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API Reference Pages
Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL)

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions. More...


file  clDbalApi.h
 Header file of DBAL related Definitions and APIs.
file  clDbalCfg.h
 Header file of DBAL Component Configuration APIs.
file  clDbalErrors.h
 Header file of Error Codes returned by the DBAL Library.


#define CL_DB_APPEND   0x4
 This DB flag is used for opening a DB in APPEND mode.
#define CL_DB_CREAT   0X1
 This DB flag is used for creating a DB.
#define CL_DB_OPEN   0x2
 This DB flag is used for opening an existing DB.
#define CL_DB_SYNC   0x8
 One of the three DB open modes (CL_DB_CREAT, CL_DB_OPEN, CL_DB_APPEND) may be OR-ed with DB sync flag.
#define CL_DBAL_ERR_ABORT_FAILED   0x102
 An error has occured during transaction abort.
 An error has occured during transaction commit.
#define CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERROR   0x100
 An unextected error has occured during DB operation.
 Appends the DBAL Component ID to the Error Code.


typedef ClPtrT ClDBEngineT
 Engine Handle.
typedef const char * ClDBFileT
 Type of the DB File name.
typedef ClUint8T ClDBFlagT
 Definition of database open flag type.
typedef ClPtrT ClDBHandleT
 Database Handle.
typedef ClUint8T * ClDBKeyHandleT
 Type of DB Key Handle (handle to the key of the record which is to be inserted in DB or to be fetched from the DB).
typedef ClDBKeyHandleT ClDBKeyT
 Deprecated DB Key Handle type.
typedef const char * ClDBNameT
 Type of the name of database.
typedef ClUint8T * ClDBRecordHandleT
 Type of DB Record Handle (handle to the record which is to be inserted in DB or to be fetched from the DB).
typedef ClDBRecordHandleT ClDBRecordT
 Deprecated DB Record Handle type.
typedef enum ClDBType ClDBTypeT
 Definition of Database type.


enum  ClDBType {
 Definition of Database type. More...


ClRcT clDbalClose (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle)
 Closes a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalFirstRecordGet (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_OUT ClDBKeyHandleT *pDBKey, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pKeySize, CL_OUT ClDBRecordHandleT *pDBRec, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pRecSize)
 Returns the first key and associated record from a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalKeyFree (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT dbKey)
 Frees the database key.
ClRcT clDbalLibFinalize (void)
 DBAL configuration module exit-point.
ClRcT clDbalLibInitialize (void)
 DBAL configuration module entry-point.
ClRcT clDbalNextRecordGet (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT currentKey, CL_IN ClUint32T currentKeySize, CL_OUT ClDBKeyHandleT *pDBNextKey, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pNextKeySize, CL_OUT ClDBRecordHandleT *pDBNextRec, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pNextRecSize)
 Returns the next key and associated record from a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalOpen (CL_IN ClDBFileT dbFile, CL_IN ClDBNameT dbName, CL_IN ClDBFlagT dbFlag, CL_IN ClUint32T maxKeySize, CL_IN ClUint32T maxRecordSize, CL_OUT ClDBHandleT *pDBHandle)
 Opens a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalRecordDelete (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT dbKey, CL_IN ClUint32T keySize)
 Deletes a record from a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalRecordFree (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_IN ClDBRecordHandleT dbRec)
 Frees the database record.
ClRcT clDbalRecordGet (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT dbKey, CL_IN ClUint32T keySize, CL_OUT ClDBRecordHandleT *pDBRec, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pRecSize)
 Retrieves a record from a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalRecordInsert (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT dbKey, CL_IN ClUint32T keySize, CL_IN ClDBRecordHandleT dbRec, CL_IN ClUint32T recSize)
 Record Operation APIs.
ClRcT clDbalRecordReplace (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT dbKey, CL_IN ClUint32T keySize, CL_IN ClDBRecordHandleT dbRec, CL_IN ClUint32T recSize)
 Replaces a record in a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalSync (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle, ClUint32T flags)
 Flushes (synchronizes) the DB modifications stored in the in-memory cache to disk.
ClRcT clDbalTransactionAbort (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle)
 Aborts a transaction on a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalTransactionBegin (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle)
 Begins the transaction on a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalTransactionCommit (CL_IN ClDBHandleT dbHandle)
 Commits the transaction on a database instance.
ClRcT clDbalTxnOpen (CL_IN ClDBFileT dbFile, CL_IN ClDBNameT dbName, CL_IN ClDBFlagT dbFlag, CL_IN ClUint32T maxKeySize, CL_IN ClUint32T maxRecordSize, CL_OUT ClDBHandleT *pDBHandle)
 Transaction Related APIs.

Detailed Description

Defines, Structures, Typedefs, Functions.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CL_DB_APPEND   0x4

This DB flag is used for opening a DB in APPEND mode.

Data inserted to the DB would be appended to the existing DB (if there is any).

#define CL_DB_CREAT   0X1

This DB flag is used for creating a DB.

If the DB already exists then it is removed and a new DB is be created.

#define CL_DB_OPEN   0x2

This DB flag is used for opening an existing DB.

If the DB doesn't exist already then an error is returned.

#define CL_DB_SYNC   0x8

One of the three DB open modes (CL_DB_CREAT, CL_DB_OPEN, CL_DB_APPEND) may be OR-ed with DB sync flag.

When specified, the underlying DB engine will automatically synchronize all database operations to the disk. Note : Currently this flag is supported only with GDBM and SQLite and it has no effect in case of other DB types. Please use clDbalSync() with other DBs to synchronize DB operations to the disk.

Typedef Documentation

typedef ClUint8T ClDBFlagT

Definition of database open flag type.

Database can be opened in following three modes : Create, Open, Append.

typedef ClPtrT ClDBHandleT

Database Handle.

The handle uniquely identifies the created/opened database instance.

Deprecated DB Key Handle type.

ClDBKeyHandleT should be used in place of ClDBKeyT.

Deprecated DB Record Handle type.

ClDBRecordHandleT should be used in place of ClDBRecordT.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ClDBType

Definition of Database type.


Hash table.



Function Documentation

ClRcT clDbalClose ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle)

Closes a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle of the Database instance to be closed. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed. All Db operations if performed using this DB handle after successful clDbalClose() are invalid and returned with an error.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
This function closes the association, represented by the dbHandle parameter, between the invoking process and the DB instance. In case of Berkeley Database, if the database being closed is an in-memory database, then all data is lost once the database is closed. The process must have invoked clDbalOpen() before it invokes this function. A process must invoke this function once for each handle acquired by invoking clDbalOpen(). If the clDbalClose() function returns successfully, the clDbalClose() function releases all resources acquired when clDbalOpen() was called.
See Also
ClRcT clDbalFirstRecordGet ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_OUT ClDBKeyHandleT pDBKey,
CL_OUT ClUint32T *  pKeySize,
CL_OUT ClDBRecordHandleT pDBRec,
CL_OUT ClUint32T *  pRecSize 

Returns the first key and associated record from a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database from where the object is being deleted. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
pDBKey(out) Pointer to key handle, in which the first record's key is returned. Memory allocation is done by DBAL but you must free this memory using clDbalKeyFree() API.
pKeySize(out) Pointer to variable in which size of the key is being returned.
pDBRec(out) Pointer to record handle in which the first record is returned. Memory allocation is done by DBAL but you must free this memory using clDbalRecordFree() API.
pRecSize(out) Pointer to variable in which size of the record is being returned.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
CL_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf the first record does not exist.
This API is used to return the first key and associated record from a database. If no records are found in the specified database, an error is returned.
See Also
clDbalOpen(), clDbalClose(), clDbalRecordReplace(), clDbalRecordInsert(), clDbalRecordGet(), clDbalRecordDelete(), clDbalNextRecordGet()
ClRcT clDbalKeyFree ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT  dbKey 

Frees the database key.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
dbKeyKey to be freed.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
This API is used to free the Key returned by clDbalFirstRecordGet(), clDbalNextRecordGet(). Since the key is created by clDbalRecordInsert(), it can not be freed by clHeapFree. So for proper cleanup of keys, this API must be called after every successful call of clDbalFirstRecordGet(), clDbalNextRecordGet().
See Also
clDbalFirstRecordGet(), clDbalNextRecordGet()
ClRcT clDbalLibFinalize ( void  )

DBAL configuration module exit-point.

Header File:
Library Files:
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTERIf the lib is not intialized before calling this function.
This API is Database Abstraction Layer configuration module exit-point. This function closes the association between the invoking process and Database Abstraction Layer. The process must have invoked clDbalLibInitialize() before it invokes this function. If the clDbalLibFinalize() function returns successfully, it releases all resources acquired when clDbalLibInitialize() was called.
See Also
ClRcT clDbalLibInitialize ( void  )

DBAL configuration module entry-point.

Header File:
Library Files:
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORYOn memory allocation failure.
This API is Database Abstraction Layer configuration module entry-point. This is used to set the configuration parameters of the DBAL. It initializes the Database Abstraction Layer. Once this API is executed successfully the DBAL is ready for use. This API must be executed before executing any other API.
See Also
ClRcT clDbalNextRecordGet ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT  currentKey,
CL_IN ClUint32T  currentKeySize,
CL_OUT ClDBKeyHandleT pDBNextKey,
CL_OUT ClUint32T *  pNextKeySize,
CL_OUT ClDBRecordHandleT pDBNextRec,
CL_OUT ClUint32T *  pNextRecSize 

Returns the next key and associated record from a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database from which the next record is being retrieved. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
currentKeyCurrent record's key handle.
currentKeySizeSize of the current key.
pDBNextKey(out) Pointer to key handle, in which the next record's key is being returned. Memory allocation is done by DBAL but you must free this memory using clDbalKeyFree() API.
pNextKeySize(out) Pointer to variable in which size of the key is being returned.
pDBNextRec(out) Pointer to record handle, in which handle of the next record is returned. Memory allocation is done by DBAL but you must free this memory using clDbalRecordFree() API.
pNextRecSize(out) Pointer to variable in which size of the record is being returned.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
CL_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf the key does not exist.
This API is used to retrieve the next key and associated record from a Database using the current record's key. If no record is available, an error is returned.
See Also
clDbalOpen(), clDbalClose(), clDbalRecordReplace(), clDbalRecordInsert(), clDbalRecordGet(), clDbalRecordDelete()
ClRcT clDbalOpen ( CL_IN ClDBFileT  dbFile,
CL_IN ClDBNameT  dbName,
CL_IN ClDBFlagT  dbFlag,
CL_IN ClUint32T  maxKeySize,
CL_IN ClUint32T  maxRecordSize,
CL_OUT ClDBHandleT pDBHandle 

Opens a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbFileThis parameter specifies the file name along with its path, where the database is to be created. If this parameter is NULL and the database is Berkeley Database, then an in-memory database is created. This parameter is ignored if the database is other than Berkeley Database.
dbNameThis parameter specifies the database name along with its path, where the database is to be created. The records are stored in the database of this name. This parameter is used in case of both Berkeley and GDBM Database.
dbFlagThis flag accepts following three values:
  • If CL_DB_CREAT is specified and the database already exists, then the existing database is deleted and a fresh one is created. If the database does not exist, then a new one is created.
  • If CL_DB_OPEN is specified then existing database is opened. If the database does not exist, then an error is returned.
  • If CL_DB_APPEND is specified and the database already exists, then the existing database is opened in append mode.If the database does not exist, then a fresh one is created.
maxKeySizeMaximum size of the key (in bytes) to be stored in the database. This parameter is ignored in case of Berkeley and GDBM databases.
maxRecordSizeMaximum size of the record (in bytes) to be stored in the database. This parameter is ignored in case of Berkeley and GDBM databases.
pDBHandle(out)Pointer to variable of type ClDBHandleT in which the newly created database handle is returned. This handle should be used for all the subsequent operations on this database instance.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETEROn passing invalid parameters.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORYOn memory allocation failure.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
This API opens a database instance on the specified Database. Once this API is executed successfully the DB instance is ready for use. This API must be executed before performing any DB operation (insert, delete, replace, close, etc). DB handle returned by this API should be used for further DB operations on this database instance.
See Also
ClRcT clDbalRecordDelete ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT  dbKey,
CL_IN ClUint32T  keySize 

Deletes a record from a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database from which the record is being deleted.
dbKeyKey handle of the record.
keySizeSize of the key.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEon passing an invalid handle.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
CL_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf the key does not exist.
This API is used to delete a record from a Database using its handle and record's key.If the record is not found, the API returns an error.
See Also
clDbalOpen(), clDbalClose(), clDbalRecordReplace(), clDbalRecordInsert(), clDbalRecordGet()
ClRcT clDbalRecordFree ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_IN ClDBRecordHandleT  dbRec 

Frees the database record.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
dbRecRecord to be freed.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
This API is used to free the record returned by clDbalRecordGet(), clDbalNextRecordGet(), clDbalFirstRecordGet(). Since the record is created by clDbalRecordInsert(), it can not be freed by clHeapFree. So for proper cleanup of records, this API must be called after every successful call of clDbalRecordGet(), clDbalFirstRecordGet(), clDbalNextRecordGet().
See Also
clDbalRecordGet(), clDbalFirstRecordGet(), clDbalNextRecordGet()
ClRcT clDbalRecordGet ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT  dbKey,
CL_IN ClUint32T  keySize,
CL_OUT ClDBRecordHandleT pDBRec,
CL_OUT ClUint32T *  pRecSize 

Retrieves a record from a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database from which the record is being retrieved. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
dbKeyKey handle, whose associated record is being retrieved.
keySizeSize of the key.
pDBRec(out) Pointer to record handle, in which the record is being returned. Memory allocation is done by DBAL but you must free this memory using clDbalRecordFree() API.
pRecSize(out) Pointer to variable in which size of the record is being returned.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
CL_ERR_NOT_EXISTIf the key does not exist.
This API retrieves a record from the Database using the database handle and the record's key. If no record is found on the key of the specified record, an error is returned.
See Also
clDbalOpen(), clDbalClose(), clDbalRecordReplace(), clDbalRecordInsert(), clDbalRecordDelete()
ClRcT clDbalRecordInsert ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT  dbKey,
CL_IN ClUint32T  keySize,
CL_IN ClDBRecordHandleT  dbRec,
CL_IN ClUint32T  recSize 

Record Operation APIs.

Adds a record into a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database into which the record is being added. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
dbKeyRecord's key handle. In case of GDBM the key must be a string.
keySizeSize of the key.
dbRecRecord handle. In case of GDBM, the record must be a string.
recSizeSize of the record.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_ERR_DUPLICATEIf an already existing key is added.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
This API adds a record into a Database known by its handle. If the specified key already exists in the database, then an error is returned.
See Also
clDbalOpen(), clDbalClose(), clDbalRecordGet(), clDbalRecordReplace(), clDbalRecordDelete()
ClRcT clDbalRecordReplace ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
CL_IN ClDBKeyHandleT  dbKey,
CL_IN ClUint32T  keySize,
CL_IN ClDBRecordHandleT  dbRec,
CL_IN ClUint32T  recSize 

Replaces a record in a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database into which the record is being added. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
dbKeyRecord's key handle.
keySizeSize of the key.
dbRecRecord handle.
recSizeSize of the record.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
This API replaces a record in a Database known by its handle. If the specified key already exists in the database, then the record associated with it is replaced with the current record. If the key does not exist, then the record is added.
See Also
clDbalOpen(), clDbalClose(), clDbalRecordGet(), clDbalRecordInsert(), clDbalRecordDelete()
ClRcT clDbalSync ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle,
ClUint32T  flags 

Flushes (synchronizes) the DB modifications stored in the in-memory cache to disk.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle of the Database instance to be synchronized. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalOpen() call was successfully executed.
flagsThe flags parameter is currently unused, and must be set to 0.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETEROn passing invalid parameters (flags).
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
This function is used to flush the DB modifications stored in the in-memory cache to disk for the DB represented by the dbHandle parameter. When you perform a database modification (insert, delete, replace etc), your modification may be made in the in-memory cache. This means that your data modifications are not necessarily flushed to disk, and so your data may not appear in the database after an application restart (if you have not called clDbalSync() after DB modifications). Note that as a normal part of closing a database (using clDbalClose()), its cache is written to disk. However, in the event of an application or system failure, there is no guarantee that your databases will close cleanly. In this event, it is possible for you to lose data. Therefore, if you want your data to be durable across system failures, i.e. you want some guarantee that your database modifications are persistent, then you should periodically call clDbalSync(). Syncs cause any dirty entries in the in-memory cache and the operating system's file cache to be written to disk. Note that clDbalSync() is expensive and you should use it sparingly.
See Also
ClRcT clDbalTransactionAbort ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle)

Aborts a transaction on a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database in which the transaction is being aborted. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalTxnOpen() call was successfully executed.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_DBAL_ERR_ABORT_FAILEDIf the abort of underlying database fails.
CL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the underlying database does not support transactions.
This API is used to abort the recently started transaction. This removes the transaction ID specified in the handle.
Once you have aborted a transaction, the transaction handle that is used for the transaction is no longer valid. To perform database activities under the control of a new transaction, you must update the DB handle using clDbalTransactionBegin().
See Also
clDbalTransactionBegin(), clDbalTransactionCommit()
ClRcT clDbalTransactionBegin ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle)

Begins the transaction on a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database in which the transaction is to be started. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalTxnOpen() call was successfully executed.
Transactions may only span threads if they do so serially, that is, each transaction must be active in only a single thread of control at a given point of time.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the underlying database does not support transactions.
This API marks the beginning of a transaction. This API must be called before calling further DBAL transaction related APIs. This API returns transactionId as part of the dbHandle, which will be passed for further operations.
See Also
clDbalTransactionCommit(), clDbalTransactionAbort()
ClRcT clDbalTransactionCommit ( CL_IN ClDBHandleT  dbHandle)

Commits the transaction on a database instance.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbHandleHandle to the Database in which the transaction is being commited. This is the handle that was returned to the user when clDbalTxnOpen() call was successfully executed.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEOn passing an invalid handle.
CL_DBAL_ERR_COMMIT_FAILEDIf the commit of underlying database fails.
CL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the underlying database does not support transactions.
This API commits the recently started transaction. All operations performed after calling clDbalTransactionBegin, will be committed in the database.
Once you have committed a transaction, the transaction handle that is used for the transaction is no longer valid. To perform database activities under the control of a new transaction, you must update the DB handle using clDbalTransactionBegin().
See Also
clDbalTransactionBegin(), clDbalTransactionAbort()
ClRcT clDbalTxnOpen ( CL_IN ClDBFileT  dbFile,
CL_IN ClDBNameT  dbName,
CL_IN ClDBFlagT  dbFlag,
CL_IN ClUint32T  maxKeySize,
CL_IN ClUint32T  maxRecordSize,
CL_OUT ClDBHandleT pDBHandle 

Transaction Related APIs.

Opens a database instance with transaction support.

Header File:
Library Files:
dbFileThis parameter specifies the file name along with its path, where the database is to be created. If this parameter is NULL and the database is Berkeley Database, then an in-memory database is created. This parameter is ignored if the database is other than Berkeley Database.
dbNameThis parameter specifies the database name along with its path, where the database is to be created. The records are stored in the database of this name. This parameter is used in case of both Berkeley and GDBM Database.
dbFlagThis flag accepts following three values:
  • If CL_DB_CREAT is specified and the database already exists, then the existing database is deleted and a fresh one is created. If the database does not exist, then a new one is created.
  • If CL_DB_OPEN is specified then existing database is opened. If the database does not exist, then an error is returned.
  • If CL_DB_APPEND is specified and the database already exists, then the existing database is opened in append mode.If the database does not exist, then a fresh one is created.
maxKeySizeMaximum size of the key (in bytes) to be stored in the database. This parameter is ignored in case of Berkeley and GDBM databases.
maxRecordSizeMaximum size of the record (in bytes) to be stored in the database. This parameter is ignored in case of Berkeley and GDBM databases.
pDBHandle(out)Pointer to variable of type ClDBHandleT in which the newly created database handle is returned. This handle should be used for all the subsequent operations on this database instance.
Return values
CL_OKThe API executed successfully.
CL_ERR_NULL_POINTEROn passing a NULL pointer.
CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETEROn passing invalid parameters.
CL_ERR_NO_MEMORYOn memory allocation failure.
CL_DBAL_ERR_DB_ERRORIf the underlying database fails.
CL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the underlying database does not support transactions.
This API opens a database instance on the specified Database and is transaction protected. Once this API is executed successfully the DB instance is ready for use in the transaction environment. This API must be executed before calling clDbalTransactionBegin() on the DB instance. DB handle returned by this API should be used for further operations on this database instance.
See Also

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