectAttributeGet (CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT pHandle, CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT contAttrPath, CL_IN ClCorAttrIdT attrId, CL_IN ClInt32T index, CL_OUT void *value, CL_INOUT ClUint32T *size)
 Retrieves the value of an attribute belonging to an object.
ClRcT clCorObjectAttributeSet (CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT *txnSessionId, CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT pHandle, CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT contAttrPath, CL_IN ClCorAttrIdT attrId, CL_IN ClUint32T index, CL_IN void *value, CL_IN ClUint32T size)
 Sets the attribute of a COR object.
ClRcT clCorObjectAttributeWalk (CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT objH, CL_IN ClCorObjAttrWalkFilterT *pFilter, CL_IN ClCorObjAttrWalkFuncT fp, CL_IN void *cookie)
 Walk is performed on the attributes of the object.
ClRcT clCorObjectCreate (CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT *txnSessionId, CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT moId, CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT *handle)
 Creates a COR object.
ClRcT clCorObjectCreateAndSet (CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT *tid, CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN ClCorAttributeValueListPtrT attrList, CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT *pHandle)
 Creates and sets a COR object.
ClRcT clCorObjectDelete (CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT *txnSessionId, CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT handle)
 Deletes a COR object.
ClRcT clCorObjectHandleGet (ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, ClCorObjectHandleT *objHandle)
 Retrieves the compressed MO handle corresponding to MOID.
ClRcT clCorObjectHandleToMoIdGet (CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT objHandle, CL_OUT ClCorMOIdPtrT moId, CL_OUT ClCorServiceIdT *srvcId)
 Returns the MOID corresponding to compressed MO handle.
ClRcT clCorObjectHandleToTypeGet (CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT pHandle, CL_OUT ClCorObjTypesT *type)
 Returns the type of an object when its object handle is provided.
ClRcT clCorObjectWalk (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT moIdRoot, CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT moIdFilter, CL_IN ClCorObjectWalkFunT fp, CL_IN ClCorObjWalkFlagsT flags, CL_IN void *cookie)
 Walks through the object tree.
ClRcT clCorOIRegister (CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT pCompAaddr)
 A component can register itself as an OI through this API.
ClRcT clCorOIUnregister (CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT pCompAddr)
 De-register the component acting as the OI.
ClRcT clCorPrimaryOIClear (CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT pCompAddr)
 De-register the component that is acting as the primary OI.
ClRcT clCorPrimaryOIGet (CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_OUT ClCorAddrPtrT pCompAddr)
 Obtains the primary OI for a given MO.
ClRcT clCorPrimaryOISet (CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT pCompAddr)
 Sets a component as the primary OI.
ClRcT clCorServiceIdValidate (CL_IN ClCorServiceIdT srvcId)
 Validates serviceId in the input argument.
ClRcT clCorServiceRuleAdd (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT moh, CL_IN ClCorAddrT addr)
 Adds a new route rule entry.
ClRcT clCorServiceRuleDelete (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT moh, CL_IN ClCorAddrT addr)
 Delete the station from the route list.
ClRcT clCorTxnFailedJobGet (ClCorTxnSessionIdT txnSessionId, ClCorTxnInfoT *pPrevTxnInfo, ClCorTxnInfoT *pNextTxnInfo)
 Retrieves the information about the failed transaction job for a pariticular transaction Id.
ClRcT clCorTxnFirstJobGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT *pJobId)
 Get the first job.
ClRcT clCorTxnIdTxnFree (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT corTxnId)
 Frees the data for the transactionID .
ClRcT clCorTxnJobAttributeTypeGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, CL_OUT ClCorAttrTypeT *pAttrType, CL_OUT ClCorTypeT *pAttrDataType)
 Get the attribute type information.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobAttrPathGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, CL_OUT ClCorAttrPathT **pAttrPath)
 Retrieves the attrpath from the transaction.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobDefnHandleUpdate (CL_OUT ClTxnJobDefnHandleT jobDefnHandle, CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT corTxnId)
 This function is used to pack the transaction information and update it in the given job definition handle.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobHandleToCorTxnIdGet (CL_IN ClTxnJobDefnHandleT jobDefn, CL_IN ClSizeT size, CL_OUT ClCorTxnIdT *pTxnId)
 Get thetransactionID from thetransactionJob handle.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobMoIdGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_OUT ClCorMOIdT *pMOId)
 Get the MoId From the transaction.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobObjectHandleGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT *pObjHandle)
 Get the Object handle from the transaction.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobOperationGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, CL_OUT ClCorOpsT *op)
 Get the operation type.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, CL_OUT ClCorAttrIdT *pAttrId, CL_OUT ClInt32T *pIndex, CL_OUT void **pValue, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pSize)
 Get all the information necessary for setting the attribute.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobStatusGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, CL_OUT ClUint32T *jobStatus)
 Get the status of a particular job.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobStatusSet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, CL_IN ClUint32T jobStatus)
 Set the status of a particular job.
ClRcT clCorTxnJobWalk (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT pThis, CL_IN ClCorTxnFuncT funcPtr, CL_IN void *cookie)
 Walk through the transaction Jobs.
ClRcT clCorTxnLastJobGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT *pJobId)
 Get the last job in the transaction.
ClRcT clCorTxnNextJobGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT currentJobHdl, CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT *pNextJobHdl)
 Get the next job in the transaction.
ClRcT clCorTxnPreviousJobGet (CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT txnId, CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT currentJobId, CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT *pPrevJobId)
 Get the previous job in the transaction.
ClRcT clCorTxnSessionCancel (CL_IN ClCorTxnSessionIdT txnSessionId) CL_DEPRECATED
 Cancels a transaction session.
ClRcT clCorTxnSessionCommit (CL_IN ClCorTxnSessionIdT txnSessionId)
 Commits an active transaction session.
ClRcT clCorTxnSessionFinalize (CL_IN ClCorTxnSessionIdT txnSessionId)
 Finalizes a COR transaction session.
ClRcT clCorUtilMoAndMSOCreate (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT *pHandle)
 Creates MO and MSO objects.
ClRcT clCorUtilMoAndMSODelete (CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)
 Deletes MO and MSO objects.
ClRcT clCorVersionCheck (CL_INOUT ClVersionT *version)
 Verifies the version supported by COR.

Detailed Description

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CL_COR_ATTR_CONFIG   0x01000000

Macros for defining the attribute flags.

It should be ORed value of some of of these flags. Attribute type is config (Stored in database).


The bundle type (ClCorBundleConfigT) is supplied wrongly to the bundle initialize.

For this release it should be only CL_COR_BUNDLE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL.


The index specified for the attribute is invalid.

This can be an index for an array attribute which is out of range of the array length or for a simple attribute it is not specified as CL_COR_INVALID_ATTR_IDX.

#define CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_SIZE   0x121

The size specified for the attribute is invalid.

This can happen in the the case of set or get operation on the Managed object attribute.


The OI is not registered when doing get of the primary OI.

It also indicate that a primary OI flag is being set for OI without adding it to the route list.


The invalid MOID is supplied to the function.

This can be either due to an invalid class identifier or invalid instance identifier for a class.


The invalid operation type is specified.

The operation type should be one of values specified in ClCorOpsT.

#define CL_COR_SVC_ERR_INVALID_ID   0x171

The service Id for the MSO specified in the MOID is invalid.

This should be one of the value defined in ClCorServiceIdT.

#define CL_COR_TXN_ERR_INVALID_OP   0x154

The Invalid operation type has been supplied.

The operation type should be one of value present in the enum ClCorOpsT.


The transaction job walk is terminated.

This can be used to break the transaction job walk at any desired point.


The transaction spans mutlitple object.

This is an obselete error code.

#define CL_COR_VERSION_NO   0x0100

Currently not supported.

Will be included future releases.

#define CL_COR_VERSION_NO   0x0100

Currently not supported.

Will be included future releases.

Typedef Documentation

A pointer to the IOC physical address structure.

This is populated with the IOC physical address of the component that acts as an Object Implementor (OI) for a Managed Object (MO). It is passed as a parameter to the OI registration API.

typedef ClRcT(* ClCorBundleCallbackPtrT)(ClCorBundleHandleT bundleHandle, ClPtrT userArg)

The callback function for the asynchronous bunlde.

Header File:
bundleHandle(in) The bundle handle obtained after doing clCorBundleInitialize().
userArg(in) Pointer to the user data or cookie passed while initializing the bundle.
Return values
CL_OKThe callback function completed successfully.
This callback function would be called after getting the response of the bundle which was started asynchronously. The user buffer for all the get operations will be populated before this function is called. So inside this function, the user can access the user buffer only if the status of job for that get operation is CL_OK.
Library File:
See Also
clCorBundleInitialize(), clCorBundleFinalize().
typedef ClInt16T ClCorMOServiceIdT

This type is part of the ClCorMOIdT type to access a MO or MSO.

This stores the service ID of the MO/MSO whose value is equal to any of the values in the enumeration type ClCorServiceIdT. For PROV MSO, the value of the service ID is CL_COR_SVC_ID_PROVISIONING_MANAGEMENT.

typedef ClRcT(* ClCorObjAttrWalkFuncT)(ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath,ClCorAttrIdT attrId,ClCorAttrTypeT attrType,ClCorTypeT attrDataType,void *value,ClUint32T size,ClCorAttrFlagT attrData,void *cookie)

The type of the callback API that is invoked for every attribute within a COR object, during the walk operation.

pAttrPath(out) Path of contained object whose attribute is being walked. This must be NULL for base object attributes.
attrId(out) Attribute ID.
attrType(out) Attribute type. It can take one of the following values:
attrDataType(out) Data type of the attribute. This is valid for SIMPLE and ARRAY attributes only. For ASSOCIATION attributes, attrDataType is CL_COR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE.
value(out) Pointer to the value of the attribute.
size(out) Size of the value.
attrData(out) Pointer to the attribute data, ClCorAttrFlagT which contains the flags set for the attribute.
cookie(out) The user data (or cookie) that is passed as a parameter to the clCorObjectAttributeWalk() API.
This function type is used to define the callback functions which will be passed as the parameter to clCorObjectAttributeWalk() API. This function will be called for each of the attribute walked in that MO.
See Also
typedef ClPtrT ClCorObjectHandleT

The structure ClCorObjectHandle is the handle to MO.

This handle is a compressed version of the clCoirMOIdT and identifies the hierarchy in the object tree. objhandle hierarchy is compressed and indicates the indexes. objTree handle represents the tree. The COR server returns this handle to the client after the object is created. The type for the Object Handle.

typedef ClRcT(* ClCorObjectWalkFunT)(void *data, void *cookie)

Type of callback function used for Object Walk.

data(out) Handle of the MO object being walked.
cookie(out) User passed data.
Return values
ClRcTUser passed return value.
This typedef is the prototype for the COR Object Walk callback function that must be provided as a parameter to the clCorObjectWalk() API. The callback API is defined by the application and is called for each object.
See Also
typedef ClRcT(* ClCorTxnFuncT)(ClCorTxnIdT trans, ClCorTxnJobIdT jobId, void *cookie)

Type of the callback function which will be called while doing transaction job walk.

Header File:
trans(in) Transaction Id being walked
jobId(in) Job Id in the transaction.
cookie(in) User passed data.
Return values
ClRcTUser passed return value.
This type is used to define the callback function which is used in transaction job walk. This callback function is passed as an argument to the transaction job walk function clCorTxnJobWalk(). This callback function will be called for every job found in the transaction. The parameter cookie contains the user-data passed when the walk function is called. The parameters txnId contains the ID of the Transaction and jobId contains the ID of the job being walked.
Library Name:
typedef ClPtrT ClCorTxnSessionIdT

The type of the handle of a COR transaction session.

It is used by APIs that manipulate the COR object such as:

  • Creating objects
  • Setting attributes
  • Deleting objects

Enumeration Type Documentation

The enumeration ClCorAttrCmpFlagT contains the comparison flags used to compare the attribute values with a specified value.

It is used to filter the attributes of the MO while performing the walk operation.


The comparison flag is invalid.

This should be used if filter need not do any attribute based comparison.


Only the MO with attribute value equal to the value specified is(are) returned.


All the MO whose attribute value of the attribute is greater than than the value specified are returned.


All the MO whose attribute value of the attribute is greater and equal to the value specified are returned.


All the MOs whose attribute value of the attribute is less than the value specified are returned.


All the MOs whose attribute value of the attribute is less than and equal to the value specified are returned.


Maximum value of the attribute flag.

This is just an end indicator of the attribute flag enum.

The values of this enumeration type refer to the COR attribute types.


Simple data type.


Array data type.


Containment type.


Association type.


Virtual type.

This type is currently not supported.

The enumeration ClCorAttrWalkOpT contains the various options for walk operation on the attributes.

If CL_COR_ATTR_WALK_ONLY_MATCHED_ATTR is specified, the walk is performed only on the matching attributes in MO. If CL_COR_ATTR_WALK_ALL_ATTR is specified, the walk is performed on all the attributes in MO.


This should be given when the attribute walk option is not required.


The flag which indicate COR to return all the attributes of the MO matching the filter.


The flag which specifies COR to return only the attributes matching the search criteria.


This is just an enum delimiter.

Type of the bundle operation.


Bundle type is transactional- for set/create/delete.


Bundle type is non-transactional.

The values of the ClCorMoIdClassGetFlagsT enumeration type will be used in the clCorMoIdToClassGet() API.

This API is used to request the class ID of the MO or MSO.


If the MO class of the MOID is needed.


If the MSO class of the MOID is needed.

This enumeration is also part of the ClCorMOIdT structure.

The values of the enumeration indicates the type of the MOID required while working with the MOId.

  • If the flag is CL_COR_MO_PATH_ABSOLUTE, the MOId is absolute and the first class ID in the MOId is taken as the root.
  • If the flag is CL_COR_MO_PATH_RELATIVE, the first class ID in the MOId is considered as the current location. The current implementation supports the CL_COR_MO_PATH_ABSOLUTE flag only.

Signifies that the path is absolute, equivalent to Unix '/'.


Signifies that the path is relative.


Signifies that the path is relative to blade position in the COR hierarchy.

equivalent to unix '~'.

MO and MSO related flags Following flags are used to specify:

  • Where to cache the MOs and the MSOs.
  • whether the MOs MSOs should be made persistent.
  • Whether a change in the MOs and MSO should generate a notification.

These flags are used in clCorObjectFlagsSet() and clCorObjectFlagsGet() APIs and can be applied to multiple MOs and MSOs by constructing an appropriate wildcard filled moId.

CACHE related flags, These CANNOT be OR'ed together. These determine where the physical copy of the object exists.

All objects are accessible from any location where a COR instance is running. CACHE flags inform the COR where the physical copy of the object is maintained.

Object copy exists only on the blade.


Object copy exists only on the MASTER.


Object copy exists on MASTER (e.g., SD) and on the blade to which it belongs.


Object copy exists on every active COR.


This flag can be made optional with one cached flag.


This flag can be made optional with one cached flag.


This flag can be made optional with one cached flag.


This flag can be made optional with one cached flags.

This type used to know the type of object the object-handle contains.

This is used in the API clCorObjectHandleToTypeGet() which will return the type of object (MO or MSO) the object-handle points to. The values of this enumeration type is used to obtain the type of the COR object. This is used by clCorObjectHandleToTypeGet() API which takes the object handle as the IN parameter and returns the type of the object as the OUT parameter.


The object type is simple.

This is not supported in the API.


To get the MO object given the object handle.


To get the MSO object given the object handle.

This enumeration type contains the walk related definitions.

It is used to perform a walk operation on a MO tree. The following values are only currently supported.

  • CL_COR_MO_WALK - The walk is performed through the object tree and returns the MOs below the root MoId that satisfies the filter criteria.
  • CL_COR_MSO_WALK - Returns the object handle of all the MSO objects below the root MoId that satisfies the filter criteria.

Walks the MO Tree.

Not supported in this release.


The walk is performed through the object tree and returns the MOs below the root MoId that satisfies the filter criteria.


Returns the object handle of all the MSO objects below the root MOId that satisfies the filter criteria.


This is to walk the mo-subtree below a given root.

This is not supported in this release.


This is to walk the mso-subtree below a given root.

This is not supported in this release.


Walk the MO objects in the object tree upwards.

This is not supported.


Walk the MSO objects in the object tree upwards.

This is not supported.

enum ClCorOpsT

The values of the ClCorOpsT enumeration type contain the Operation IDs.

A combination of Operation IDs can be used.


Operation type is create.

This is set when the object is created.


Operation type is set.

This is set when the object attribute is updated.


Operation type is delete.

This is set when the object is delete.


Operation type is get.

This is set when the get is done on the the object.


Operation type is create and set.

This is set when create and set operation is done on the managed object.


Combination of all of operation types.

Pre-provisioning related structures.


COR classes data.


COR class relationship data.


COR objects data.

The members of this enumeration type contains the service ID for all MSPs.

  • CL_COR_SVC_ID_FAULT_MANAGEMENT - represents the OpenClovis Fault Manager.
  • CL_COR_SVC_ID_ALARM_MANAGEMENT - represents the OpenClovis Alarm Agent.
  • CL_COR_SVC_ID_PROVISIONING_MANAGEMENT - represents the OpenClovis Provisioning Manager.
  • CL_COR_SVC_ID_DUMMY_MANAGEMENT - represents the OpenClovis Dummy MSP.

OpenClovis Dummy MSP.


OpenClovis Fault Manager.


OpenClovis Alarm Agent.


OpenClovis Provisioning Manager.


End of OpenClovis Service IDs.

enum ClCorType

The ClCorType enumeration contains the basic COR data types.


Void data type.


Character data type.


Unsigned character.


Short data type.


Unsigned short.


Integer data type.


Unsigned integer data type.


Long long data type.


Unsigned long long data type.


Float data type.

This data type will be supported in future releases, if used will default to CL_COR_UINT32.

Double data type.

This data type will be supported in future releases, if used will default to CL_COR_UINT32.

Counter data type.

This data type will be supported in future releases, if used will default to CL_COR_UINT32.

Counter a 64-bits data type.

This data type will be supported in future releases, if used will default to CL_COR_UINT32.

Sequence number data type.

This data type will be supported in future releases, if used will default to CL_COR_UINT32.

Function Documentation

ClRcT clCorAttrPathAlloc ( CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT pAttrPath)

Creates an attribute path.

Header File:
pAttrPath(out) Handle of the new attribute path.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
This function is used as a constructor for ClCorAttrPath as it creates an attribute path. It initializes the memory and returns an empty COR path.
By default, the value for both index field and the attribute ID is -1. The default depth for the attribute path is
  1. This value is incremented dynamically whenever a new entry is added.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClRcT clCorAttrPathAppend ( CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath,
CL_IN ClCorClassTypeT  attrId,
CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT  index 

Adds an entry to the attribute path.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the COR attribute path.
attrIdID of the attribute.
indexIndex of the attribute.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_MAX_DEPTHIf depth exceeded the maximum limit.
This function is used to add an entry to the attribute path. You must explicitly specify the attrId and the index for the entry.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClRcT clCorAttrPathClone ( ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath,
ClCorAttrPathPtrT newH 

Clones a particular ClCorAttrPath.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the COR attribute path.
newH(out) Handle of the new clone.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
This function is used to clone a particular COR attribute path. It allocates and makes a copy of the contents of the given path to a new path.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare()
ClInt32T clCorAttrPathCompare ( CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath,
CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  cmp 

Compares two ClCorAttrPath.

Header File:
pAttrPathFirst handle of ClCorAttrPath.
cmpSecond handle of ClCorAttrPath.
Return values
0If both attribute paths are same, even if they have same indices, like wildcards.
-1If the attribute paths mismatch.
1If wildcards are same.
This function is used to make the comparison between two ClCorAttrPath and verify whether they are same. This comparison goes through till depth of both the paths.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClInt16T clCorAttrPathDepthGet ( CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath)

Returns the COR attribute path node depth.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the COR attribute path.
Return values:
ClInt16T, the number of elements.
This function is used to return the number of nodes in the hierarchy within the COR attribute path.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClRcT clCorAttrPathFree ( CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath)

Deletes the COR attribute path handle.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of ClCorAttrPath.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
This function is used as a destructor for ClCorAttrPath as it deletes the handle of the COR attribute path. It removes the handle and frees the memory associated with it.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClUint32T clCorAttrPathIndexGet ( CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath)

Returns the index of COR attribute path.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the COR attribute path.
Return values:
ClUint32T index of last entry in attribute path.
This function is used to retrieve the the index of COR attribute path. This instance refers to the attribute ID and its index at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClRcT clCorAttrPathIndexSet ( CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath,
CL_IN ClUint16T  ndepth,
CL_IN ClUint32T  newIndex 

Sets the index of COR attribute path.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the COR attribute path.
ndepthThe depth at which new index is to be set.
newIndexThe new index to be set.
Return values
CL_OKon success.
This function is used to set the index field within the COR attribute hierarchy.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone(),
ClRcT clCorAttrPathInitialize ( CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath)

Initializes the attribute path.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the attribute path.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
This function is used to initialize the COR attribute path. It resets the information of the path, if present, and re-initializes it as an empty path.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClRcT clCorAttrPathSet ( CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath,
CL_IN ClUint16T  level,
CL_IN ClCorAttrIdT  attrId,
CL_IN ClUint32T  index 

Sets the attribute ID for a given node.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the attribute path.
levelLevel of the node.
attrIdAttribute ID to be set.
indexIndex to be set.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_DEPTHIf the level specified is invalid.
This function is used to set the attribute ID and the index at a specified node or level.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
void clCorAttrPathShow ( CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath)

Displays the COR attribute path in debug mode only.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the COR attribute path.
Return values:
This function is used to display all the entries within the COR attribute path.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClCorAttrIdT clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet ( CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath)

Returns the attribute ID.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the COR attribute path.
Return values
ClCorAttrIdTthe attribute ID.
This function is used to return the attribute ID within the COR attribute path. It refers to the attribute ID at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathTruncate(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone(),
ClRcT clCorAttrPathTruncate ( CL_INOUT ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath,
CL_IN ClInt16T  level 

Removes node after specified level.

Header File:
pAttrPathHandle of the clCorattrPathT.
levelLevel to which ClCorAttrPathT needs to be truncated.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_DEPTHIf the level specified is invalid.
This function is used to remove all the nodes and reset the MoId until the specified level is reached.
Library File:
See Also
clCorAttrPathAlloc(), clCorAttrPathInitialize(), clCorAttrPathFree(), clCorAttrPathSet(), clCorAttrPathAppend(), clCorAttrPathDepthGet(), clCorAttrPathShow(), clCorAttrPathToAttrIdGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexGet(), clCorAttrPathIndexSet(), clCorAttrPathCompare(), clCorAttrPathClone()
ClRcT clCorBundleApply ( CL_IN ClCorBundleHandleT  bundleHandle)

Submits a bundle to the COR server for execution.

Header File:
bundleHandle(in) This parameter identifies the bundle.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully. The bundle is applied successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMThe bundle could not be applied due to insufficient memory.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRIf there is no information present for the given bundleHandle.
CL_COR_ERR_ZERO_JOBS_BUNDLEThe bundle applied don't have any being added.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEThe handle passed in invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_IN_EXECUTIONThe bundle specified by <bundlehandle> is executing at the server while the same bundle is applied again.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_APPLY_FAILUREThe bundle apply has been unsuccessful.
The API operates synchronously. This API submits the bundle to the server for execution. The application blocks till a timeout or the bundle is successfully executed. After the bundle is executed successfully, the attribute value descriptor corresponding to Read-Jobs in the bundle can be accessed. The application can then free the attribute value descriptor. The bundle cannot be applied, if this API returns any errors described in the Return values section.
Library File:
See Also
clCorBundleObjectGet, clCorBundleApplyAsync, clCorBundleFinalize.
ClRcT clCorBundleApplyAsync ( CL_IN ClCorBundleHandleT  bundleHandle,
CL_IN ClCorBundleCallbackPtrT  funcPtr,
CL_IN ClPtrT  userArg 

Function to apply the bundle asynchronously.

Header File:
bundleHandle(in) This parameter identifies the bundle.
funcPtr(in) The function pointer of type ClCorBundleCallbackPtrT which will be executed once the response for a given bundle is received.
userArg(in) The cookie or the user argument which will be passed to the callback function along with the bundle handle once the reponse for the bundle is received.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully. The bundle is applied successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMThe bundle could not be applied due to insufficient memory.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRwhen the the pointer to the callback function specified by <funcPtr>passed is NULL. Also if there is no information present for the given bundleHandle.
CL_COR_ERR_ZERO_JOBS_BUNDLEThe bundle applied don't have any being added.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEThe handle passed in invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_IN_EXECUTIONThe bundle specified by <bundlehandle> is executing at the server while the same bundle is applied again.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_APPLY_FAILUREThe bundle apply has been unsuccessfull.
This function is used to apply the bundle asynchronously. The function submits the bundle and gets unblocked. The callback function should be provided with this function which will be executed after the bundle response from the server is received.
Library File:
See Also
clCorBundleInitialize, clCorBundleApply, clCorBundleFinalize.
ClRcT clCorBundleFinalize ( ClCorBundleHandleT  bundleHandle)

Finalizes the bundle.

Header File:
bundleHandle(in/out) This parameter identifies the bundle.
Return values
CL_OKBundle is finalized successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRThe information corresponding to the bundleHandle is missing.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_IN_EXECUTIONThe bundle corresponding to the bundleHandle is in progress.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_FINALIZEFailure while finalizing the bundle.
This API finalizes the bundle and frees all the resources associated with the bundle. The bundleHandle then becomes invalid after this function is called.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorBundleInitialize ( CL_OUT ClCorBundleHandlePtrT  pBundleHandle,
CL_IN ClCorBundleConfigPtrT  pBundleConfig 

Creates a bundle and returns a unique handle identifying the bundle.

Header File:
pBundleHandle(out) This parameter identifies the bundle. This function will create the bundle and fill the bundle handle in pBundleHandle.
pBundleConfig(in) The pBunldeConfig->bundleType element indicates if the bundle is a transactional bundle or a non transactional bundle.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully. The job was successfully queued in the bundle.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMBundle initialization failed due to insufficient memory.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_INIT_FAILUREGeneric bundle initialization failure.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_INVALID_CONFIGThe transactional bundle configuration is currently not supported.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpBundleHandle or pBundleConfig is NULL.
This API creates a bundle and returns a unique handle that identifies this bundle. clCorBundleObjectGet(), clCorBundleApply(), clCorBundleApplyAsync(), and clCorBundleFinalize() APIs use this handle to uniquely identify the bundle. The handle to the bundle is valid untill it is finalized. The pBundleConfig->bundleType gives the type of the bundle. In this release, only the CL_COR_BUNDLE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL is supported.
Library File:
See Also
clCorBundleApply, clCorBundleApplyAsync, clCorBundleFinalize.
ClRcT clCorBundleObjectGet ( CL_IN ClCorBundleHandleT  bundleHandle,
CL_IN const ClCorObjectHandleT pObjectHandle,
CL_INOUT ClCorAttrValueDescriptorListPtrT  pAttrList 

Populates a bundle with read-jobs.

Header File:
bundleHandle(in) This parameter identifies the bundle.
objHandle(in) This parameter contains the description of the job that needs to be operated.
pAttrDescList(in/out) This parameter describes the list of attributes on which read operation needs to be performed. ObjHandle and attrDescList together form a read-job.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully. The Job was successfully queued in the bundle.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMThis job is not added to the bundle. Bundle unsuccessful due to insufficient memory.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpAttrDescList or objHandle is NULL or the data buffer corresponding to any of the attribute is NULL. This job is not added into the bundle.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMpAttrDescList->numOfDescriptor is NULL.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEInvalid bundle handle. This job is not added to the bundle.
CL_COR_ERR_BUNDLE_IN_EXECUTIONThe bundle specified by <bundlehandle> is executing at the server while a new read-job is being added at the client side.
This API populates a bundle with read-jobs. It can be called repeatedly to queue all the required read-jobs into a bundle. The API returns after queuing the jobs in the bundle. If there is a failure encountered (as indicated by the return value of this API), the jobs are not added into the bundle. The status and the data associated with each attribute (specified in attribute value descriptor) can be accessed only when the bundle execution is completed.
Library File:
See Also
clCorBundleInitialize, clCorBundleApply, clCorBundleApplyAsync, clCorBundleFinalize.
ClRcT clCorEventHandleToCorTxnIdGet ( ClEventHandleT  evtH,
ClSizeT  size,
ClCorTxnIdT corTxnId 
Header File:
evtH(in) Handle to the event.
size(in) Size of the event data.
corTxnId(out) COR transaction Id extracted from the event.
Return values
CL_OKThe API is successfully executed.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter passed.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSNo jobs found in the transaction.
This function is used to GET the transaction ID from the event handle that is passed as a parameter to the Event Deliver Callback function. The user can subscribe for the changes on a MO using the function clCorEventSubscribe(). The Event Deliver Callback function is called when a change occurs on that MO. The transaction ID extracted from the event handle can be used to retrieve the information about the jobs in that transaction using the clCorTxnJobMoIdGet() / clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet() / clCorTxnJobOperationGet() functions
Library File:
This function allocates memory for corTxnId when it is successfully executed. You must use the function clCorTxnIdTxnFree() with corTxnId as the parameter to free this memory.
See Also
clCorEventSubscribe(), clCorTxnIdTxnFree(), clCorTxnJobMoIdGet(), clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet(), clCorTxnJobOperationGet(), clCorTxnJobWalk()
ClRcT clCorEventSubscribe ( ClEventChannelHandleT  channelHandle,
ClCorMOIdPtrT  changedObj,
ClCorAttrPathPtrT  pAttrPath,
ClCorAttrListPtrT  attrList,
ClCorOpsT  flags,
void *  cookie,
ClEventSubscriptionIdT  subscriptionId 

Subscribes for notifications when a change occurs in an attribute.

Header File:
channelHandle(in) Handle of the COR channel. You are required to allocate the memory for this parameter.
changedObj(in) This is the complete path to the object. Wildcards can be used to specify a class or subtree of objects.
pAttrPath(in) To subscribe for the attributes of the contained objects, the attrPath identifying the contained object must be specified. It must be set to NULL for the current implementation and will be supported in future releases.
attrList(in) If the subscriber is interested in receiving notifications when certain attribute(s) of an object change, the list of these attribute IDs can be specified here. If it is set to NULL, the subscriber receives notifications when a change occurs in any of the attributes of the specified MO. Following are the critical usage restrictions for this parameter:
  • This parameter is interpreted only if the parameter flags contains one or more SET operations. Refer to 3.5.5 for the possible operations types.
  • Specifying the attrList implies that you are interested in the changes on the attribute level.
  • The service ID must not contain wildcard entries.
  • The class value in changedObj (which is a MOID) must not contain wildcard entries.
  • Wildcard entries can be used to specify instance value in changedObj.
flags(in) This parameter contains the operations that the user can subscribe for. The operations are:
  • SET
cookie(in) This contains the user-data which is passed as the parameter to the notification callback function.
subscriptionId(in)You are required to provide the subscription ID. This subscription ID has to be used while unsubscribing.
Return values
CL_OKThe API is successfully executed.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRchangedObj is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_NOTIFY_ERR_INVALID_OPThe operation specified for the subscription is not valid.
CL_EVENT_ERR_BAD_HANDLEchannelhandle is zero. This error code is generated by Event Service, therefore the return value contains the Event Service Component Identifier.
This API is used to subscribe for CREATE, SET, and DELETE operations on a particular MO, specified by changedObject. When these operations are performed on the MO, the notification callback of the subscriber is invoked. The event handle is passed as the parameter to the notification callback. The clCorEventHandleToCorTxnIdGet() API can be used to retrieve the transaction-ID specific to COR. This transaction-ID can be used to obtain information about the jobs by using the clCorTxnJobMoIdGet(), clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet(), clCorTxnJobOperationGet() and clCorTxnJobWalk() APIs.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorEventUnsubscribe ( ClEventChannelHandleT  channelHandle,
ClEventSubscriptionIdT  subscriptionId 

Unsubscribes for attribute change notification.

Header File:
channelHandle(in) Channel handle obtained when the COR channel was opened by the application.
subscriptionId(in) Subscription ID obtained from COR while subscribing.
Return values
CL_OKThe API is successfully executed.
CL_EVENT_ERR_INIT_NOT_DONEEvent library is not initialized.
CL_EVENT_ERR_BAD_HANDLEThe handle is invalid.
CL_EVENT_INTERNAL_ERRORAn unexpected problem occurred with the Event Manager.
CL_EVENT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMAn invalid parameter has been passed to the function. A parameter is not set correctly.
CL_EVENT_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
Error codes listed above are generated by Event Service, therefore the return value contains the Event Service Component Identifier.
This API is used to unsubscribe from the attribute change notification. The subscription ID obtained while subscribing for the event must be used to unsubscribe the event.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorLogicalSlotToMoIdGet ( ClUint32T  logicalSlot,
ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId 

Returns MOId given the Logical Slot.

— Not Supported in this release.

Header File:
logicalSlotLogical slotId corresponding to the blade MOId.
pMoId(out) MOId of the card.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf an entry is not present for a given MOId.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing NULL pointer.
This function is used to return MOId from the logical slot. The MOId reflects the current state of card. If a card is plugged in then the exact MOId is returned.If the card is not plugged in, an MOId with a wildcard card type is returned.
See Also
ClRcT clCorMoIdAlloc ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId)

Creates an MoId.

Header File:
pMoId(out) Handle of new MOId.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
This API is used as a constructor for ClCorMOId as it creates a MoId. It initializes the memory and returns an empty ClCorMOId.
By default, the value for both instance ID and class ID is -1. This function allocates memory and initializes the MoId structure.
Library File:
The memory allocated by this function must be freed after usage, to avoid memory leaks. This memory can can be freed by calling the clCorMoIdFree API.
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdAppend ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClCorClassTypeT  type,
CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT  instance 

Adds an entry to the MoId.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Handle of the MOId
type(in) Node type.
instance(in) ID of the node instance.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_MAX_DEPTHIf depth exceeded the maximum limit.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_CLASSInvalid class to for append.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter is passed.
This API is used to add an entry to ClCorMOId containing the type and the instance. The classId and instance ID are appended at the end of the current MOID and the depth of the MOID is incremented.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdClone ( ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
ClCorMOIdPtrT newH 

Clones a particular MOId.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Handle of the MoId.
newH(out) Handle of the new clone.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
This API is used to clone a particular MOID. It allocates and copies the contents of the given MoId to a new MoId.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdCompare.
int clCorMoIdCompare ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  cmp 

Compares two MoIds and verifies if they are equal.

Header File:
pMoIdHandle of the first ClCorMOId.
cmpHandle of the second ClCorMOId.
Return values
0Both COR MOIDs match each other.
-1MOIDs do not match.
1The wildcards of MOIDs match each other.
This API is used to compare two ClCorMOId and verify if they are equal. This comparison is performed till the depth specified in the MOID is reached.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone.
ClRcT clCorMoIdConcatenate ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  part1,
CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  part2,
CL_IN ClInt32T  copyWhere 

Concatenates a MoId to another MoId.

Header File:
part1First MoId.
part2Second MoId.
copyWhereIndicates the place where the concatenated MoId has to be copied.
  • 0 : part2 is concatenated with part1 and the result is stored in part1.
  • 1 : part1 is concatenated with part2 and the result is stored in part2.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_MAX_DEPTHThe depth exceeds the maximum limit.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpart1 or part2 is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_MAX_DEPTHThe depth of (part1 + part2) exceeds the maximum depth of ClCorMOIdT.
This API is used to concatenate two MoIds.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdAppend(), clCorMoIdTruncate()
ClInt16T clCorMoIdDepthGet ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Returns node depth of the COR MoId.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Handle of the MOId.
Return values
ClInt16TThe number of elements in the MoId.
This API is used to return the number of nodes in the hierarchy within the COR MoId.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdShow clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Returns the first child.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Updated ClCorMOId is returned. Memory allocation for the MoId must be done by you.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMpMoId contains an invalid service ID.
CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDThe node is not found in the MO tree.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDThe node is not found in the object instance tree.
This function is used to retrieve the first child instance from the MoId tree. On successful execution, it updates the COR MoId.
Library File:
The last node class tag must be completed and instanceId must be left at zero which will be updated by this function.
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize(), clCorMoIdAlloc(), clCorMoIdFree(), clCorMoIdTruncate(), clCorMoIdSet(), clCorMoIdAppend(), clCorMoIdDepthGet(), clCorMoIdShow(), clCorMoIdToMoClassGet(), clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet(), clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet(), clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet(), clCorMoIdValidate(), clCorMoIdToInstanceGet(), clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet(), clCorMoIdClone(), clCorMoIdCompare()
ClRcT clCorMoIdFree ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Deletes the ClCorMOId handle.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Handle of ClCorMOId.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId is a NULL pointer.
This API is used as a destructor of ClCorMOId as it deletes the handle of MoId. It removes the handle and frees the memory associated with it. To avoid memory leaks the user must free the memory using this API whenever he allocates memory using clCorMoIdAlloc() API.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdInitialize ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Initializes a MOID or resets the content of an existing MOID.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) A pointer to an existing MoId structure.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId is a NULL pointer.
This API is used to initialize the ClCorMoId structure. It resets the path information, if present, and initializes it to make it an empty path. It can be applied on MOIDs that have not been initialized and used before, and also on MOIDs containing a path. The empty MoIds can be manipulated using clCorMoIdSet() and clCorMoIdAppend().
This API can also be called when the MoId needs to be reset and begin a fresh operation.
This function need not be called after invoking the clCorMoIdAlloc function, since the latter initializes the moId.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdInstanceSet ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClUint16T  ndepth,
CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT  newInstance 

Sets the instance of the MoId.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Handle of the MOId.
ndepth(in) Depth at which the instance is to be set.
newInstance(in) The instance of the MoId that needs to be set.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_INVALID_MOIDThe ndepth value is greater than the depth of the MOID.
This API is used to set the instance field at a specified level of MoId.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet ( CL_IN ClNameT moIdName,

Retrieves moId in ClCorMOIdT format, when moId is provided in ClNameT format.

Header File:
moIdNameMoId in String format.
moId(out) Returns the MoId. It has to be allocated by the user.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRmoIdName or moId is a NULL pointer.
This function is used to retrieve moId in ClCorMOIdT format, when moId is given in ClNameT format.
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Returns the next sibling.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Updated ClCorMOId is returned. You must allocate the memory for the MoId.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
This function is used to return the next sibling from the MOId tree.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize(), clCorMoIdAlloc(), clCorMoIdFree(), clCorMoIdTruncate(), clCorMoIdSet(), clCorMoIdAppend(), clCorMoIdDepthGet(), clCorMoIdShow(), clCorMoIdToMoClassGet(), clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet(), clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet(), clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet(), clCorMoIdValidate(), clCorMoIdToInstanceGet(), clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet(), clCorMoIdClone(), clCorMoIdCompare()
ClCorMOServiceIdT clCorMoIdServiceGet ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Returns the service ID.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Handle of the MoId.
Return values
ClCorMOServiceIdT(out) Service Id of the MoId specified.
This API is used to return the service ID associated with the COR MoId.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorMoIdServiceSet ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClCorMOServiceIdT  svc 

Sets the service ID.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Handle of the MoId.
svc(in) Service Id to be set.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_MSP_IDThe service ID is invalid.
This API is used to set the service ID for a particular COR MoId.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorMoIdSet ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClUint16T  level,
CL_IN ClCorClassTypeT  type,
CL_IN ClCorInstanceIdT  instance 

Sets the class type and instanceId at a given node or level.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Handle of MOId Path.
level(in) Level of the node
type(in) Class type to be set.
instance(in) InstanceId to be set.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_DEPTHIf the level specified is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_CLASSInvalid class type is set.
This API is used to set the class type and the instanceId properties at a given node or level. This level should be less than the current depth of the moId. This feature can be used to set the MoId for a level when it is required to operate on that part of the instance tree.
Library File:
The second parameter level should be always less than the current depth of the moId.
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
void clCorMoIdShow ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Displays the ClCorMOId handle.

Header File:
pMoIdHandle of the MOId.
Return values
This API is used to display all the entries within the COR MOID. This function displays the current active nodes (classId:instanceId format) in the MOID and its service ID.
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToClassGet ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClCorMoIdClassGetFlagsT  flag,
CL_OUT ClCorClassTypeT pClassId 

Returns the class type.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Handle of the MOId.
flag(in) Specifies type of MO class to be returned. Its value can be either CL_COR_MO_CLASS_GET or CL_COR_MSO_CLASS_GET.
pClassId(out) The classId of the class.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId or pClassId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_INVALID_PATHThe MO-path specified in the pMoId is invalid.
CL_COR_SVC_ERR_INVALID_IDThe service ID specified in the pMoId is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMThe flag specified is invalid.
This API is used to return the class type within the COR MOID. It refers to the class type at the end of the hierarchy.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClCorInstanceIdT clCorMoIdToInstanceGet ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Returns the instance.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Handle of the MoId.
Return values
ClCorInstanceIdTAssociated Instance ID.
This API is used to return the instance that is being queried. It refers to the class type and instance ID at the end of the hierarchy.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToLogicalSlotGet ( ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
ClUint32T *  logicalSlot 

Returns the logical slot.

— Not Supported in this release.

Header File:
pMoIdMOId of the card.
logicalSlotLogical slotId corresponding to the blade MOId.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_CARDTYPE_MISMATCHIf card present is different than the one specified in MOId.
CL_COR_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf an entry is not present for a given MOId.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing invalid parameters.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL Pointer.
This function is used to return the logical slot for a given MOId.
See Also
ClRcT clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  moIdh,
CL_OUT ClCorMOClassPathPtrT  corIdh 

Derives the COR path from given a MoId.

Header File:
moIdh(in) Handle of the MoId.
corIdh(out) Handle of the updated COR path.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRmoIdh or corIdh is a NULL pointer.
This API is used to obtain the MO-path from the MoId. The application should allocate memory for both MoId and MO path.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdT moId,
CL_OUT ClNameT moIdName 

Retrieves MoId in ClNameT format, when MoId is provided in ClCorMOIdT format.

Header File:
moId(in) MoId in ClCorMOIdT format.
moIdName(out) MoId in ClNameT format.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRmoIdName or moId is a NULL pointer.
This API is used to retrieve MOID in ClNameT format, when MOID is provided in ClCorMOIdT format.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdToNodeNameGet ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_OUT ClNameT nodeName 

This function can be used to get node name corresponding to a moId which is specified in the ASP configuration file.

Header File:
pMoIdMoId for which the node name is required.
nodeNameNode Name corresponding to the moId supplied.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf node name for the moId is not present.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDversion is not supported.
The function can be used to get the node name corresponding to the moid, supplied in the config file of the ASP (clAmfConfig.xml).
See Also
ClRcT clCorMoIdTruncate ( CL_INOUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClInt16T  level 

Removes the node after specified level.

Header File:
pMoId(in/out) Handle of the MoId.
level(in) Level to which the MoId needs to be truncated.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_DEPTHIf the level specified is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId is a NULL pointer.
This API is used to remove all the nodes and reset the MoId until a specified level is reached. The level is specified based on the depth to which it is required to return so that the operation can continue on the other sibling tree node.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize, clCorMoIdAlloc, clCorMoIdFree, clCorMoIdTruncate, clCorMoIdSet, clCorMoIdAppend, clCorMoIdDepthGet, clCorMoIdShow, clCorMoIdToMoClassGet, clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet, clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet, clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet, clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet, clCorMoIdToInstanceGet, clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet, clCorMoIdClone, clCorMoIdCompare.
ClRcT clCorMoIdValidate ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Validates MoId in the input argument.

Header File:
pMoIdHandle of the MOId.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
This function is used to validate the MoId passed in the input argument.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdInitialize(), clCorMoIdAlloc(), clCorMoIdFree(), clCorMoIdTruncate(), clCorMoIdSet(), clCorMoIdAppend(), clCorMoIdDepthGet(), clCorMoIdShow(), clCorMoIdToMoClassGet(), clCorMoIdNameToMoIdGet(), clCorMoIdToMoIdNameGet(), clCorMoIdFirstInstanceGet(), clCorMoIdNextSiblingGet(), clCorMoIdToInstanceGet(), clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet(), clCorMoIdClone(), clCorMoIdCompare()
ClRcT clCorNodeNameToMoIdGet ( CL_IN ClNameT  nodeName,
CL_OUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId 

This function can be used to give the MoId corresponding to the node name supplied.

Header File:
nodeNameNode name for which the moId is desired.
pMoId(out) moId is supplied by the user.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf moId for the node name is not present.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDversion is not supported.
This function is used to get the moId corresponding to the node name which is there in the config file of the ASP(clAmfConfig.xml).
See Also
ClRcT clCorObjectAttributeGet ( CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT  pHandle,
CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  contAttrPath,
CL_IN ClCorAttrIdT  attrId,
CL_IN ClInt32T  index,
CL_OUT void *  value,
CL_INOUT ClUint32T *  size 

Retrieves the value of an attribute belonging to an object.

Header File:
pHandle(in) handle of the object whose attribute is being read.
contAttrPath(in) Path of the containment hierarchy.
attrID(in) ID of the attribute.
index(in) Attribute index. It is set to CL_COR_INVALID_ATTR_IDX for a SIMPLE
value(out) Pointer to the value. The attribute value is copied into this parameter.
size(in/out) Size of the value.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRvalue or size is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_NOT_PRESENTAttribute ID passed is not present.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_INVALID_RELATIONSize of the attribute is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_SIZEFor SIMPLE attributes, the parameter size, must be equal to the size if the attribute. For array attributes, this error is returned in one of the following cases: (1) the size is greater than the size of the associated array elements that must be updated; (2) the parameter size is less than size of a single array element; (3) the parameter size is not an integer. This integer must be a multiple of the size of the single array element.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_INVALID_INDEXindex is used for SIMPLE attributes.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
This API is used to GET (retrieve) the value of an attribute. pHandle is the handle to the object from which the attribute value is to be read. The object handle is returned when the object is created and can also be obtained by passing MOID to the API clCorObjectHandleGet().
Parameter pAttrPath contains the containment path hierarchy where the attribute resides. This is currently not supported. So, it must be set to NULL. Parameter index contains the index of the attribute. For SIMPLE attributes, this can be set to -1 or CL_COR_INVALID_ATTR_IDX. The parameter value contains the address where the retrieved value should be copied. The parameter size must contain the size of the value to be retrieved from an attribute.
Library File:
See Also
clCorObjectCreate, clCorObjectAttributeSet.
ClRcT clCorObjectAttributeSet ( CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT txnSessionId,
CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT  pHandle,
CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT  contAttrPath,
CL_IN ClCorAttrIdT  attrId,
CL_IN ClUint32T  index,
CL_IN void *  value,
CL_IN ClUint32T  size 

Sets the attribute of a COR object.

Header File:
txnSessionID(in/out) Transaction Session ID.
phandle(in) Handle of the object whose attribute is being set.
contAttrPath(in) Containment hierarchy path.
attrID(in) ID of the attribute.
index(in) Index of the attribute. It must be set to CL_COR_INVALID_ATTR_IDX for a SIMPLE attribute.
value(in) Pointer to the value that is required to be set.
size(in) Size of the value
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRtxnSessionId or value is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_INVALID_JOB_IDThe job ID is invalid .
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_INVALID_INDEXIndex is used for the SIMPLE attribute.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_NOT_PRESENTThe attribute ID is not present.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_SIZEFor SIMPLE attributes, the parameter size is less than the size associated with the attribute attrId. For array attributes, this error is returned in one of the following cases: (1) the size is greater than the size of the associated array elements that are required to be updated; (2) the parameter size is less than the size of an individual array element; (3) the parameter size is not an integer. This integer value must be the multiple of the size of the individual array element.
CL_COR_ERR_OBJ_ATTR_INVALID_SETThis error code is applicable to SIMPLE attributes, when the value is not within the range specified by min and max values associated with the attribute.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_INVALID_INDEXInvalid index for the attribute.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_INVALID_RELATIONSize of the attribute is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
This API is used to set the value of the attributes of an object . contAttrPath can contain a valid attribute path or NULL. The current implementation supports only a NULL value for this parameter. txnSessionId contains the ID for the transaction. For a SIMPLE transaction involving only one attribute set, this must be set to CL_COR_SIMPLE_TXN. For a COMPLEX transaction involving multiple attribute sets, this should be initialized to zero and sent to the API for adding the first job. The API updates txnSessionId and this updated value can be passed to add subsequent jobs to the transaction using clCorObjectAttributeSet()/ clCorObjectCreate()/clCorObjectDelete() APIs. The transaction must be committed using clCorTxnSessionCommit() API. If the session-commit or the job addition to the complex transaction fails, then the user is supposed to call clCorTxnSessionFinalize() API.
For SIMPLE attributes, the index must be set to -1 or CL_COR_INVALID_ATTR_IDX. The size of the value must be equal to its actual size.
Library File:
See Also
clCorObjectCreate, clCorObjectAttributeGet, clCorObjectDelete.
ClRcT clCorObjectAttributeWalk ( CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT  objH,
CL_IN ClCorObjAttrWalkFilterT pFilter,
CL_IN ClCorObjAttrWalkFuncT  fp,
CL_IN void *  cookie 

Walk is performed on the attributes of the object.

Header File:
objH(in) handle of the object
pFilter(in)Pointer to the attribute filter. You have to provide the values for this structure.
fp(in) User callback API called for every attribute found.
cookie(in)The user data passed to the user callback API.
Return values
CL_OKif the function executes successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMA parameter is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpFilter or cookie is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMFailed to allocate memory.
CL_COR_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDcmp_flag is not invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDClient version not supported.
CL_COR_UTILS_ERR_INVALID_KEYAn invalid parameter has been passed to the function. A parameter is not set correctly.
pFilter Usage
pFilter is used to apply filters to the walk criteria. It can have the following values:
  1. pFilter = NULL
    No filter is applied and it walks through all the attributes of object.
  2. pFilter->baseAttrWalk = CL_TRUE
    Walks through the native attributes of object pointed.
  3. pFilter->baseAttrWalk = CL_FALSE
    Does not walk through the native attributes.
  4. pFilter->contAttrWalk = CL_FALSE
    For the current implementation, this must be set to CL_FALSE.
  5. pFilter->pAttrPath = NULL
    This can be set to a valid attribute path or NULL. For the current implementation, this must be set to NULL.
  6. pFilter->cmpFlag
    This is used to compare the attrId with a specified value. Following are the various comparison flags.
    • CL_COR_ATTR_CMP_FLAG_VALUE_EQUAL_TO: The attributes whose value is equal to the specified value will be matched.
    • CL_COR_ATTR_CMP_FLAG_VALUE_LESS_THAN: The attributes whose value is greater than the specified value will be matched.
    • CL_COR_ATTR_CMP_FLAG_VALUE_LESS_OR_EQUALS: The attributes whose value is greater than or equal to the specified value will be matched.
    • CL_COR_ATTR_CMP_FLAG_VALUE_GREATER_THAN: The attributes whose value is less than the specified value will be matched.
    • CL_COR_ATTR_CMP_FLAG_VALUE_GREATER_OR_EQUALS: The attributes whose value is less than or equal to the specified value will be matched.
  7. pFilter->attrWalkOption
    This can have one of the following values:
    • CL_COR_ATTR_WALK_ALL_ATTR: All the attributes of contained (and/or base object, depending on baseAttrWalk parameter) object are considered for walk, provided the pFilter->cmpFlag condition is true.
    • CL_COR_ATTR_WALK_ONLY_MATCHED_ATTR: Only the attributes matching with the filter criteria are walked provided the pFilter->cmpFlag condition goes true.
This API is used to perform walk on the attributes of an object, based on the filter. The filter contains the search criteria for the attribute walk inorder to narrow down the search. The function sends request to the COR server for attribute walk. The server then looks into its repository for the matched object. It packs the information about the matched attribute or all the attributes of the object, based on the filter option. The attribute information include its identifier, size , type ( simpe or array), its data type, its latest value etc. For an object containing transient attributes, their latest value is fetched from the primary object implementer, if any, otherwise the default value is provided. The callback function specified in the function call is invoked one by one for all the attributes in the client's context after unpacking the information sent by server.
This API takes the object handle as the first parameter. The handle is obtained from the MOID using the clCorObjecthandleGet() API. The second parameter is the filter for the attribute walk. If the filter is NULL, the walk is performed on all attributes of the MO. The first element of the filter baseAttrWalk, must always be set to CL_TRUE. The parameter contAttrWalk must be set to CL_TRUE. pAttrPath must be set to NULL. The callback function should be specified when the object walk API is invoked. This callback function is called for every attribute found during the walk. The cookie (user-data) is passed as the parameter to the callback function.
Library File:
  1. The last parameter can be used to pass the value used by the callback API. If the first and second parameters are NULL, all the MO/MSO objects are walked through irrespective of any specification in the flag.
See Also
clCorObjectHandleGet(), clCorMoIdCompare()
ClRcT clCorObjectCreate ( CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT txnSessionId,
CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  moId,
CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT handle 

Creates a COR object.

Header File:
txnSessionID(in/out) For a SIMPLE transaction containing one job, the value of the parameter must be CL_COR_SIMPLE_TXN. For a COMPLEX transaction containing multiple jobs, it must be initialized to zero and passed to the API for adding the first job. To add the subsequent jobs, the returned value from the previous API should be passed as the parameter.
MoId(in) ID of the object to be created.
handle(out) Pointer to the object handle.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRtxnSessionId or moId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_NOT_PRESENTThe specified Class is not present.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDParent class is not present in the instance tree.
CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDmoTree node is not present for the class.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MAX_INSTANCEMaximum instance count for this class is reached.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MO_ALREADY_PRESENTMO is present in the instance tree.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_CLASS_NO_PRESENTMSO Class is not present in the MO Tree.
This API is used to create MO and MSO COR objects. The MoId, passed to this API must be valid (the MO class tree must be present for that MoId)
To create an MO object, the service ID should be specified as CL_COR_INVALID_SVC_ID in the MoId. To create an MSO object, the service ID corresponding to the MSO should be specified in the MOID.
If the creation of the object is part of a COMPLEX transaction, the object handle returned is valid only after the transaction is committed using the clCorTxnSessionCommit() API. For a COMPLEX transaction involving multiple jobs, the txnSessionId must be initialized to 0 and sent to the API to add the first job. This API returns a transaction session ID as the OUT parameter. This can be used for adding the subsequent jobs using clCorObjectAttributeSet()/clCorObjectDelete()/clCorObjectCreate() APIs. A COMPLEX transaction can be committed by using the clCorTxnSessionCommit() API.
Whenever the session-commit or the job addition to a complex transaction fails, the user is supposed to call clCorTxnSessionFinalize API.
If the creation of the object is part of a SIMPLE transaction, txnSessionId must be set to the value CL_COR_SIMPLE_TXN. A SIMPLE transaction can take only one job.
Library File:
See Also
clCorObjectAttributeGet, clCorObjectAttributeSet, clCorObjectDelete.
ClRcT clCorObjectCreateAndSet ( CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT tid,
CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN ClCorAttributeValueListPtrT  attrList,
CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT pHandle 

Creates and sets a COR object.

Header File:
txnSessionId(in/out) Transaction Session ID. For a simple transaction which contains only one job, the value of the parameter will be CL_COR_SIMPLE_TXN. For a complex transaction which contains more than one job, it is initialized to zero and passed to the API for adding the first job. To add the subsequent jobs the returned value from the previous function should be passed as the parameter.
moId(in) MoId of the object to be created.
attrList(in) List of attributes to be initialized. This should contain the value for all the 'Initialized' attributes in that MO.
pHandle(out) Pointer to the object handle. This will be updated after creation of the object and its attributes set is done.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_INVALID_MOIDMoId passed is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_NOT_PRESENTClass is not present.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MAX_INSTANCEMaximum Instance count for this object is reached.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MO_ALREADY_PRESENTMO is already present in the instance tree.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MSO_ALREADY_PRESENTMSO is already present in the Object Tree.
CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_CLASS_NO_PRESENTClass is not present in the MO Tree.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_INVALID_INDEXIf index is used in case of simple attribute or index passed is invalid in case of array attribute.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_ATTR_NOT_PRESENTThe attribute is not present.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_SIZEThe size of the attribute specified is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_OBJ_ATTR_INVALID_SETIf the initial value specified is not within the range specified by min and max values associated with the attribute.
CL_COR_ERR_ATTR_NOT_INITIALIZEDIf value is not provided for a 'Initialized' attribute.
This function is used to create a COR object as well as set the value of the attributes. The MoId passed to this function must be valid (the MO class tree must be present for that MoId). For a MO object creation, the service ID should be specified as CL_COR_INVALID_SVC_ID in the MoId. For a MSO object creation, the service ID corresponding to the MSO should be specified in the MOID. The list of attributes information and the initial values are passed in the parameter attrList. The specified parameter attrList should contain the values for all the 'Initialized' attributes in that MO/MSo.
If this API is used as part of a COMPLEX transaction, the object handle returned is valid only after the transaction is committed by using the API clCorTxnSessionCommit.
For a SIMPLE transaction, the value CL_COR_SIMPLE_TXN should be passed to the parameter 'txnSessionId'. The SIMPLE transaction will take only one job. For a COMPLEX transaction involving more than one job, the txnSessionId should be initialized to 0 and send to the API to add the first job. This API in turn, will return a transaction session ID as the OUT parameter. This can be used for adding the subsequent jobs using the APIs clCorObjectAttributeSet() / clCorObjectDelete() / clCorObjectCreate() / clCorObjectCreateAndSet(). This complex transaction can be committed by using the API clCorTxnSessionCommit().
If the session-commit or the job addition to the complex transaction fails, then the user is supposed to call clCorTxnSessionFinalize.
Library File:
See Also
clCorObjectCreate, clCorObjectAttributeSet, clCorObjectDelete.
ClRcT clCorObjectDelete ( CL_INOUT ClCorTxnSessionIdT txnSessionId,
CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT  handle 

Deletes a COR object.

Header File:
txnSessionID(in/out) Transaction Session ID.
handle(in) Handle of the object to be deleted.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRtxnSessionId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_INVALID_SRVC_IDService ID is incorrect.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_CHILD_MO_EXISTChild MO exists for the MO object node.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MSO_EXISTMSO exists for the MO object node.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDNode not found in the object tree.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDMO tree node not found.
This API is used to delete a COR object. The parameter, handle, contains the handle of the object (obtained through clCorObjectHandleGet()) to be deleted. To delete an MSO object, the MoId containing the corresponding service ID must be sent to the clCorObjectHandleGet() API. This API returns a handle to the object that can be used to delete the MSO object.
To delete the MO object, the service ID of the MoId must be set to CL_COR_INVALID_SVC_ID. The MSOs and child MOs must be deleted before deleting the parent MO. The MOs and MSOs can be deleted in a single transaction. txnSessionId contains the ID for the transaction. For a SIMPLE transaction involving only one object delete, this must be set to CL_COR_SIMPLE_TXN. For a COMPLEX transaction involving multiple CREATE, SET, and DELETE, this should be initialized to zero and sent to the API to add the first job. The API updates this transaction ID. The updated transaction ID must be sent to add subsequent jobs to the transaction using clCorObjectCreate()/clCorObjectAttributeSet()/clCorObjectDelete() APIs. The transaction should be committed by using the clCorTxnSessionCommit() API.
If the session-commit or the job addition to the complex transaction fails, then the user is supposed to call clCorTxnSessionFinalize.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorObjectHandleGet ( ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
ClCorObjectHandleT objHandle 

Retrieves the compressed MO handle corresponding to MOID.

Header File:
pMoid(in) Pointer to the MOID.
*objHandle(out) Pointer to object handle.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_DEPTHThe depth of the MoId is greater than the maximum depth that is configured.
CL_COR_UTILS_ERR_INVALID_KEYFailure to locate the node in the MO tree.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMAn invalid parameter has been passed to the function. A parameter is not set correctly.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
This API is used to get the handle of an object for a given MOID. The object handle returned is the compressed value of the MOID. This object handle can be used for performing SET, GET, and DELETE operations on the MO.
Library File:
See Also
clCorObjectHandleToMoIdGet, clCorObjectHandleToTypeGet.
ClRcT clCorObjectHandleToMoIdGet ( CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT  objHandle,
CL_OUT ClCorMOIdPtrT  moId,
CL_OUT ClCorServiceIdT srvcId 

Returns the MOID corresponding to compressed MO handle.

Header File:
objHandle(in) Object handle.
moId(out) MoId of the object.
srvcId(out) Service Id of the object.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRmoId or srvcId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_UTILS_ERR_INVALID_KEYInvalid value of object handle passed.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDversion is not supported.
This API returns the MOId of a given object handle. The service ID is also filled along with the moId which is a valid value for an MSO.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorObjectHandleToTypeGet ( CL_IN ClCorObjectHandleT  pHandle,
CL_OUT ClCorObjTypesT type 

Returns the type of an object when its object handle is provided.

Header File:
CL_INpHandle (in) Object handle.
CL_OUTtype (out) It can be set to CL_COR_OBJ_TYPE_MO or CL_COR_OBJ_TYPE_MSO.
Return values
CL_OKThe function is executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_UTILS_ERR_INVALID_KEYInvalid value of object Handle.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMAn invalid parameter has been passed to the function. A parameter is not set correctly.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_DEPTHInvalid depth of the moId.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_INVALID_PATHQualifiers are invalid.
CL_COR_SVC_ERR_INVALID_IDService ID of the MoId is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDversion is not supported.
This function is used to retrieve the Object Type given an object handle. Type of an object signifies whether it is an MO or an MSO.
Library File:
See Also
clCorObjectHandleGet(), clCorObjectHandleToMoIdGet()
ClRcT clCorObjectWalk ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  moIdRoot,
CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  moIdFilter,
CL_IN ClCorObjectWalkFunT  fp,
CL_IN ClCorObjWalkFlagsT  flags,
CL_IN void *  cookie 

Walks through the object tree.

Header File:
moIdRoot(in) MOID from where the walk operation begins.
moIdFilter(in) MOID with wild card entry. This filter is used to refine the scope of the search. For example, if the moIdRoot is /chassis:0/blade:1/, moIdFilter can have a value such as /chassis:0/blade:1/port:'*'/channel:'*'
fp(in) The callback API invoked for every object found in COR.
flags(in) Flags indicating walk related definitions. This parameter accepts the following values:
  • CL_COR_MO_WALK - The walk is performed on the MO objects of the object tree.
  • CL_COR_MSO_WALK - The walk is performed on the MSO nodes of the object tree.
  • CL_COR_MO_SUBTREE_WALK - The walk is performed on the MO objects of the object subtree.
cookie(in)Pointer to user-defined data. This value is passed as a parameter to the user callback API.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRmoIdRoot or moIdFilter is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_SVC_ERR_INVALID_IDService ID is invalid.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDversion is not supported.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
This function is used to perform a walk through the COR objects present in the object tree. The first parameter is the MOID of the root, from where the object walk begins. If the walk has to be performed on the entire tree, this parameter must be set to NULL.moIdFilter, contains filter for the search.This parameter can contain a wild card entry or a MOID. It must be set to NULL if a filter is not required for the object walk. fp is a callback API which has two parameters:data and cookie. data contains the handle to the object. cookie contains the cookie passed in the object walk API. flags indicate the type of object Walk that is required. The final parameter is the user argument cookie.
Library File:
The cookie parameter can be used to pass the value used in the callback API. If moIdRoot and moIdFilter are NULL, all the MO/MSO objects are walked through irrespective of any specification in the flag value.
See Also
clCorObjectAttributeWalk(), clCorMoIdAppend()
ClRcT clCorOIRegister ( CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT  pCompAaddr 

A component can register itself as an OI through this API.

Header File:
pMoId(in) This is pointer to MOID of the MO.
pCompAddr(in) IOC address of OI.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMEvent library is not initialized.
CL_COR_ERR_TIMEOUTThe server failed to send the response within the time limit.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoid or pCompAddr is NULL.
A component (specified by compAddr) can register itself as an OI for an MO (pointed by *pMoId) through this API. The MOID can be a qualified MOID or a wild card MOID. This API is synchronous in nature.
Library File:
See Also
clCorOIUnregister (), clCorPrimaryOIGet (), clCorPrimaryOISet().
ClRcT clCorOIUnregister ( CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT  pCompAddr 

De-register the component acting as the OI.

Header File:
pMoId(in) This is pointer to MOID of the MO.
pCompAddr(in) The component that needs to be de-registered as the OI. The MOID can be a qualified MOID or a wild card MOID.
Return values
CL_OKIf the OI un-registration operation is successful.
CL_COR_ERR_OI_NOT_REGISTEREDComponent was not registered as OI for this MO given by pMoId.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpCompAddr or pMoId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_TIMEOUTThe server failed to send the response within the time limit.
If this API is executed successfully, the component pointed by pCompAddr discontinues to be the OI. If this component is the primary OI, it discontinues to act as the primary OI.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorPrimaryOIClear ( CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT  pCompAddr 

De-register the component that is acting as the primary OI.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Pointer to MOID of the MO.
pCompAddr(in) Pointer to the component address structure.
Return values
CL_OKThe API is successfull and the OI is not any more acting as a primary OI.
CL_COR_ERR_OI_NOT_REGISTEREDThis OI is not the Primary OI.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpCompAddr or pMoId is NULL.
CL_COR_ERR_TIMEOUTServer failed to send the response within the time limit.
This API cancels the registration of the component as the primary OI. If this API is successfully executed, the OI pointed by pCompAddr discontinues to act as the primary OI for the MO (pointed by the pMoId). This is a synchronous call.
Library File:
See Also
clCorOIRegister(), clCorPrimaryOIGet().
ClRcT clCorPrimaryOIGet ( CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_OUT ClCorAddrPtrT  pCompAddr 

Obtains the primary OI for a given MO.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Pointer to MOID of the MO.
pCompAddr(out) Pointer to the component address structure.
Return values
CL_OKThe call is successful and the address of the component is populated in the second parameter.
CL_COR_ERR_OI_NOT_REGISTEREDThere is no Primary OI registered for this MO.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpCompAddr or pMoId is NULL.
CL_COR_ERR_TIMEOUTServer failed to send the response within the time limit.
If this API is executed successfully, it obtains the primary OI for the MO pointed by pMoid. The component address of the primary OI is returned in pCompAddr.
Library File:
See Also
clCorOIRegister(), clCorPrimaryOIGet(), clCorPrimaryOIClear().
ClRcT clCorPrimaryOISet ( CL_IN const ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_IN const ClCorAddrPtrT  pCompAddr 

Sets a component as the primary OI.

Header File:
pMoId(in) Pointer to MOID of the MO. It can be a qualified MOID or wild card MOID.
pCompAddr(in) This is the pointer to the component address structure.
Return values
CL_OKIf the call is successful, the OI provided by the component address becomes the Primary OI for this MO.
CL_COR_ERR_OI_NOT_REGISTEREDAn OI can be a primary OI only if is registered as an OI. This error indicates that the OI is attempting to be a primary OI without registering as an OI.
CL_COR_ERR_ROUTE_PRESENTA Primary OI already exists for the MO pointed by pMoId.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoid, pCompAddr, or pMoId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_TIMEOUTServer failed to send the response within the time limit.
This API sets the OI specified by pCompAddr as a primaryOI. A component can become a primary OI only if it has registered itself as OI using clCorOIRegister() API. This is a synchronous API.
Library File:
If a Primary OI set request is coming for a MoId, then COR will search to find any of the existing MoIds matches with the incoming request either in exact match or in wild card match. If any match is found, then it will look for the existence of the primary OI in that entry. If it has the primary OI and it is different from the current OI being set, then it will throw error CL_COR_ERR_ROUTE_PRESENT.
If both existing primary OI and the current OI being set as the Primary OI are the same, then in this case it will check whether the MoId match is exact match. If it is exact match then will return CL_OK. Because the same OI is again set as the Primary OI. If the MoId match is not an exact match, then it will throw error CL_COR_ERR_ROUTE_PRESENT saying that the current OI being set as the primary OI is already registered as the primary OI for a different MoId matching with the current MoId.
If both existing primary OI and the current OI being set as the Primary OI are different, then it will throw error CL_COR_ERR_ROUTE_PRESENT. This is to avoid the confusion of selecting one primary OI among these two to forward the read requests on the MO.
If no primary OI already exists, then COR will go and set the primary OI flag for the exact MoId match. If the exactly matching MoId entry is not present, then COR will throw error CL_COR_ERR_OI_NOT_REGISTERED.
By doing this way, COR is restricting that in a group of wild card matching MoIds, any one of the OI can act as the Primary OI
See Also
clCorOIRegister(), clCorPrimaryOIGet(), clCorPrimaryOIClear().
ClRcT clCorServiceIdValidate ( CL_IN ClCorServiceIdT  srvcId)

Validates serviceId in the input argument.

Header File:
srvcIdArgument passed in serviceId.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
This function is used to validate the serviceId passed in the input argument.
Library File:
See Also
clCorMoIdServiceGet(), clCorMoIdServiceSet()
ClRcT clCorServiceRuleAdd ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  moh,
CL_IN ClCorAddrT  addr 

Adds a new route rule entry.

Header File:
CL_INmoh Handle of ClCorMOId.
CL_INaddr COR Address. It contains card ID and EO ID.
Return values
CL_OKThe function is executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDversion is not supported.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_MAX_DEPTHRoutes for a given MoId has reached the maximum limit.
This function is used to add a new rule. This rule table overrides all the entries and other routing information present in the COR. The route rule addition corresponds to adding moId and station list in the route table. By default all the routes are enabled.
Library File:
For one moId there can be many stations <ioc address, port address> that can be added in the route list. The debug cli rmShow will show all the routelists added.
ClRcT clCorServiceRuleDelete ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  moh,
CL_IN ClCorAddrT  addr 

Delete the station from the route list.

Header File:
CL_INmoh Handle of ClCorMOId.
CL_INaddr COR Address. It contains slot id and EO id.
Return values
CL_OKThe API is successfully executed.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMFailed to allocate memory.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDversion is not supported.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRMoId pointer passed is NULL.
CL_COR_ERR_ROUTE_NOT_PRESENTNo Route list present for the given MOId.
This API is used to delete the station address[addr] from the route list for a given MOId [moh]. The station address is added by the component in the route list to participate in a transaction incase of modification of the moId. Whenever a component goes down gracefully, it need to clean up its entry in the route list. For this the component needs to call this api in its EO finalize callback function. Once this station address is deleted
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnFailedJobGet ( ClCorTxnSessionIdT  txnSessionId,
ClCorTxnInfoT pPrevTxnInfo,
ClCorTxnInfoT pNextTxnInfo 

Retrieves the information about the failed transaction job for a pariticular transaction Id.

Header File:
txnSessionId(in) The transaction session Id for which the transaction had failed.
pPrevTxnInfo(in) If this is set to NULL, the first failed job information is sent in pNextTxnInfo. Otherwise, the next entry with respect to pPrevTxnInfo is sent.
pNextTxnInfo(out) The next failed job information is populated in this parameter.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_FAILED_JOB_GETFor the transaction Id there is no failed job info avaliable.
Application that initiates complex transaction to perform MO create/delete and attribute set operation, need to use the API to obtain information regarding failures. Any component that partcipates in a transaction can report failures via their agent callback functions. The above function retrieves all such failures reported.
In case of multiple failures (on differnt components), there would be more than one error entry added in COR for a particular transaction. All the error enteries are obtained through the following mechanism
  • Obtain First Entry: Call the API with the parameter pPrevTxnInfo specified as NULL. This function would return the first error record in pNextTxnInfo parameter.
  • Obtain SubSequent Enteries: Copy the content of pNextTxnInfo, obtained in previous invocation of this API, and assign it to pPrevTxnInfo and call clCorTxnFailedJobGet.
After receiving failed jobs, the clCorTxnSessionFinalize() API must be called to free the memory.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnFirstJobGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT pJobId 

Get the first job.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
pJobIdPointer to the transaction job ID .
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSNo jobs in the transaction.
This function is used to get the first job in the transaction jobs when a walk is being performed.
Library Name:
See Also
clCorTxnNextJobGet(), clCorTxnPreviousJobGet(), clCorTxnLastJobGet()
ClRcT clCorTxnIdTxnFree ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  corTxnId)

Frees the data for the transactionID .

Header File:
corTxnIdCOR transaction ID.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
This function is used to free the data corresponding to the transactionID .
Library Name:
ClRcT clCorTxnJobAttributeTypeGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  jobId,
CL_OUT ClCorAttrTypeT pAttrType,
CL_OUT ClCorTypeT pAttrDataType 

Get the attribute type information.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID.
jobIdID of the job in the transaction.
pAttrType(out) Attribute type that is whether it is simple or array or association.
pAttrDataType(out) Basic type of the attribute.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
This function is used to extract the attribute type and its basic type from the transaction job. In case of a simple attribute (which corresponds to the ClCorTypeT) the basic type is indicated by pAttrDataType. In case of an array type, pAttrDataType contains the basic type.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnJobAttrPathGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  jobId,
CL_OUT ClCorAttrPathT **  pAttrPath 

Retrieves the attrpath from the transaction.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
jobIdTransaction Job ID .
pAttrPath(out) Pointer to pointer of attrPath.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_INVALID_JOB_IDReturned when the operation type is not set.
This function is used to extract the attrpath or the containment path for the set operation. If the operation type is not 'set', an error is returned.
Library Name:
See Also
clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet(), clCorTxnJobOperationGet()
ClRcT clCorTxnJobDefnHandleUpdate ( CL_OUT ClTxnJobDefnHandleT  jobDefnHandle,
CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  corTxnId 

This function is used to pack the transaction information and update it in the given job definition handle.

Header File:
jobDefnHandleHandle for the job definition.
corTxnIdTransaction Id.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
This function is used to copy the updated transaction information into the job definition handle given in the agent callback functions. It will be called by the agents when the given job got failed.
Library Name:
ClRcT clCorTxnJobHandleToCorTxnIdGet ( CL_IN ClTxnJobDefnHandleT  jobDefn,
CL_IN ClSizeT  size,
CL_OUT ClCorTxnIdT pTxnId 

Get thetransactionID from thetransactionJob handle.

Header File:
jobDefnTransaction job handle.
sizeSize of the transaction.
pTxnId(out) Transaction ID .
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
This function is used to retrieve the COR Transaction ID by using the transaction job handle.
Library Name:
ClRcT clCorTxnJobMoIdGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,

Get the MoId From the transaction.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
pMOIdPointer to the MoId for the transaction.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a Null Pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
This function is used to extract the unique MoID associated with each transaction ID . The transaction having multiple jobs are broken into jobs having moId, attrPath (if used) and operation. So while we walk we get these jobs and we can operate on these data one by one.
Library Name:
See Also
clCorTxnJobAttrPathGet(), clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet()
ClRcT clCorTxnJobObjectHandleGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT pObjHandle 

Get the Object handle from the transaction.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
pObjHandle(out) Pointer to the Object handle.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
This function is used to extract the Object handle from the transaction. The transaction will contain the Object handle that it passed when the transaction was prepared.
Library Name:
See Also
clCorTxnJobMoIdGet(), clCorTxnJobAttrPathGet(), clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet()
ClRcT clCorTxnJobOperationGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  jobId,
CL_OUT ClCorOpsT op 

Get the operation type.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
jobIdTransaction Job ID .
op(out) Operation Type. (CL_COR_CREATE/SET/DELETE)
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
This function is used to extract the operation type from the transaction job. The transaction job type can can be one of the following:
Library Name:
See Also
clCorTxnJobMoIdGet(), clCorTxnJobAttrPathGet(), clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet()
ClRcT clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  jobId,
CL_OUT ClCorAttrIdT pAttrId,
CL_OUT ClInt32T *  pIndex,
CL_OUT void **  pValue,
CL_OUT ClUint32T *  pSize 

Get all the information necessary for setting the attribute.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
jobIdTransaction job ID .
pAttrId(out) Pointer to attribute ID .
pIndex(out) Pointer index of the attribute ( CL_COR_INVALID_ATTR_IDX in case of simple attributes).
pValue(out) Pointer to the pointer to the value.
pSize(out) Size of the attribute value to be set.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
This function is used to extract the set parameters that were passed when the set function is called on the client side. The set parameters are the following:
  • attrId
  • index of the attribute
  • pointer to the value
  • size of the attribute value
Library Name:
This function is used only when the operation type is set.
See Also
clCorTxnJobOperationGet(), clCorTxnJobAttrPathGet()
ClRcT clCorTxnJobStatusGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  jobId,
CL_OUT ClUint32T *  jobStatus 

Get the status of a particular job.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
jobIdjob id in the transaction.
jobStatusto get the status.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSNo jobs in the transaction.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_INVALID_JOB_IDThe jobId passed is invalid.
This function is used to get the status of a particular job, given its txnId and jobId. The status will be a 32-bit value.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnJobStatusSet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  jobId,
CL_IN ClUint32T  jobStatus 

Set the status of a particular job.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
jobIdjob id in the transaction.
jobStatusstatus to be set.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSNo jobs in the transaction.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_INVALID_JOB_IDThe jobId passed is invalid.
This function is used to set the status of a particular job, given its txnId and jobId. The status will be a 32-bit value.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnJobWalk ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  pThis,
CL_IN ClCorTxnFuncT  funcPtr,
CL_IN void *  cookie 

Walk through the transaction Jobs.

Header File:
pThisPointer to the Transaction ID.
funcPtrCallback function for handling each job.
cookiePointer to the user data.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSWhen there are no jobs to walk.
This function is used to walk through the transaction jobs. The callback function is used which operate on each of the jobs in the transaction.
Library Name:
See Also
clCorTxnJobMoIdGet(), clCorTxnJobAttrPathGet(), clCorTxnJobObjectHandleGet(), clCorTxnJobSetParamsGet()
ClRcT clCorTxnLastJobGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT pJobId 

Get the last job in the transaction.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
pJobId(out) Pointer to the transaction Job ID .
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSNo jobs in the transaction.
This function is used to retrieve the last job in the transaction. The operation type for transaction job is set.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnNextJobGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  currentJobHdl,
CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT pNextJobHdl 

Get the next job in the transaction.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
currentJobHdlCurrent transaction job handle.
pNextJobHdl(out) Pointer to the next transaction job handle.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSNo jobs in the transaction.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_LAST_JOBIf the current job is the last job.
This function is used to retrieve the next job queued in the transaction list. This function can be used after getting the first job in the transaction list.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnPreviousJobGet ( CL_IN ClCorTxnIdT  txnId,
CL_IN ClCorTxnJobIdT  currentJobId,
CL_OUT ClCorTxnJobIdT pPrevJobId 

Get the previous job in the transaction.

Header File:
txnIdTransaction ID .
currentJobHdlCurrent transaction job handle.
pNextJobHdl(out) Pointer to the next transaction job handle.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSNo jobs in the transaction.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_FIRST_JOBIf the current job is the first job.
This function is used to get the previous job from the current job handle. This function must not be used while the current handle is pointing towards the first job in the transaction job list.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnSessionCancel ( CL_IN ClCorTxnSessionIdT  txnSessionId)

Cancels a transaction session.

Header File:
txnSessionId,:Transaction session ID.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEThe txnSessionId is invalid.
This API is used to cancel the active transaction session whose session ID is passed through this API. This API is deprecated, the user is supposed to use clCorTxnSessionFinalize.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnSessionCommit ( CL_IN ClCorTxnSessionIdT  txnSessionId)

Commits an active transaction session.

Header File:
txnSessionIdTransaction session ID. The session ID is a unique ID which identifies a COMPLEX transaction obtained while calling object create, attribute set, or object delete APIs.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_TXN_ERR_ZERO_JOBSIf there are no jobs to commit.
The transaction session ID is obtained using clCorObjectCreate()/clCorObjectAttributeSet()/clCorObjectDelete() APIs. When this API is invoked, the transaction request is sent to the COR server for processing. The server contacts the OIs for MOs in the transaction job and completes the transaction in a two phase commit manner. This is a synchronous operation so the thread calling this API is blocked until a response is received.
If this API fails, then the user should call clCorTxnSessionFinalize after retrieving the failed job information to remove the transaction as well as the failed job information.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorTxnSessionFinalize ( CL_IN ClCorTxnSessionIdT  txnSessionId)

Finalizes a COR transaction session.

Header File:
txnSessionId,:Transaction session ID.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEThe txnSessionId is invalid.
This API is used to free all the resources that are allocated for a COMPLEX transaction only when the transaction fails. It frees the allocated resources which include the client specific data and the failed jobs list. This function should be called to free the resources used by the transaction session.
Library Name:
See Also
ClRcT clCorUtilMoAndMSOCreate ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId,
CL_OUT ClCorObjectHandleT pHandle 

Creates MO and MSO objects.

Header File:
pMoId(in) MOId of the MO to be created.
pHandle(out) Handle of the MO object created.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MO_ALREADY_PRESENTMO exists in the instance tree.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpmoId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_ERR_NO_MEMMemory allocation failure.
CL_COR_ERR_CLASS_NOT_PRESENTThe specified class is not present.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDParent class is not present in the instance tree.
CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDmoTree node not found for the class.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_MAX_INSTANCEMaximum Instance count for this class is reached.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
This API creates the MO with its associated MSO objects and returns a handle to it. The service ID of pMoId must be set to CL_COR_INVALID_SVC_ID.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorUtilMoAndMSODelete ( CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT  pMoId)

Deletes MO and MSO objects.

Header File:
pMoid(in) MOID of the MO to be deleted.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NOT_EXISTMO class type does not exist.
CL_COR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMpMoId of MSO passed instead of MO.
CL_COR_ERR_NULL_PTRpMoId is a NULL pointer.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_CHILD_MO_EXISTA child MO exists for the MO object node.
CL_COR_INST_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDNode not found in the object tree.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDVersion is not supported.
CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_NODE_NOT_FOUNDMO tree node not found.
This API is used to delete an MO and its associated MSO objects. The service ID of MOID must be set to CL_COR_INVALID_SVC_ID and passed to this API.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clCorVersionCheck ( CL_INOUT ClVersionT version)

Verifies the version supported by COR.

Header File:
versionVersion supported.
Return values
CL_OKThe function executed successfully.
CL_COR_ERR_VERSION_UNSUPPORTEDIf version is not supported.
This function is used to verify if the version is supported or not. If the version is not supported then the error is returned with the value of supported version filled in the out parameter.
Library File:

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