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Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL)

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions. More...


file  clOsalApi.h
 Operating System Abstraction Layer API.
file  clOsalErrors.h
 Header file of Error codes returned by Clovis OS Abstraction Layer.


 Error returned when unable to restart all threads waiting on a condition variable.
 Error returned when initializing condition variable fails.
 Error returned when destroying condition variable fails.
 Error returned when unable to restart a thread waiting on a condition variable.
 Error returned when the thread is not signalled within a time period specified.
 Error returned when waiting on a condition variable fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_COS_CLEANUP   0x111
 Error returned when finalization of osal library fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_COS_INIT   0x127
 Error returned when initialization of osal library failed.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_CREATE_MUTEX   0x101
 Error returned when creation of mutex fails.
 Error returned when creation of memory pool fails.
 Error returned when deleting of memory pool fails.
 Error returned when detaching of memory pool fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_MUTEX_CREATE   0x107
 Error returned when creation of mutex fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_MUTEX_DELETE   0x10a
 Error returned when deletion of mutex fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_MUTEX_LOCK   0x108
 Error returned when locking of mutex fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_MUTEX_UNLOCK   0x109
 Error returned when unlocking of mutex fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG   0x131
 Error returned when the name given in semaphore creation is greater than 20.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_NO_TASK_EXIST   0x113
 Error returned when the task referred to does not exist.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_OS_ERROR   0x100
 Error returned when the osal library is not initialized.
 Error returned when process creation fails.
 Error returned when deletion fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_PROCESS_WAIT   0x11e
 Error returned when waiting on a child process fails.
 Not used.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SEM_CREATE   0x116
 Error returned when creation of semaphore fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SEM_DELETE   0x11b
 Error returned when deletion of a semaphore fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SEM_GET_VALUE   0x11a
 Error returned when the value of semaphore cannot be obtained.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SEM_ID_GET   0x117
 Error returned when the semaphore ID cannot be retrieved.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SEM_LOCK   0x118
 Error returned when locking of a semaphore fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SEM_UNLOCK   0x119
 Error returned when unlocking of a semaphore fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_ATTACH   0x122
 On failure in attaching a shared memory.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_CREATE   0x11f
 Error returned when creation of shared memory fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_DELETE   0x121
 Error returned when deletion of shared memory fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_DETACH   0x123
 On failure in detaching a shared memory.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_ID_GET   0x120
 Error returned when the ID of the shared memory cannot be retrieved.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_MODE_GET   0x125
 On failure in retrieving permissions of a shared memory.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_MODE_SET   0x124
 On failure in setting permissions to a shared memory.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_SHM_SIZE   0x126
 On failure in retrieving size of a shared memory.
 Error returned when task attribute cannot be retrieved.
 Error returned when initialization of task attribute fails.
 Error returned when task attribute cannot be set.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_TASK_CREATE   0x103
 Error returned when creation of task fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_TASK_DELAY   0x106
 Error returned when delaying a task fails.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_TASK_DELETE   0x104
 Error returned when deletion of task fails.
 Error returned when stack size of thread creation attribute cannot be set.
#define CL_OSAL_ERR_TIME_OF_DAY   0x115
 Error returned when time of day cannot be obtained.
#define CL_OSAL_MIN_STACK_SIZE   196608
 This is required while Thread or Task creation.
#define CL_OSAL_NAME_MAX   32
 The maximum length of thread/task names.
 Shared memory area definition.


typedef ClOsalCondTClOsalCondIdT
 The type of an identifier to the OSAL condition ID.
typedef pthread_cond_t ClOsalCondT
 The thread condition type wrapped.
typedef ClOsalMutexT * ClOsalMutexIdT
 The type of an identifier to the OSAL Mutex ID.
typedef ClUint32T ClOsalPidT
 The type of an identifier to the OSAL Process ID.
typedef void(* ClOsalProcessFuncT )(void *)
 CAllback type of callback function invoked when a process is created.
typedef ClHandleT ClOsalSemIdT
 The type of an identifier to the OSAL Semaphore ID.
typedef enum ClOsalSharedMutexFlags ClOsalSharedMutexFlagsT
 The mutex type to be initialized.
typedef ClUint32T ClOsalShmIdT
 The type of an identifier to the OSAL Shared Memory ID.
typedef ClPtrT ClOsalTaskDataT
 The type of an identifier to the OSAL Task Data type.
typedef ClUint64T ClOsalTaskIdT
 The type of an identifier to the OSAL Task ID.
typedef void(* ClOsalTaskKeyDeleteCallBackT )(void *)
 CAllback type of callback function invoked when the task specific private key is destruyed.


enum  ClOsalProcessFlagT {
 Process creation flags. More...
enum  ClOsalSchedulePolicyT {
 The following enumeration type contains schedule policy of the tasks that will be created. More...
enum  ClOsalSharedMutexFlags
 The mutex type to be initialized.
enum  ClOsalShmSecurityModeFlagT {
 Shared memory security options. More...
enum  ClOsalThreadPriorityT {
 The following enumeration type contains the various thread priorities. More...


ClRcT clOsalCondBroadcast (ClOsalCondIdT conditionId)
 Broadcasts a condition.
ClRcT clOsalCondCreate (ClOsalCondIdT *pConditionId)
 Creates a condition variable.
ClRcT clOsalCondDelete (ClOsalCondIdT conditionId)
 Deletes a condition variable.
ClRcT clOsalCondDestroy (ClOsalCondT *pCond)
 Destroys a condition variable.
ClRcT clOsalCondInit (ClOsalCondT *pCond)
 Initializes a condition variable.
ClRcT clOsalCondSignal (ClOsalCondIdT conditionId)
 Signals a condition.
ClRcT clOsalCondWait (ClOsalCondIdT conditionId, ClOsalMutexIdT mutexId, ClTimerTimeOutT time)
 Waits for a condition.
ClRcT clOsalFinalize (void)
ClRcT clOsalInitialize (const ClPtrT pConfig)
 Initializes the Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL).
ClRcT clOsalMutexCreate (ClOsalMutexIdT *pMutexId)
 Creates a mutex.
ClRcT clOsalMutexCreateAndLock (ClOsalMutexIdT *pMutexId)
 Creates a mutex in locked state.
ClRcT clOsalMutexDelete (ClOsalMutexIdT mutexId)
 Deletes a mutex.
ClRcT clOsalMutexDestroy (ClOsalMutexT *pMutex)
 Destroys a mutex.
ClRcT clOsalMutexInit (ClOsalMutexT *pMutex)
 Initializes a mutex.
ClRcT clOsalMutexLock (ClOsalMutexIdT mutexId)
 Locks a mutex.
ClRcT clOsalMutexUnlock (ClOsalMutexIdT mutexId)
 Unlocks a mutex.
ClRcT clOsalNanoTimeGet (ClNanoTimeT *pTime)
 Returns the time since Epoch, with a best resolution of 1 nanosecond.
ClRcT clOsalPageSizeGet (ClInt32T *pSize)
ClRcT clOsalPrintf (const ClCharT *fmt,...)
 Prints to the standard output.
ClRcT clOsalProcessCreate (ClOsalProcessFuncT fpFunction, void *functionArg, ClOsalProcessFlagT creationFlags, ClOsalPidT *pProcessId)
 Creates a process.
ClRcT clOsalProcessDelete (ClOsalPidT processId)
 Deletes a process.
ClRcT clOsalProcessSelfIdGet (ClOsalPidT *pProcessId)
 Retrieves the processId.
ClRcT clOsalProcessSharedCondInit (ClOsalCondT *pCond)
 Initializes a condition variable that can be used in multiple processes.
ClRcT clOsalProcessSharedMutexInit (ClOsalMutexT *pMutex, ClOsalSharedMutexFlagsT flags, ClUint8T *pKey, ClUint32T keyLen, ClInt32T value)
 Initializes a process-shared mutex.
ClRcT clOsalProcessWait (ClOsalPidT processId)
 Waits for a process to exit.
ClRcT clOsalRecursiveMutexInit (ClOsalMutexT *pMutex)
 Initializes a mutex.
ClRcT clOsalSelfTaskIdGet (ClOsalTaskIdT *pTaskId)
 Retrieves task id.
ClRcT clOsalSemCreate (ClUint8T *pName, ClUint32T value, ClOsalSemIdT *pSemId)
 Creates a semaphore.
ClRcT clOsalSemDelete (ClOsalSemIdT semId)
 Deletes a semaphore.
ClRcT clOsalSemIdGet (ClUint8T *pName, ClOsalSemIdT *pSemId)
 Retrieves the semaphore id.
ClRcT clOsalSemLock (ClOsalSemIdT semId)
 Locks a semaphore.
ClRcT clOsalSemTryLock (ClOsalSemIdT semId)
 Locks a semaphore if it is available.
ClRcT clOsalSemUnlock (ClOsalSemIdT semId)
 Unlocks a semaphore.
ClRcT clOsalSemValueGet (ClOsalSemIdT semId, ClUint32T *pSemValue)
 Retrieves the value of a semaphore.
ClRcT clOsalShmAttach (ClOsalShmIdT shmId, void *pInMem, void **ppOutMem)
 Attaches a shared memory.
ClRcT clOsalShmCreate (ClUint8T *pName, ClUint32T size, ClOsalShmIdT *pShmId)
 Creates a shared memory.
ClRcT clOsalShmDelete (ClOsalShmIdT shmId)
 Deletes a shared memory.
ClRcT clOsalShmDetach (void *pMem)
 Detaches a shared memory.
ClRcT clOsalShmIdGet (ClUint8T *pName, ClOsalShmIdT *pShmId)
 Retrieves a shared memory Id.
ClRcT clOsalShmSecurityModeGet (ClOsalShmIdT shmId, ClUint32T *pMode)
 Retrieves permissions of shared memory.
ClRcT clOsalShmSecurityModeSet (ClOsalShmIdT shmId, ClUint32T mode)
 Sets permissions to shared memory.
ClRcT clOsalShmSizeGet (ClOsalShmIdT shmId, ClUint32T *pSize)
 Retrieves the size of shared memory.
void clOsalSigHandlerInitialize (void)
 Installs and initializes the signal handler.
ClTimeT clOsalStopWatchTimeGet (void)
 Retrieves the time since the machine is up.
ClRcT clOsalTaskCreateAttached (const ClCharT *taskName, ClOsalSchedulePolicyT schedulePolicy, ClUint32T priority, ClUint32T stackSize, void *(*fpTaskFunction)(void *), void *pTaskFuncArgument, ClOsalTaskIdT *pTaskId)
 Creates a task.
ClRcT clOsalTaskCreateDetached (const ClCharT *taskName, ClOsalSchedulePolicyT schedulePolicy, ClUint32T priority, ClUint32T stackSize, void *(*fpTaskFunction)(void *), void *pTaskFuncArgument)
 Creates a task.
ClRcT clOsalTaskDataGet (ClUint32T key, ClOsalTaskDataT *pThreadData)
 Retrieves the thread-specific data.
ClRcT clOsalTaskDataSet (ClUint32T key, ClOsalTaskDataT threadData)
 Sets the thread-specific data.
ClRcT clOsalTaskDelay (ClTimerTimeOutT timeOut)
 Delays a task.
ClRcT clOsalTaskDelete (ClOsalTaskIdT taskId)
 Deletes a task.
ClRcT clOsalTaskDetach (ClOsalTaskIdT taskId)
 No longer interested in the task's alive/dead state.
ClRcT clOsalTaskJoin (ClOsalTaskIdT taskId)
 Joins a task.
ClRcT clOsalTaskKeyCreate (ClUint32T *pKey, ClOsalTaskKeyDeleteCallBackT pCallbackFunc)
 Creates a key for thread-specific data.
ClRcT clOsalTaskKeyDelete (ClUint32T key)
 Deletes the key for thread-specific data.
ClRcT clOsalTaskKill (ClOsalTaskIdT taskId, ClInt32T sig)
 Kills a task by sending a signal.
ClRcT clOsalTaskNameGet (ClOsalTaskIdT taskId, ClCharT **ppTaskName)
 Retrieves task name.
ClRcT clOsalTaskPriorityGet (ClOsalTaskIdT taskId, ClUint32T *pTaskPriority)
 Retrieves the priority of the task.
ClRcT clOsalTaskPrioritySet (ClOsalTaskIdT taskId, ClUint32T taskPriority)
 Sets the priority of the task.
ClRcT clOsalTimeOfDayGet (ClTimerTimeOutT *pTime)
 Retrieves the current time.


ClOsalShmIdT gClCompUniqueShmId
 Shared memory ID associated with the component.
ClOsalShmAreaDefT * gpClShmArea
 Shared memory associated with the component.

Detailed Description

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Process creation flags.

The values of the ClOsalProcessFlagT enumeration type have the following interpretation:


This will create a process with new session.


This would create a new process group.

The following enumeration type contains schedule policy of the tasks that will be created.

The values of the ClOsalSchedulePolicyT enumeration type have the following interpretation: other is the default scheduling policy fifo & rr are used for real time threads (you must be running with superuser priviledges).


Default scheduling mechanism.





Shared memory security options.


read-only by this user


read-only by the group


read-only by everyone


read/write by this user


read/write by the group


read/write by everyone

The following enumeration type contains the various thread priorities.

The values of the ClOsalProcessFlagT enumeration type have the following interpretation:


When the scheduling is CL_OSAL_SCHED_OTHER, priority is not used.


Highest thread priority.


Medium thread priority.


Lowest thread priority.

Function Documentation

ClRcT clOsalCondBroadcast ( ClOsalCondIdT  conditionId)

Broadcasts a condition.

conditionIdIdentifier of the condition variable. This must be the same as one returned when the condition variable was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_BROADCASTOn failure to broadcast the condition.
This API is used to resume all the tasks that are waiting on the condition variable. If no tasks are waiting on that condition then nothing happens.
See Also
clOsalCondCreate(), clOsalCondDelete(), clOsalCondWait(), clOsalCondSignal()
ClRcT clOsalCondCreate ( ClOsalCondIdT pConditionId)

Creates a condition variable.

pConditionId(out) Identifier of the condition variable created is stored here. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_CREATEOn failure in creating a condition variable.
This API is used to create a condition variable. The condition variable is allocated on the heap. Use clOsalCondDelete() to destroy it.
See Also
clOsalCondDelete(), clOsalCondWait(), clOsalCondBroadcast(), clOsalCondSignal()
ClRcT clOsalCondDelete ( ClOsalCondIdT  conditionId)

Deletes a condition variable.

conditionIdIdentifier of the condition variable to be deleted. No task must be waiting on this condition variable when delete is invoked. This must be the same as one returned when the condition variable was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_TIMEDOUTOn condition timedout
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_DELETEOn failure in deleting the condition variable.
This API is used to delete a condition variable, and free associated memory. It is paired with clOsalCondCreate()
See Also
clOsalCondCreate(), clOsalCondWait(), clOsalCondBroadcast(), clOsalCondSignal()
ClRcT clOsalCondDestroy ( ClOsalCondT pCond)

Destroys a condition variable.

conditionIdIdentifier of the condition variable to be destroyed. No task must be waiting on this condition variable when destroy is invoked. This must be the same as one returned when the condition variable was initialized. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_TIMEDOUTOn condition timedout
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_DELETEOn failure in deleting the condition variable.
This API is used to delete a condition variable. It is paired with clOsalCondInit(), NOT clOsalCondCreate().
See Also
clOsalCondInit(), clOsalCondWait(), clOsalCondBroadcast(), clOsalCondSignal()
ClRcT clOsalCondInit ( ClOsalCondT pCond)

Initializes a condition variable.

pCond(out) Identifier of the condition variable initialized is stored here. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_INITOn failure in creating a condition variable.
This API is used to initialize a condition variable. Use clOsalCondDelete() to delete it, NOT clOsalCondDestroy()
See Also
clOsalCondDelete(), clOsalCondWait(), clOsalCondBroadcast(), clOsalCondSignal()
ClRcT clOsalCondSignal ( ClOsalCondIdT  conditionId)

Signals a condition.

conditionIdIdentifier of the condition variable. This must be the same as one returned when the condition variable was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_SIGNALOn failure to signal a condition.
This API is used to resume one of the tasks that are waiting on the condition variable. If no tasks are waiting on that condition then nothing happens. If there are several threads waiting on the condition then exactly one task is resumed.
See Also
clOsalCondCreate(), clOsalCondDelete(), clOsalCondWait(), clOsalCondBroadcast()
ClRcT clOsalCondWait ( ClOsalCondIdT  conditionId,
ClOsalMutexIdT  mutexId,
ClTimerTimeOutT  time 

Waits for a condition.

conditionIdIdentifier of the condition variable. This must be the same as one returned when the condition variable was created. Any other value can will be invalid.
mutexIdIdentifier of the mutex. This must be the same as one returned when the mutex was created. Any other value will be invalid.
timeDuration for which the task waits for a condition. The time structure must be filled in with valid values. If the time out is zero then the task waits indefinitely for the signal.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_WAITOn failure to wait for a condition.
This API is used to unlock a mutex and wait on a condition variable to be signalled as the task execution is suspended. The mutex must be locked before entering into wait.
  • If the time out value is specified then the task would wait for the specified time.
  • If the condition is not signalled within the specified time then an error is returned.
  • If the timeout specified is zero then the task waits indefinitely until it receives a signal.
See Also
clOsalCondCreate(), clOsalCondDelete(), clOsalCondBroadcast(), clOsalCondSignal()
ClRcT clOsalFinalize ( void  )
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_CL_OSAL_CLEANUPOn failure to clean up OSAL.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_DELETEOn failure in deleting mutex.
This API is used to clean-up OSAL. This is last OSAL API that is invoked, typically this must be called during system shutdown.
See Also
ClRcT clOsalInitialize ( const ClPtrT  pConfig)

Initializes the Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL).

Header File:
Library File:
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_CREATEOn failure in creating a mutex.
This API is used to initialize the OSAL. This should be the first API to be called before any of the other OSAL APIs are invoked.
See Also
ClRcT clOsalMutexCreate ( ClOsalMutexIdT pMutexId)

Creates a mutex.

pMutexId(out) Identifier of the mutex created is stored here. This must be a valid pointer (cannot be NULL).
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_CREATEOn failure in creating a Mutex.
This API is used to create and initialize a mutual exclusion semaphore.
See Also
clOsalMutexCreateAndLock(), clOsalMutexDelete()
ClRcT clOsalMutexCreateAndLock ( ClOsalMutexIdT pMutexId)

Creates a mutex in locked state.

pMutexId(out) Identifier of the mutex created is stored here. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMOn memory allocation failure.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_CREATEOn failure in creating a mutex.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_LOCKOn failure in locking a mutex.
This API is used to create and initialize a mutual exclusion semaphore in locked state.
See Also
clOsalMutexCreate(), clOsalMutexDelete()
ClRcT clOsalMutexDelete ( ClOsalMutexIdT  mutexId)

Deletes a mutex.

mutexIdIdentifier of the mutex to be deleted. The mutex id must be same as one returned when the mutex was created. All other values will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_DELETEOn failure in deleting a mutex.
This API is used to delete a mutex.
See Also
clOsalMutexCreateAndLock(), clOsalMutexCreate()
ClRcT clOsalMutexDestroy ( ClOsalMutexT *  pMutex)

Destroys a mutex.

mutexIdMutex to be destroyed. The mutex must be same as one returned when the mutex was initialized. All other values will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_DELETEOn failure in destroying the mutex.
This API is used to destroy a mutex.
See Also
clOsalMutexInit(), clOsalMutexCreateAndLock(), clOsalMutexCreate()
ClRcT clOsalMutexInit ( ClOsalMutexT *  pMutex)

Initializes a mutex.

pMutex(out) Mutex initialization data is stored here. This must be a valid pointer.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_CREATEOn failure in initializing a Mutex.
This API is used to initialize a mutual exclusion semaphore. It differs from clOsalMutexCreate in that "Create" allocates memory while this function uses the ClOsalMutexT object's memory. To clean up use clOsalMutexDestroy() NOT clOsalMutexDelete()
See Also
clOsalMutexCreate(), clOsalRecursiveMutexInit(), clOsalMutexCreateAndLock(), clOsalMutexDestroy()
ClRcT clOsalMutexLock ( ClOsalMutexIdT  mutexId)

Locks a mutex.

mutexIdIdentifier of the mutex to be locked. The mutex id must be same as one returned when the mutex was created. All other values will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_LOCKOn failure in locking a mutex.
This API is used to lock a mutex.
See Also
ClRcT clOsalMutexUnlock ( ClOsalMutexIdT  mutexId)

Unlocks a mutex.

mutexIdIdentifier of the mutex to be unlocked. The mutex ID must be same as one returned when the mutex was created. All other values will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_UNLOCKOn failure in unlocking a mutex.
This API is used to unlock a mutex.
See Also
ClRcT clOsalNanoTimeGet ( ClNanoTimeT *  pTime)

Returns the time since Epoch, with a best resolution of 1 nanosecond.

Actual resolution is hardware dependent.

pTimeCurrent time
Return values
CL_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_OSAL_ERR_OS_ERRORThe OS abstraction layer has not been initialized. In other words, clOsalInitialize() has not been called.
CL_ERR_UNSPECIFIEDAn unknown error has occured in fetching the current time. This will not be returned under normal circumstances.
See Also
ClRcT clOsalPageSizeGet ( ClInt32T *  pSize)
Returns the size of a page in bytes
Header File:
clOsalApi.h clOsalErrors.h
Library File:
pSizeThe returned length
Return values
CL_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_OSAL_ERR_OS_ERRORThe OS abstraction layer has not been initialized. In other words, clOsalInitialize() has not been called.
CL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThis limit cannot be queried at run-time.
CL_ERR_UNSPECIFIEDAn unknown error was returned by sysconf()
Related APIs:
ClRcT clOsalPrintf ( const ClCharT *  fmt,

Prints to the standard output.

fmtFormat string to be printed.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_OS_ERROROn failure to print to standard output.
This API is used to print to the standard output.
ClRcT clOsalProcessCreate ( ClOsalProcessFuncT  fpFunction,
void *  functionArg,
ClOsalProcessFlagT  creationFlags,
ClOsalPidT pProcessId 

Creates a process.

fpFunctionFunction to be invoked when the process is created. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
functionArgArgument passed to the fpFunction that is created along with the cretionof the the process. This can be a valid pointer or NULL.
creationFlagsFlags that control certain properties including creation of new session, process group and creating the process in a suspended state.
pProcessId(out) Id of the process created is stored in this location. This must be a valid pointer cand cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_PROCESS_CREATEOn failure to create a process.
This API is used to create a process.
See Also
clOsalProcessDelete(), clOsalProcessWait(), clOsalProcessSelfIdGet()
ClRcT clOsalProcessDelete ( ClOsalPidT  processId)

Deletes a process.

processIdId of the process to be deleted. This must be the same as one returned when the process was created.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_PROCESS_DELETEOn failure in deleting a process.
This API is used to delete a process.
See Also
clOsalProcessCreate(), clOsalProcessWait(), clOsalProcessSelfIdGet()
ClRcT clOsalProcessSelfIdGet ( ClOsalPidT pProcessId)

Retrieves the processId.

pProcessId(out) ProcessId of the caller is stored in this location.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
This API is used to obtain the processId of the caller.
See Also
clOsalProcessCreate(), clOsalProcessDelete(), clOsalProcessWait(),
ClRcT clOsalProcessSharedCondInit ( ClOsalCondT pCond)

Initializes a condition variable that can be used in multiple processes.

pCond(out) Identifier of the condition variable initialized is stored here. This must be a valid pointer to shared memory.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_CONDITION_INITOn failure in creating a condition variable.
This API is used to initialize a condition variable. Use clOsalCondDestroy() to delete it, NOT clOsalCondDelete()
See Also
clOsalCondDestroy(), clOsalCondWait(), clOsalCondBroadcast(), clOsalCondSignal()
ClRcT clOsalProcessSharedMutexInit ( ClOsalMutexT *  pMutex,
ClOsalSharedMutexFlagsT  flags,
ClUint8T *  pKey,
ClUint32T  keyLen,
ClInt32T  value 

Initializes a process-shared mutex.

pMutex(out) Mutex initialization data is stored here. This must be a valid pointer to shared memory.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_CREATEOn failure in initializing a Mutex.
This API is used to initialize a mutual exclusion semaphore that can be used to synchronize threads running in different processes
See Also
clOsalMutexInit(), clOsalRecursiveMutexInit(), clOsalMutexDelete()
ClRcT clOsalProcessWait ( ClOsalPidT  processId)

Waits for a process to exit.

processIdId of the process for which the calling process needs to wait. This must be the same as one returned when the process was created. If zero is passed then the calling process waits for all the processes, that it created, to exit.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_PROCESS_WAITOn failure to wait for a process to exit.
This API is used to suspend the execution of a process until the the processes created from with in the process has exited.
See Also
clOsalProcessCreate(), clOsalProcessDelete(), clOsalProcessSelfIdGet()
ClRcT clOsalRecursiveMutexInit ( ClOsalMutexT *  pMutex)

Initializes a mutex.

pMutex(out) Mutex initialization data is stored here. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_MUTEX_CREATEOn failure in initializing a Mutex.
This API is used to initialize a mutual exclusion semaphore. The mutex is recursive – i.e. same thread can 'lock' it multiple times, so long as it 'unlocks' it the same # of times.
See Also
clOsalMutexCreate(), clOsalRecursiveMutexInit(), clOsalMutexCreateAndLock(), clOsalMutexDelete()
ClRcT clOsalSelfTaskIdGet ( ClOsalTaskIdT pTaskId)

Retrieves task id.

pTaskId(out) Task ID of the calling task is stored here. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
This API is used to obtain the task Id of the calling task.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalSemCreate ( ClUint8T *  pName,
ClUint32T  value,
ClOsalSemIdT pSemId 

Creates a semaphore.

pNameName of the semaphore to be created. If the same name is specified then the same semaphore ID is returned. Name must not be more than 20 characters and cannot be NULL.
valueValue of the semaphore. This is required to set the semaphore before it is used first time. This must be a positive integer and must be less than CL_SEM_MAX_VALUE. Zero will be invalid.
pSemId(out) Identifier of the semaphore created is stored in this location. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SEM_CREATEOn failure in creating a semaphore.
CL_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONGIf semaphore name is too long.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
This API is used to create an counting semaphore. If the semaphore with the same name exists then the exisiting semaphore is obtained else a new semaphore is created.
See Also
clOsalSemIdGet(), clOsalSemLock(), clOsalSemTryLock(), clOsalSemUnlock(), clOsalSemValueGet(), clOsalSemDelete()
ClRcT clOsalSemDelete ( ClOsalSemIdT  semId)

Deletes a semaphore.

semIdIdentifier of the semaphore to be locked. This must be the same as one returned when the semaphore was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SEM_DELETEOn failure in deleting a semaphore.
This API is used to destroy a semaphore. No process must be waiting for the semaphore while the semaphore is being destroyed. If one or more processes are waiting on the semaphore then the semaphore does not get destroyed.
See Also
clOsalSemCreate(), clOsalSemIdGet(), clOsalSemLock(), clOsalSemTryLock(), clOsalSemUnlock(), clOsalSemValueGet(),
ClRcT clOsalSemIdGet ( ClUint8T *  pName,
ClOsalSemIdT pSemId 

Retrieves the semaphore id.

pNameName of the semaphore for the which the ID is required.NULL is not valid.
pSemId(out) A memory location to store the ID.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_SEM_ID_GETOn failure in retrieving the semaphore ID.
This API is used to obtain the ID of the semaphore if the name is specified.
See Also
clOsalSemCreate(),clOsalSemLock(), clOsalSemTryLock(), clOsalSemUnlock(), clOsalSemValueGet(), clOsalSemDelete()
ClRcT clOsalSemLock ( ClOsalSemIdT  semId)

Locks a semaphore.

semIdIdentifier of the semaphore to be locked. This must be the same as what was returned when the semaphore was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SEM_LOCKOn failure in locking a semaphore.
This API is used to lock a semaphore. If the semaphore is already locked (unavailable) then trying to lock the same semaphore suspends the execution of the process until the semaphore is available. The value of the semaphore is decremented.
See Also
clOsalSemCreate(), clOsalSemIdGet(), clOsalSemTryLock(), clOsalSemUnlock(), clOsalSemValueGet(), clOsalSemDelete()
ClRcT clOsalSemTryLock ( ClOsalSemIdT  semId)

Locks a semaphore if it is available.

semIdIdentifier of the semaphore to be locked. This must be the same as one returned when the semaphore was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SEM_LOCKOn failure in try-locking a semaphore.
This API is used to lock a semaphore if the semaphore is available. If the semaphore is unavailable then the call just returns without blocking. The call returns immediately (non-blocking) on both the cases. If the semaphore is available,then semaphore is locked and will remain locked until it is unlocked explicitly. The value of the semaphore is decremented.
See Also
clOsalSemCreate(), clOsalSemIdGet(), clOsalSemLock(), clOsalSemUnlock(), clOsalSemValueGet(), clOsalSemDelete()
ClRcT clOsalSemUnlock ( ClOsalSemIdT  semId)

Unlocks a semaphore.

semIdIdentifier of the semaphore to be locked. This must be the same as one returned when the semaphore was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SEM_UNLOCKOn failure in unlocking a semaphore.
This API is used to unlock a semaphore.Any process that is blocked on the semaphore resumes execution. If no process is blocked then the semaphore is made available for the others. The value of the semaphore is incremented.
See Also
clOsalSemCreate(), clOsalSemIdGet(), clOsalSemLock(), clOsalSemTryLock(), clOsalSemValueGet(), clOsalSemDelete()
ClRcT clOsalSemValueGet ( ClOsalSemIdT  semId,
ClUint32T *  pSemValue 

Retrieves the value of a semaphore.

semIdIdentifier of the semaphore to be locked. This must be the same as one returned when the semaphore was created. Any other value will be invalid.
pSemValue(out) Value of the semaphore is stored in the location specified. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SEM_GET_VALUEOn failure in retrieving the value of the semaphore.
This API is used to return the value of a semaphore.
See Also
clOsalSemCreate(), clOsalSemIdGet(), clOsalSemLock(), clOsalSemTryLock(), clOsalSemUnlock(), clOsalSemDelete()
ClRcT clOsalShmAttach ( ClOsalShmIdT  shmId,
void *  pInMem,
void **  ppOutMem 

Attaches a shared memory.

shmIdIdentifier of the shared memory region to be attached. This must be same as one returned the shared memory was created. All other values will be invalid.
pInMemPointer to the shared memory region to be attached.
  • NULL
  • address
ppOutMem(out) Attached shared memory region is copied to this location. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_SHM_ATTACHOn failure in attaching the shared memory.
This API is used to attach a shared memory region. The attach occurs at the address equal to the address specified by you rounded to the nearest multiple of the page size.
See Also
clOsalShmCreate(), clOsalShmIdGet(), clOsalShmDelete(),clOsalShmDetach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeSet(), clOsalShmSecurityModeGet(), clOsalShmSizeGet()
ClRcT clOsalShmCreate ( ClUint8T *  pName,
ClUint32T  size,
ClOsalShmIdT pShmId 

Creates a shared memory.

pNameName for the shared memory region to be created. The same name must be specified if the same shared memory is to be used from some other process. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL. Name must not be more than 20 characters.
sizeSize of the shared memory to be created. This must be a positive integer.
pShmIdIdentifier of the shared memory created is stored in this location. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONGIf the name specified is too long.
CL_ERR_SHM_ID_GETOn failure to retrieve the ID of the shared memory.
CL_ERR_SHM_CREATEOn failure to create a shared memory.
This API is used to create a shared memory region. If the shared memory region with the same name exists then the existing shared memory is obtained, else a new shared memory region is created.
See Also
clOsalShmIdGet(), clOsalShmDelete(), clOsalShmAttach(), clOsalShmDetach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeSet(), clOsalShmSecurityModeGet(), clOsalShmSizeGet()
ClRcT clOsalShmDelete ( ClOsalShmIdT  shmId)

Deletes a shared memory.

shmIdId of the shared memory to be deleted. This must be the same as the one that was passed when the shared memory was created. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SHM_DELETEOn failure in deleting the shared memory.
This API is used to delete a shared memory region. If more than one process has attached this shared memory then the destroy would just mark it for destroy. The shared memory is actually destroyed only after the last detach.
See Also
clOsalShmCreate(), clOsalShmIdGet(), clOsalShmAttach(), clOsalShmDetach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeSet(), clOsalShmSecurityModeGet(), clOsalShmSizeGet()
ClRcT clOsalShmDetach ( void *  pMem)

Detaches a shared memory.

pMemPointer to the shared memory region to be detached. The memory must have been attached to the process already. NULL will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_SHM_DETACHOn failure in detaching shared memory.
This API is used to detach a shared memory region from the address space of the calling process. The memory segment to be detached must have been attached to the process.
See Also
clOsalShmCreate(), clOsalShmIdGet(), clOsalShmDelete(), clOsalShmAttach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeSet(), clOsalShmSecurityModeGet(), clOsalShmSizeGet()
ClRcT clOsalShmIdGet ( ClUint8T *  pName,
ClOsalShmIdT pShmId 

Retrieves a shared memory Id.

pNameName of the shared memory region for which the Id is to be obtained. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
pShmIdId of the shared memory is copied into this location. NULL will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_SHM_ID_GETOn failure in obtaining the shared memory ID.
This API is used to obtain the shared memory Id.
See Also
clOsalShmCreate(), clOsalShmDelete(), clOsalShmAttach(), clOsalShmDetach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeSet(), clOsalShmSecurityModeGet(), clOsalShmSizeGet()
ClRcT clOsalShmSecurityModeGet ( ClOsalShmIdT  shmId,
ClUint32T *  pMode 

Retrieves permissions of shared memory.

shmIdIdentifier of the shared memory region. This must be same as one returned when the shared memory was created. All other values will be invalid.
pMode(out) Permission of the shared memory will be copied to this location. NULL will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_SHM_MODE_GETOn failure in retrieving permissions of the shared memory.
See Also
clOsalShmCreate(), clOsalShmIdGet(), clOsalShmDelete(), clOsalShmAttach(), clOsalShmDetach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeSet(), clOsalShmSizeGet()
ClRcT clOsalShmSecurityModeSet ( ClOsalShmIdT  shmId,
ClUint32T  mode 

Sets permissions to shared memory.

shmIdIdentifier of the shared memory region. This must be same as one returned when the shared memory was created. All other values will be invalid.
modePermission to be set. This can be any of the flags specified in ClOsalShmSecurityModeFlagT.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_SHM_MODE_SETOn failure in setting permissions to shared memory.
This API is used to set permissions for a shared memory region.This allows only the access modes to be changed.
See Also
clOsalShmCreate(), clOsalShmIdGet(), clOsalShmDelete(), clOsalShmAttach(), clOsalShmDetach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeGet(), clOsalShmSizeGet()
ClRcT clOsalShmSizeGet ( ClOsalShmIdT  shmId,
ClUint32T *  pSize 

Retrieves the size of shared memory.

shmIdIdentifier of the shared memory region. This must be same as one returned when the shared memory was created. All other values will be invalid.
pSizeSize of the shared memory is copied into the specified location.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.:
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_SHM_SIZEOn failure in retrieving size of the shared memory.
This API is used to obtain the size of the shared memory that was allocated.
See Also
clOsalShmCreate(), clOsalShmIdGet(), clOsalShmDelete(), clOsalShmAttach(), clOsalShmDetach(), clOsalShmSecurityModeSet(), clOsalShmSecurityModeGet(),
void clOsalSigHandlerInitialize ( void  )

Installs and initializes the signal handler.

initialized. In other words, clOsalInitialize() has not been called.

Return values
CL_ERR_OP_NOT_PERMITTEDPermission denied to unlink the POSIX shared memory object.
CL_ERR_DOESNT_EXISTA POSIX shared memory object by name 'name' does not exist
CL_ERR_UNSPECIFIED,:An unknown error was returned by pathconf()
ClTimeT clOsalStopWatchTimeGet ( void  )

Retrieves the time since the machine is up.

pTimePointer to variable of type ClTimerTimeOutT, in which the time is returned.
Return values
-1if there is some system error.
onsuccess returns the time in microseconds.
This API is used to return the current time, since the machine is up, in microseconds.
ClRcT clOsalTaskCreateAttached ( const ClCharT *  taskName,
ClOsalSchedulePolicyT  schedulePolicy,
ClUint32T  priority,
ClUint32T  stackSize,
void *(*)(void *)  fpTaskFunction,
void *  pTaskFuncArgument,
ClOsalTaskIdT pTaskId 

Creates a task.

taskNameName of the task. This must be a valid string. NULL is regarded as invalid but the task creation does not fail.
schedulePolicySchedule policy can be set as one of the following:
  • CL_OSAL_SCHED_RR For this, you must be logged in as super-user. It supports priority-based realtime round-robin scheduling.
  • CL_OSAL_SCHED_FIFO For this, you must be logged in as super-user. It supports priority based pre-emptive scheduling. This parameter is ignored in case of VxWorks.
priorityPriority at which the tasks is executed. The priority must be between 1 and 160 (1 - lowest priority 160 - highest priority). Any other value is regarded as wrong and task creation fails.
stackSizeSize (in bytes) of the user stack that must be created when the task is executed. The stack size must be a positive integer. If zero is mentioned, then the default stack size of 4096 bytes would be allocated. If the stack size mentioned is less than the default stack size then the default stack size is assigned.
fpTaskFunctionEntry point of the task. This function is executed when the task is executed. This is a function pointer and NULL argument would result in error.
pTaskFuncArgumentThe argument to be passed to fpTaskFuncArgument when the function is executed. This must be a valid pointer and if there are no arguments to be passed then NULL can be passed. Any other value will be invalid.
pTaskId(out)The identifier of the task started is stored here. This shall be any valid pointer, NULL will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing invalid parameters.
CL_ERR_TASK_ATTRIBUTE_INITOn failure in task attribute initialization.
CL_ERR_TASK_CREATEOn failure to create task.
CL_ERR_TASK_ATTRIBUTE_SETOn failure in setting task attributes.
This API is used to spawn a new task that runs concurrently with the calling task. The new task invokes the user API fpTaskFunction with the argument pTaskFuncArgument to the function. The new task terminates explicitly by calling clOsalTaskDelete or implicitly, by returning from the fpTaskFunction. Since the task it "attached", it can be manipulated using the task handle returned in the pTaskId. parameter.
See Also
clOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTaskCreateDetached ( const ClCharT *  taskName,
ClOsalSchedulePolicyT  schedulePolicy,
ClUint32T  priority,
ClUint32T  stackSize,
void *(*)(void *)  fpTaskFunction,
void *  pTaskFuncArgument 

Creates a task.

taskNameName of the task. This must be a valid string. NULL is regarded as invalid but the task creation does not fail.
schedulePolicySchedule policy can be set as one of the following:
  • CL_OSAL_SCHED_RR For this, you must be logged in as super-user. It supports priority-based realtime round-robin scheduling.
  • CL_OSAL_SCHED_FIFO For this, you must be logged in as super-user. It supports priority based pre-emptive scheduling. This parameter is ignored in case of VxWorks.
priorityPriority at which the tasks is executed. The priority must be between 1 and 160 (1 - lowest priority 160 - highest priority). Any other value is regarded as wrong and task creation fails.
stackSizeSize (in bytes) of the user stack that must be created when the task is executed. The stack size must be a positive integer. If zero is mentioned, then the default stack size of 4096 bytes would be allocated. If the stack size mentioned is less than the default stack size then the default stack size is assigned.
fpTaskFunctionEntry point of the task. This function is executed when the task is executed. This is a function pointer and NULL argument would result in error.
pTaskFuncArgumentThe argument to be passed to fpTaskFuncArgument when the function is executed. This must be a valid pointer and if there are no arguments to be passed then NULL can be passed. Any other value will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVLD_PARAMOn passing invalid parameters.
CL_ERR_TASK_ATTRIBUTE_INITOn failure in task attribute initialization.
CL_ERR_TASK_CREATEOn failure to create task.
CL_ERR_TASK_ATTRIBUTE_SETOn failure in setting task attributes.
This API is used to spawn a new task that runs concurrently with the calling task. The new task invokes the user API fpTaskFunction with the argument pTaskFuncArgument to the function. The new task terminates explicitly by calling clOsalTaskDelete or implicitly, by returning from the fpTaskFunction.
See Also
clOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTaskDataGet ( ClUint32T  key,
ClOsalTaskDataT pThreadData 

Retrieves the thread-specific data.

keyKey for the thread-specific data returned by clOsalTaskKeyCreate API.
pThreadData(out) Pointer to ClUint32T in which the thread-specific data is returned on success.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_OS_ERROROn failure in retrieving the thread-specific data.
This API is used to return the thread-specific data of the calling task.
See Also
clOsalTaskKeyCreate(), clOsalTaskKeyDelete(), clOsalTaskDataSet()
ClRcT clOsalTaskDataSet ( ClUint32T  key,
ClOsalTaskDataT  threadData 

Sets the thread-specific data.

keyKey for the thread-specific data returned by clOsalTaskKeyCreate API.
threadDataThreadData to be assigned to the calling task.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_OS_ERROROn failure to set thread-specific data.
This API is used to set the thread-specific data for the calling task.
See Also
clOsalTaskKeyCreate(), clOsalTaskKeyDelete(), clOsalTaskDataGet()
ClRcT clOsalTaskDelay ( ClTimerTimeOutT  timeOut)

Delays a task.

timeTime duration for which the task is delayed. This value is in milliseconds. Any positive value will be valid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_TASK_DELAYOn failure in delaying a task.
This API causes the calling task to relinquish the CPU for the duration specified. For certain OSes like Linux the taks may not get scheduled back after the timedelay mentioned. It may be scheduled at a later time by the scheduler based on the scheduling time interval, also it can be interrupted by signals received by the process and could return before the delay time period.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet()
ClRcT clOsalTaskDelete ( ClOsalTaskIdT  taskId)

Deletes a task.

taskIdIdentifier of the task to be deleted. The taskId must be same as what was returned when the task was created. All other values will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully. (Not applicable for deleting the currently executing task)
CL_ERR_NO_TASK_EXISTOn deleting a task which does not exist.
CL_ERR_TASK_DELETEOn failure to delete a task.
This API is used to delete a task.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTaskDetach ( ClOsalTaskIdT  taskId)

No longer interested in the task's alive/dead state.

taskIdIdentifier of the task to be detached. The taskId must be same as what was returned when the task was created. All other values will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully. (Not applicable for deleting the currently executing task)
CL_ERR_NO_TASK_EXISTOn deleting a task which does not exist.
CL_ERR_TASK_DELETEOn failure to delete a task.
This API is used to tell the platform that this task should run independently of all other tasks. Its return code, or state will not be accessible by the program.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTaskJoin ( ClOsalTaskIdT  taskId)

Joins a task.

taskIdIdentifier of the task to be joined. The taskId must be same as what was returned when the task was created. All other values will be invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully. (Not applicable for deleting the currently executing task)
CL_ERR_NO_TASK_EXISTOn deleting a task which does not exist.
CL_ERR_TASK_DELETEOn failure to delete a task.
This API is used to join a task. Joining a task means that the calling task will wait until the specified task is completed. Joining a task also cleans
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTaskKeyCreate ( ClUint32T *  pKey,
ClOsalTaskKeyDeleteCallBackT  pCallbackFunc 

Creates a key for thread-specific data.

pKey(out) Pointer to ClUint32T, in which the created key is returned.
pCallbackFuncCallback function, which is called when the key is deleted using clOsalTaskKeyDelete API.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_OS_ERROROn failure to create a key for thread-specific data.
This API is used to create a key for thread-specific data.
See Also
clOsalTaskKeyDelete(), clOsalTaskDataSet(), clOsalTaskDataGet()
ClRcT clOsalTaskKeyDelete ( ClUint32T  key)

Deletes the key for thread-specific data.

keyKey to be deleted.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_OS_ERROROn failure in deleting the key for thread-specific data.
This API is used to delete the key for thread-specific data, which is returned by clOsalTaskKeyCreate.
See Also
clOsalTaskKeyCreate(), clOsalTaskDataSet(), clOsalTaskDataGet()
ClRcT clOsalTaskKill ( ClOsalTaskIdT  taskId,
ClInt32T  sig 

Kills a task by sending a signal.

taskIdIdentifier of the task to be killed. The taskId must be same as what was returned when the task was created. All other values will be invalid.
sigSignal to be sent to the task
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully. (Not applicable for killing the currently executing task)
CL_ERR_NO_TASK_EXISTOn killing a task which does not exist.
CL_ERR_TASK_DELETEOn failure to killing a task.
This API is used to kill a task by sending a signal identified by the sig parameter.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), ClOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(),
ClRcT clOsalTaskNameGet ( ClOsalTaskIdT  taskId,
ClCharT **  ppTaskName 

Retrieves task name.

taskIdTask ID of the task for the which the name is to be found. If the task ID is zero then the name of the current task is found.
ppTaskName(out) Name of the task is stored here. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_NO_TASK_EXISTOn requesting for a task name which does not exist.
This API is used to obtain the name of the task.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTaskPriorityGet ( ClOsalTaskIdT  taskId,
ClUint32T *  pTaskPriority 

Retrieves the priority of the task.

taskIdTask ID of the task for which the priority is to obtained. The task ID must be same as the one that was returned when the task was created. Any other value will be invalid.
pTaskPriority(out) Priority of the task is stored here. This must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_TASK_ATTRIBUTE_GETOn failure in retrieving the priority of the task.
This API is used to obtain the priority of a task.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPrioritySet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTaskPrioritySet ( ClOsalTaskIdT  taskId,
ClUint32T  taskPriority 

Sets the priority of the task.

taskIdTask ID of the task for which the priority is to be set. The task ID must be same as the one that was returned when the task was created. Any other value will be invalid.
pTaskPriorityNew priority of the task. This must be between 1 and 160. All other values are invalid.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_TASK_ATTRIBUTE_SETOn failure in setting the priority of the task.
This API is used to set the priority of a task.
See Also
clOsalTaskCreate(), clOsalTaskDelete(), clOsalSelfTaskIdGet(), clOsalTaskNameGet(), clOsalTaskPriorityGet(), clOsalTaskDelay()
ClRcT clOsalTimeOfDayGet ( ClTimerTimeOutT pTime)

Retrieves the current time.

pTimePointer to variable of type ClTimerTimeOutT, in which the time is returned.
Return values
CL_RC_OKThis API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_PTROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_TIME_OF_DAYOn failure in retrieving the time of day.
This API is used to return the current time (number of seconds and milliseconds) since the Epoch.

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