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Group Membership Service

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions. More...


file  clClmApi.h
 Header file of SA Forum compliant Group Membership Service.
file  clClmTmsCommon.h
 Header file of Group Membership Service APIs.
file  clGmsErrors.h
 Header file of Error Codes returned by the Group Membership Service.
file  clTmsApi.h
 Header file of Group Membership Service APIs.


struct  ClGmsCallbacksT
 This callback structure is provided to the GMS library during Initialization. More...
struct  ClGmsClusterManageCallbacksT
 This structure contains the cluster managing callbacks provided at the joining time by the member. More...
struct  ClGmsClusterMemberT
 This structure describes one member (or node) of the cluster. More...
struct  ClGmsClusterNotificationBufferT
 Buffer to convey the view: the list of nodes and their status. More...
struct  ClGmsClusterNotificationT
 Buffer containing the list of nodes that forms the current view of cluster. More...
struct  ClGmsGroupInfoListT
 Structure used to pass the meta data on all the existing groups. More...
struct  ClGmsGroupInfoT
 Structure used to hold the metadata of a group. More...
struct  ClGmsGroupMemberT
 Structure containing attributes of a group member. More...
struct  ClGmsGroupNotificationBufferT
 Buffer to convey the view: the list of group member attributes. More...
struct  ClGmsGroupNotificationT
 Buffer containing the list of group members in the requested view. More...
struct  ClGmsGroupParamsT
 Parameters for group provided during group creation. More...
struct  ClGmsNodeAddressT
 IP Address of the node can be of IPv4 or IPv6. More...


 If the joining node is version incompatible with that of the other nodes in the cluster .
 The config file paramer is invalid(NOT used)
#define CL_GMS_ERR_EMPTY_GROUP   0x104
 The group is empty (INCOMPLETE Usage)
 Requested group doesnt exist.
 IOC Deregistration of the group member failed.
 IOC registration of the group member failed.
 An error found while performing operation on openais interface.
 Unmarshalling RMD Reply failed.
 The credential value which will not be considered during leader election.
 Invalid group ID.
#define CL_GMS_INVALID_HANDLE   ((ClGmsHandleT)0)
 Invalid svc handle.
#define CL_GMS_INVALID_NODE_ID   0xffffffff
 Indicates the invalid value of the node Id.
 Indicates the local node.
 Maximum length of the address value.
#define clTmsInitialize   clGmsInitialize
 Handle to be associated with each group.
#define LEADER_ELECTION_ALGORITHM   "LeaderElectionAlgorithm"
 Name of the Function to be defined in the Leader Election algorithm plugin.


typedef struct ClGmsCallbacksT ClGmsCallbacksT
 This callback structure is provided to the GMS library during Initialization.
typedef enum ClGmsClusterChangesT ClGmsClusterChangesT
 Enumerator and structure for the node status notification for tracking nodes.
typedef void(* ClGmsClusterMemberEjectCallbackT )(CL_IN ClGmsMemberEjectReasonT reasonCode)
 Callback for indicating that member was expelled from the cluster.
typedef void(* ClGmsClusterMemberGetCallbackT )(CL_IN ClInvocationT invocation, CL_IN const ClGmsClusterMemberT *clusterMember, CL_IN ClRcT rc)
 Callback for asynchronous cluster member query.
typedef void(* ClGmsClusterTrackCallbackT )(CL_IN const ClGmsClusterNotificationBufferT *notificationBuffer, CL_IN ClUint32T numberOfMembers, CL_IN ClRcT rc)
 Callback for tracking cluster view changes.
typedef enum ClGmsGroupChangesT ClGmsGroupChangesT
 Enumerator and structure of member status notification.
typedef ClUint32T ClGmsGroupIdT
 System-wide unique ID of the group.
typedef struct ClGmsGroupInfoListT ClGmsGroupInfoListT
 Structure used to pass the meta data on all the existing groups.
typedef struct ClGmsGroupInfoT ClGmsGroupInfoT
 Structure used to hold the metadata of a group.
typedef void(* ClGmsGroupMemberGetCallbackT )(CL_IN ClInvocationT invocation, CL_IN const ClGmsGroupMemberT *groupMember, CL_IN ClRcT rc)
 Callback for asynchronous group member query.
typedef ClNameT ClGmsGroupNameT
 System-wide unique name of the group.
typedef struct
 Buffer containing the list of group members in the requested view.
typedef struct ClGmsGroupParamsT ClGmsGroupParamsT
 Parameters for group provided during group creation.
typedef void(* ClGmsGroupTrackCallbackT )(CL_IN ClGmsGroupIdT groupId, CL_IN const ClGmsGroupNotificationBufferT *notificationBuffer, CL_IN ClUint32T numberOfMembers, CL_IN ClRcT rc)
 Callback for tracking group view changes.
typedef ClHandleT ClGmsHandleT
 Handle for using the GMS API.
typedef ClRcT(* ClGmsLeaderElectionAlgorithmT )(ClGmsClusterNotificationBufferT buffer, ClGmsNodeIdT *leaderNodeId, ClGmsNodeIdT *deputyNodeId, ClGmsClusterMemberT *memberJoinedOrLeft, ClGmsGroupChangesT cond)
 Signature of the leader election algorithm used in the GMS engine .
typedef ClUint32T ClGmsLeadershipCredentialsT
 Credentials for leader election.
typedef ClUint32T ClGmsMemberIdT
 Group-unique ID of a member.
typedef ClNameT ClGmsMemberNameT
 Group-unique name of the member.
typedef enum
 This type defines the family to which the address of the node belongs.
typedef struct ClGmsNodeAddressT ClGmsNodeAddressT
 IP Address of the node can be of IPv4 or IPv6.
typedef ClUint32T ClGmsNodeIdT
 Node ID – Unique and consistent identifier of a node.
typedef enum ClGmsTrackFlagsT ClGmsTrackFlagsT
 Flags for tracking request flag.


enum  ClGmsClusterChangesT {
 Enumerator and structure for the node status notification for tracking nodes. More...
enum  ClGmsGroupChangesT {
 Enumerator and structure of member status notification. More...
enum  ClGmsMemberEjectReasonT {
 Reason codes for ejecting the user from cluster/group. More...
enum  ClGmsNodeAddressFamilyT {
 This type defines the family to which the address of the node belongs. More...
enum  ClGmsTrackFlagsT {
 Flags for tracking request flag. More...


struct ClGmsClusterMemberT __attribute__ ((__aligned__(8)))
 This structure describes one member (or node) of the cluster.
ClRcT clGmsClusterLeaderElect (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle, CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT preferredLeader, CL_INOUT ClGmsNodeIdT *leader, CL_INOUT ClGmsNodeIdT *deputy, CL_INOUT ClBoolT *leadershipChanged)
 Initiate leader election synchronously.
ClRcT clGmsClusterMemberEject (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle, CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT nodeId, CL_IN ClGmsMemberEjectReasonT reason)
 Forcibly removes a member from the cluster.
ClRcT clGmsClusterMemberGet (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle, CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT nodeId, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout, CL_OUT ClGmsClusterMemberT *clusterMember)
 Returns cluster member information.
ClRcT clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle, CL_IN ClInvocationT invocation, CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT nodeId)
 Returns information on the cluster node asynchronously.
ClRcT clGmsClusterTrack (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle, CL_IN ClUint8T trackFlags, CL_INOUT ClGmsClusterNotificationBufferT *notificationBuffer)
 Configures the cluster tracking mode.
ClRcT clGmsClusterTrackStop (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle)
 Stops all the clusters tracking.
ClRcT clGmsDispatch (ClGmsHandleT clmHandle, ClDispatchFlagsT dispatchFlags)
 Dispatch API as per SAF symantics for dispatching the pending callbacks.
ClRcT clGmsFinalize (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle)
 Cleans up the GMS library.
ClRcT clGmsInitialize (CL_OUT ClGmsHandleT *gmsHandle, CL_IN const ClGmsCallbacksT *gmsCallbacks, CL_INOUT ClVersionT *version)
 Initializes the GMS library and registers the callback functions.
ClRcT clGmsSelectionObjectGet (ClGmsHandleT clmHandle, ClSelectionObjectT *pSelectionObject)
 The selection object fd provided by GMS client on which the user can poll for any callbacks as per SAF symantics.
ClRcT clTmsGetGroupInfo (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTmsGroupNameT *groupName, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout, CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupInfoT *groupInfo)
 Returns the information of a group specified by the groupName.
ClRcT clTmsGroupCreate (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTmsGroupNameT *groupName, CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupParamsT *groupParams, CL_OUT ClTmsGroupIdT *groupId)
 Create a group.
ClRcT clTmsGroupDestroy (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT groupId)
 Destroy a group.
ClRcT clTmsGroupJoin (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT groupId, CL_IN ClTmsMemberIdT memberId, CL_IN ClTmsMemberNameT *memberName, CL_IN ClTmsLeadershipCredentialsT credentials, CL_IN ClTmsGroupMessageDeliveryCallbackT msgDeliveryCallback, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout)
 Join the group as a member.
ClRcT clTmsGroupLeave (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT groupId, CL_IN ClTmsMemberIdT memberId, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout)
 Leave the group.
ClRcT clTmsGroupTrack (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT groupId, CL_IN ClUint8T trackFlags, CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupNotificationBufferT *notificationBuffer)
 Configures the group tracking mode.
ClRcT clTmsGroupTrackStop (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT groupId)
 Stops all the group tracking.
ClRcT clTmsListGroups (CL_IN ClTmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout, CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupInfoListT *groups)
 Returns the information on all the groups.
ClRcT clTmsSendAll (CL_IN ClGmsHandleT svcHandle, CL_IN ClGmsGroupIdT groupId, CL_IN ClGmsMemberIdT memberId, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout, CL_IN ClUint32T dataSize, CL_IN ClPtrT data)
 Send a Totally ordered multicast messages to all members of a given group.

Detailed Description

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions.

Typedef Documentation

Enumerator and structure for the node status notification for tracking nodes.

Each time a node joines or leaves or reconfigured.

typedef void(* ClGmsClusterMemberEjectCallbackT)(CL_IN ClGmsMemberEjectReasonT reasonCode)

Callback for indicating that member was expelled from the cluster.

Header File:
reasonCode(in) Indicates the reason for expelling the node from the cluster. The reasonCodes defined as of now are -
Return values
This ClGmsClusterMemberEjectCallback callback function is getting called when a cluster member is ejected by an administrative operation.
Library File:
See Also
typedef void(* ClGmsClusterMemberGetCallbackT)(CL_IN ClInvocationT invocation, CL_IN const ClGmsClusterMemberT *clusterMember, CL_IN ClRcT rc)

Callback for asynchronous cluster member query.

Header File:
invocation(in) Callback correlator
clusterMember(in) Buffer containing the node information
rc(in) Return code from the server
Return values
This ClGmsClusterMemberGetCallbackT callback function is invoked when an async request was made to get the given node information by using clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync() API. The requested member node information is provided in the clusterMember parameter.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsClusterMemberGet(), clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync()
typedef void(* ClGmsClusterTrackCallbackT)(CL_IN const ClGmsClusterNotificationBufferT *notificationBuffer, CL_IN ClUint32T numberOfMembers, CL_IN ClRcT rc)

Callback for tracking cluster view changes.

Header File:
notificationBuffer(in) Buffer containing the node information of the cluster
numberOfMembers(in) Represent the number of nodes' information present in the notification buffer.
rc(in) Return code from the server
Return values
This ClGmsClusterTrackCallbackT callback function is invoked in following 2 cases:
  • If the user is registered for cluster track changes with CL_TRACK_CHANGES or CL_TRACK_CHANGES_ONLY track flags, then the callback is invoked for every change in the cluster.
  • If the user has invoked clGmsClusterTrack API with CL_TRACK_CURRENT flag and the notification buffer is NULL, then the response is served through an invocation of this callback.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsInitialize(), clGmsClusterTrack()
typedef void(* ClGmsGroupMemberGetCallbackT)(CL_IN ClInvocationT invocation, CL_IN const ClGmsGroupMemberT *groupMember, CL_IN ClRcT rc)

Callback for asynchronous group member query.

Header File:
invocation(in) Callback correlator
groupMember(in) Buffer containing the member information
rc(in) Return code from the server
Return values
This ClGmsGroupMemberGetCallbackT callback function is invoked when an async request was made to get the given member information by using clGmsGroupMemberGetAsync() API. The requested member node information is provided in the clusterMember parameter.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsClusterMemberGet(), clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync()

Parameters for group provided during group creation.

Currently no paramters are provided. isIocGroup parameter specifies if the group needs to create IOC multicast address. Please note that non-ioc groups are not supported in release 3.0. So this is for future usage.

typedef void(* ClGmsGroupTrackCallbackT)(CL_IN ClGmsGroupIdT groupId, CL_IN const ClGmsGroupNotificationBufferT *notificationBuffer, CL_IN ClUint32T numberOfMembers, CL_IN ClRcT rc)

Callback for tracking group view changes.

Header File:
groupId(in) Group ID of the group for which the track request is being served.
notificationBuffer(in) Buffer containing the member information of the group
numberOfMembers(in) Represent the number of members' information present in the notification buffer.
rc(in) Return code from the server
Return values
This ClGmsGroupTrackCallbackT callback function is invoked in following 2 cases:
  • If the user is registered for group track changes with CL_TRACK_CHANGES or CL_TRACK_CHANGES_ONLY track flags, then the callback is invoked for every change in the group.
  • If the user has invoked clGmsGroupTrack API with CL_TRACK_CURRENT flag and the notification buffer is NULL, then the response is served through an invocation of this callback.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsInitialize(), clGmsGroupTrack()
typedef ClHandleT ClGmsHandleT

Handle for using the GMS API.

A handle of this type is assigned during the initialization of the Group Membership Service, and it designates this particular initialization. It must be passed as first parameter for all operations pertaining to the GMS library.

typedef ClRcT(* ClGmsLeaderElectionAlgorithmT)(ClGmsClusterNotificationBufferT buffer, ClGmsNodeIdT *leaderNodeId, ClGmsNodeIdT *deputyNodeId, ClGmsClusterMemberT *memberJoinedOrLeft, ClGmsGroupChangesT cond)

Signature of the leader election algorithm used in the GMS engine .

Leader election algorithm is implemented as plugin (dynamically loadable shared object). Leader election algorithm is invoked upon any changes in the cluster ( member joining or member leaving ) or upon the invocation of the clGmsClusterLeaderElect function. Algorithm is given information regarding The current view of the cluster and the condition in which the algorithm is invoked. Condition can be CL_GMS_MEMBER_JOIN or CL_GMS_MEMBER_LEFT and the pointer to the node is passed to the algorithm.

typedef ClUint32T ClGmsLeadershipCredentialsT

Credentials for leader election.

Only members with the highest value in the group will be considered as candidates for leadership.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumerator and structure for the node status notification for tracking nodes.

Each time a node joines or leaves or reconfigured.


No change occured on the node since the last view.


Node has joined since last view.


Node has left since last view.


Node hes been re-configured since last view.

Enumerator and structure of member status notification.


Member unchanged since last view.


Member joined since last view.


Member has left since last view.


Member reconfigured since last view.


Leadership election through API.

Reason codes for ejecting the user from cluster/group.


Reason for the eject not known.


The member has been ejected due to an explicit invocation of clGmsClusterMemberEject() API.

This type defines the family to which the address of the node belongs.


CL_GMS_AF_INET stands for IPv4 address.


CL_GMS_AF_INET6 stands for IPv6 address.

Flags for tracking request flag.


Returns current view.


To subscribe for view notifications that includes current view and the recent change.


To subscribe for delta notifications.

Function Documentation

ClUint64T viewNumber __attribute__ ( (__aligned__(8))  )

This structure describes one member (or node) of the cluster.

Buffer to convey the view: the list of group member attributes.

Credentials for being the leader.

The view number of the group at the time the member joined.

The instant at which the member joined the group.

True if the node is a member of group.

Textual name of the member.

IOC Address of the group member application.

Group-unique ID of the member.

SVC handle of this group member.

Structure containing attributes of a group member.

Current view number.

Buffer to convey the view: the list of nodes and their status.

Node profile as described in the datatype ClGmsClusterMemberT.

Buffer containing the list of nodes that forms the current view of cluster.

Version information of the GMS software running on the node, information is sent to the other peers in the cluster while joining the cluster .

Indicates that the leadership preference is set through CLI and not through config file.

Indicates if this node is the preferred leader for the cluster.

Indicates if this node is the current leader of the cluster or not.

This is an integer value specifying the leadership credibility of the node.

The view number when the node joined.

The time at which GMS was started on the node.

This is TRUE if the node is a member of the cluster For tracking nodes it is not set.

Textual name of node.

Node IP Address.

Physical IOC address of node.

Unique ID of node.

Larger the value higher is the possibility of the node becoming a leader. Member with creditials CL_GMS_INELIGIBLE_CREDENTIALS cannot participate in the leader election This provides higher preference during leader election.

If there is a version mismatch the node is not allowed to join the Cluster

The higher the credential, larger is the possibility of the node being elected as leader.

ClRcT clGmsClusterLeaderElect ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  gmsHandle,
CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT  preferredLeader,
CL_INOUT ClGmsNodeIdT leader,
CL_INOUT ClGmsNodeIdT deputy,
CL_INOUT ClBoolT *  leadershipChanged 

Initiate leader election synchronously.

Header File:
gmsHandleThe handle, obtained through the clGmsInitialize() function, designating this particular initialization of the Group Membership Service
Return values
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEIf the handle passed to the function is not valid. The handle passed should have been obtained from the clGmsInitialize() function.
This function is used to initiate leader election synchronously. The elected leader is announced via the tracking callback. Typically it is invoked when a node leaves or joins, or on any event which would alter the leadership of the cluster. The algorithm will be run by the GMS server engine, and a leader and deputy leader are elected. Here the API runs synchronously means that the election is done as part of the API processing itself. However the results are given through a cluster track callback.
Library File:
ClRcT clGmsClusterMemberEject ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  gmsHandle,
CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT  nodeId,
CL_IN ClGmsMemberEjectReasonT  reason 

Forcibly removes a member from the cluster.

Header File:
gmsHandleThe handle, obtained through the clGmsInitialize() function, designating this particular initialization of the Group Membership Service
nodeIdNode ID of the member to be ejected out.
reasonReason for ejecting the member out of the cluster. A member can be ejected from the cluster either upon request, or for an unknown reason. reasonCode can have 2 values.
Return values
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEIf the handle passed to the function is not valid. The handle passed should have been obtained from the clGmsInitialize() function.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERIf the node ID is not a valid node ID or if the reason is not valid.
This function is used to remove a member forcibly from the cluster. All the process groups or group members if any on the node are expelled from their respective process groups and a reason is given for ejecting them out. The tracking members of the cluster are notified through the tracking callback.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsClusterLeaveAsync(), clGmsClusterLeaderElect()
ClRcT clGmsClusterMemberGet ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  gmsHandle,
CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT  nodeId,
CL_IN ClTimeT  timeout,
CL_OUT ClGmsClusterMemberT clusterMember 

Returns cluster member information.

Header File:
gmsHandleThe handle, obtained through the clGmsInitialize() function, designating this particular initialization of the Group Membership Service.
nodeIdThe identifier of the cluster node for which the clusterNode information structure is to be retrieved.
timeoutThe clGmsClusterMemberGet() invocation is considered to have failed if it does not complete by the time specified through this parameter.
clusterMember(out) A pointer to a cluster node structure that contains information about a cluster node. The invoking process provides space for this structure, and the Group Membership Service fills in the fields of this structure.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTERIf the parameter clusterMember passed is a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_TIMEOUTCommunication request timed out.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMRequested node does not exist
This API is used to retrieve the information on a given cluster member and check whether the node is a member of the cluster. The space for the node must be allocated by you. This function provides the means for synchronously retrieving information about a cluster member, identified by the nodeId parameter. The cluster node information is returned in the clusterNode parameter.

By invoking this function, a process can obtain the cluster node information for the node, designated by nodeId, and can then check the member field to determine whether this node is a member of the cluster. If the constant CL_GMS_LOCAL_NODE_ID is used as nodeId, the function returns information about the cluster node that hosts the invoking process.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsClusterTrack(), clGmsClusterTrackStop(), clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync()
ClRcT clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  gmsHandle,
CL_IN ClInvocationT  invocation,
CL_IN ClGmsNodeIdT  nodeId 

Returns information on the cluster node asynchronously.

Header File:
gmsHandleThe handle, obtained through the clGmsInitialize() function, designating this particular initialization of the Group Membership Service.
invocationCorrelates the invocation with the corresponding callback. This parameter allows the invoking process to match this invocation of clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync() with the corresponding clGmsClusterMemberGetCallback().
nodeIdThe identifier of the cluster node for which the information is to be retrieved.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_GMS_ERR_NODE_DOES_NOT_EXISTIf the requested node does not exist.
This API is used to query the information on a given cluster node. It makes an asynchronous call to ClGmsClusterMemberGetCallbackT(). This function requests information, to be provided asynchronously, about the particular cluster node, identified by the nodeId parameter. If CL_GMS_LOCAL_NODE_ID is used as nodeId, the function returns information about the cluster node that hosts the invoking process.

The process sets invocation, which it uses subsequently to match the corresponding callback, clGmsClusterMemberGetCallback(), with this particular invocation. The clGmsClusterMemberGetCallback() callback function must have been supplied when the process invoked the clGmsInitialize() call.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsClusterTrack(), clGmsClusterTrackStop(), clGmsClusterMemberGet()
ClRcT clGmsClusterTrack ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  gmsHandle,
CL_IN ClUint8T  trackFlags,
CL_INOUT ClGmsClusterNotificationBufferT notificationBuffer 

Configures the cluster tracking mode.

Header File:
gmsHandleThe handle, obtained through the clGmsInitialize() function, designating this particular initialization of the Group Membership Service.
trackFlagsRequested tracking mode.
notificationBuffer(in/out) Notification buffer provided by you while making a request for the CURRENT view. This is an optional parameter.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERIf CL_GMS_TRACK_CURRENT flag is set and notification buffer is provided, but size of allocated array is not set (0).
CL_ERR_NO_CALLBACKIf request was asynchronous but no callback was registered.
CL_ERR_TRY_AGAINCommunication error, try again.
CL_ERR_TIMEOUTCommunication request timed out.
This API is used to configure the cluster tracking mode for the caller. It can be called subsequently to modify the requested tracking mode. This function is used to obtain the current cluster membership as well as to request notification of changes in the cluster membership or of changes in an attribute of a cluster node, depending on the value of the trackFlags parameter.

These changes are notified via the invocation of the clGmsClusterTrackCallback() callback function, which must have been supplied when the process invoked the clGmsInitialize() call. An application may call clGmsClusterTrack() repeatedly for the same values of gmsHandle, regardless of whether the call initiates a one-time status request or a series of callback notifications.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsClusterTrackStop(), clGmsClusterMemberGet(), clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync()
ClRcT clGmsClusterTrackStop ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  gmsHandle)

Stops all the clusters tracking.

Header File:
gmsHandleThe handle, obtained through the clGmsInitialize() function, designating this particular initialization of the Group Membership Service.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
This API is used to immediately stop the tracking of all the clusters for a given client. This function stops any further notifications through the handle gmsHandle. Pending callbacks are removed. This is usually invoked during the shut-down of the application.
Library File:
See Also
clGmsClusterTrack(), clGmsClusterMemberGet(), clGmsClusterMemberGetAsync()
ClRcT clGmsDispatch ( ClGmsHandleT  clmHandle,
ClDispatchFlagsT  dispatchFlags 

Dispatch API as per SAF symantics for dispatching the pending callbacks.

clmHandleGMS client handle obtained from clGmsInitialize
dispatchFlagsDispatch flags as per SAF symantics
ClRcT clGmsFinalize ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  gmsHandle)

Cleans up the GMS library.

Header File:
gmsHandleThe handle, obtained through the clGmsInitialize() function, designating this particular initialization of the Group Membership Service.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
The clGmsFinalize() function closes the association, represented by the gmsHandle parameter, between the invoking process and the Group Membership Service. The process must have invoked clGmsInitialize() before it invokes this function. A process must invoke this function once for each handle it acquired by invoking clGmsInitialize().

If the clGmsInitialize() function returns successfully, the clGmsFinalize() function releases all resources acquired when clGmsInitialize() was called. Moreover, it stops any tracking associated with the particular handle. Furthermore, it cancels all pending callbacks related to the particular handle. Note that because the callback invocation is asynchronous, it is still possible that some callback calls are processed after this call returns successfully. After clGmsFinalize() is invoked, the selection object is no longer valid.
On successful execution of this function, it releases all the resources allocated during the initialization of the library.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clGmsInitialize ( CL_OUT ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle,
CL_IN const ClGmsCallbacksT gmsCallbacks,
CL_INOUT ClVersionT version 

Initializes the GMS library and registers the callback functions.

Header File:
gmsHandle(out) GMS service handle created by the library. This is used in subsequent use of the library in this session.
gmsCallbacksPointer to the array of callback functions provided If gmsCallbacks is set to NULL, no callback is registered; otherwise, it is a pointer to a clGmsCallbacksT structure, containing the callback functions of the process that the Group Membership Service may invoke. Only non-NULL callback functions in this structure will be registered. This is an optional parameter.
version(in/out) It can have the following values:
  • On input, this is the version desired by you.
  • On return, the library returns the version it supports.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZEDIf library was not initialized.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCHIf the requested version is not compatible with the ASP library.
CL_ERR_NO_RESOURCEIf an instance or a new handle cannot be created.
This function initializes the Group Membership Service (GMS) for the invoking process and registers the various callback functions and negotiates the version of GMS library being used. This function must be invoked prior to the invocation of any other Group Membership Service functionality. The handle gmsHandle is returned as the reference to this association between the process and the Group Membership Service. The process uses this handle in subsequent communication with the GMS.
Library File:
See Also
ClRcT clGmsSelectionObjectGet ( ClGmsHandleT  clmHandle,
ClSelectionObjectT *  pSelectionObject 

The selection object fd provided by GMS client on which the user can poll for any callbacks as per SAF symantics.

clmHandleGMS Handle obtained from clGmsInitialize
pSelectionObjectAddress of selection object element which will be filled by gms client
ClRcT clTmsGetGroupInfo ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupNameT groupName,
CL_IN ClTimeT  timeout,
CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupInfoT groupInfo 

Returns the information of a group specified by the groupName.

Header File:
svcHandleHandle of the GMS service session.
groupNamePointer to ClGmsGroupNameT structure holding the value and length for the name of the group for which info is requested.
timeoutMax timeout value for the API.
groupInfoPointer to ClGmsGroupInfoT structure. User has to allocate memory for the ClGmsGroupInfoT structure and pass the address of the memory location throught groupInfo pointer. GMS will fill-in the values in the memory pointed by groupInfo
Return values
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTERgroupName or groupInfo pointers are NULL
CL_ERR_TIMEOUTOperation Timed out.
CL_ERR_DOESNT_EXISTGroup indicated by the groupName doesnt exist.
CL_ERR_TRY_AGAINServer is not ready to serve the request.
This API is used to retrieve the information on a given group member. The space for the member node must be allocated by you.
Library File:
ClRcT clTmsGroupCreate ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupNameT groupName,
CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupParamsT groupParams,
CL_OUT ClTmsGroupIdT *  groupId 

Create a group.

svcHandlesvcHandle provided during clTmsInitialize
groupNameName of the group. Specify the value and length
groupIdPointer to the memory to store groupId generated by GMS.
groupParamsIncludes parameters such as isIocGroup etc. By default all the groups are Ioc Groups.
Return values
CL_ERR_TRY_AGAINServer is not ready to serve group functionality
CL_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCHClient version not supported
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEsvcHandle is invalid
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTERgroupName or groupId params are NULL
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORYCould not allocate memory to create groups.
CL_ERR_NO_RESOURCECould not allocate resource to create groups.
CL_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTGroup is already created. At this point the created groupId is returned in groupId parameter.
CL_ERR_TIMEOUTGroup Creation timeout.
CL_ERR_UNSPECIFIEDGroup creation failed with unknown error.
Create a group. User needs to pass groupName and groupId pointer. GMS will generate a groupId which will be unique across the cluster, and it will be returned through groupId pointer.
ClRcT clTmsGroupDestroy ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT  groupId 

Destroy a group.

svcHandlesvcHandle provided during gmsInitialize.
groupIdgroupId provided during GroupCreate
Return values
CL_ERR_TRY_AGAINServer is not ready to serve group functionality
CL_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCHClient version not supported
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEsvcHandle is invalid
CL_ERR_DOESNT_EXISTRequested group with groupId doesnt exist.
CL_ERR_INUSEGroup is not empty. However in this case, the group will be set inActive and hence no further joins can happen.
Destroy a group. The group will be destroyed on all nodes across the cluster.
ClRcT clTmsGroupJoin ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT  groupId,
CL_IN ClTmsMemberIdT  memberId,
CL_IN ClTmsMemberNameT memberName,
CL_IN ClTmsLeadershipCredentialsT  credentials,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupMessageDeliveryCallbackT  msgDeliveryCallback,
CL_IN ClTimeT  timeout 

Join the group as a member.

svcHandlesvcHandle provided during clTmsInitialize
groupIdgroupId provided during group creation.
memberIdId of the member joining the group.
memberNameName of the memebr joining the group. This is optional
credentialsLeadership credentials of the group member [Currently not used]
timeoutJoin timeout
Return values
CL_ERR_TRY_AGAINServer is not ready to serve group functionality
CL_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCHClient version not supported
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEsvcHandle is invalid
CL_ERR_TIMEOUTGroupjoin timeout
CL_ERR_DOESNT_EXISTrequested group does not exist.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTERmemberName is not provided.
CL_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTThe application is an existing member of the group.
CL_ERR_INVALID_OPERATIONJoin is denied as the group is marked to be destroyed.
Join the group as a member. Success is reported to caller via return value. Others get notified by tracking callback.
ClRcT clTmsGroupLeave ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT  groupId,
CL_IN ClTmsMemberIdT  memberId,
CL_IN ClTimeT  timeout 

Leave the group.

svcHandlesvcHandle provided during clTmsInitialize
groupIdgroupId provided during group creation.
memberIdId of the member Leaving the group.
timeoutLeave timeout
Return values
CL_ERR_TRY_AGAINServer is not ready to serve group functionality
CL_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCHClient version not supported
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEsvcHandle is invalid
CL_ERR_TIMEOUTGroupLeave timeout
CL_ERR_DOESNT_EXISTrequested memberId does not exist.
CL_ERR_GROUP_DOESNT_EXISTrequested group does not exist.
Leave the group. Success is retured to caller via return value. Others will be notified through track callback.
ClRcT clTmsGroupTrack ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT  groupId,
CL_IN ClUint8T  trackFlags,
CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupNotificationBufferT notificationBuffer 

Configures the group tracking mode.

Header File:
svcHandleHandle of the GMS service session.
groupIdId of the group.
trackFlagsRequested tracking mode.
notificationBufferNotification buffer provided by you while making a request for the CURRENT view. This is an optional parameter.
Return values
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_GMS_ERR_GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXISTIf the requested group does not exist.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETEROn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
This API is used to configure the group tracking mode for a given group. It can be called subsequently to modify the requested tracking mode.
ClRcT clTmsGroupTrackStop ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTmsGroupIdT  groupId 

Stops all the group tracking.

Header File:
svcHandleHandle of the GMS service session.
groupIdId of the group.
Return values
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_GMS_ERR_GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXISTIf the requested group does not exist.
This API is used to immediately stop all the group tracking for a group.
Library File:
ClRcT clTmsListGroups ( CL_IN ClTmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClTimeT  timeout,
CL_INOUT ClTmsGroupInfoListT groups 

Returns the information on all the groups.

Header File:
svcHandleHandle of the GMS service session.
groupInfoPointer to the structure holding noOfGroups param and a pointer.

The user should specify the pointer to the structure of type clGmsGroupInfoT, in which GMS will allocate the memory for groupInfo pointer and fills the noOfGroups value. The user should deallocate the memory given with groupInfo pointer.

Return values
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETEROn passing an invalid parameter.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
This API is used to retrieve the information on all the groups existing on the node. The user should pass the pointer to the ClGmsGroupInfoListT data structer. GMS will allocate the memory for all the groups info and fills in the noOfGroups param
Library File:
ClRcT clTmsSendAll ( CL_IN ClGmsHandleT  svcHandle,
CL_IN ClGmsGroupIdT  groupId,
CL_IN ClGmsMemberIdT  memberId,
CL_IN ClTimeT  timeout,
CL_IN ClUint32T  dataSize,
CL_IN ClPtrT  data 

Send a Totally ordered multicast messages to all members of a given group.

svcHandlesvcHandle provided during clTmsInitialize
groupIdGroup Id of the destination group
memberIdmemberId of the sender
timeouttimeout value of the API call
dataSizesize of the data being sent in data pointer
datavoid pointer pointing to the data to be sent.
Return values
CL_ERR_TRY_AGAINServer is not ready to serve group functionality
CL_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCHClient version not supported
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEsvcHandle is invalid
CL_ERR_NOT_EXISTDestination group does not exist
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORYCould not allocate memory while sending the message
CL_ERR_NO_RESOURCECould not allocate resource to send the message
CL_ERR_TIMEOUTtimeout occurred while sending the message
CL_ERR_UNSPECIFIEDGroup creation failed with unknown error.
Create a group. User needs to pass groupName and groupId pointer. GMS will generate a groupId which will be unique across the cluster, and it will be returned through groupId pointer.

Generated on Tue Jan 10 10:29:15 PST 2012 for OpenClovis SDK using Doxygen