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API Usage Examples
Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL)

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Code Examples.

Global Data which are nedded for the code examples

#define NUMBER_OF_ITEMS 10
typedef struct exampleData{
ClCharT key[3];
ClCharT data[30];
ExampleDataT exmp[] = { {"1","Ravi Kumar Singh"},
{"2","Har Gagan Sahai"},
{"3","Deepak B"},
{"4","Karthic A R"},
{"5","Amit Gourgonda"},
{"7","Jnanesh Kumar"},
{"9","Mayank Rungta"},

Example 1 - Normal Database operation (without transaction support) :

Open or create a Database instance. In the following example, dbFlag can take one of the following values : CL_DB_CREAT, CL_DB_OPEN, CL_DB_APPEND

ClDBFileT dbFile = "/tmp/my_db_file";
ClDBNameT dbName = "/tmp/myDB.db";
ClUint32T maxKeySize = 5;
ClUint32T maxRecSize = 30;
rc = clDbalOpen(dbName, dbFile, dbFlag, maxKeySize,
maxRecSize, &dbHandle);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Create: could not create database. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;

Add ten records into the database

for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordInsert(dbHandle,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not add record into DB, rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully added %s:%s", exmp[i].key, exmp[i].data);

Retrieve all ten records which were added earlier.

ClCharT *data = NULL;
ClUint32T dataSize = 0;
for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordGet(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not get record from DB. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully retrieved record with key=%s:%s",
exmp[i].key, data);

Replace the ten records which were added earlier.

for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordReplace(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not replace record into DB. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully replaced %s:%s", exmp[i].key,

Traverse through the database and get the records :

[1] Return the first record

ClCharT *firstKey = NULL;
ClUint32T firstKeySize = 0;
ClCharT *firstData = NULL;
ClUint32T firstDataSize = 0;
rc = clDbalFirstRecordGet(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT*)&firstKey,
&firstKeySize, (ClDBRecordHandleT*)&firstData,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not retrieve the first record. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Retrieved record %s:%s", key, data);
clDbalKeyFree(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)firstKey);
clDbalRecordFree(dbHandle, (ClDBRecordHandleT)firstData);

[2] Get the next nine records.

/* Get the 'firstKey' using call to clDbalFirstRecordGet() */
ClCharT *curkey = firstKey;
for(i = 1; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalNextRecordGet(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)curKey, curKeySize,
(ClDBKeyHandleT*)&nextKey, &nextKeySize,
(ClDBRecordHandleT*)&nextData, &dataSize);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not retrieve the next record. rc = %d",
return rc;
printf("Retrieved record %s:%s", nextKey, nextData);
clDbalKeyFree(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)curKey);
clDbalRecordFree(dbHandle, (ClDBRecordHandleT)nextData);
curKey = nextKey;
/*Free The last key */
clDbalKeyFree(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)curKey);

Delete all ten records added earlier

for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordDelete(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not delete record from DB. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully deleted record with key=%s", exmp[i].key);

Close the Database

rc = clDbalClose(dbHandle);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not close the database");
return rc;

Example 2 - Database operation with transaction support :

Note : In case of GDBM and SQLite, transaction APIs are not supported.

Open or create a Database instance with transaction support.

ClDBFileT dbFile = "/tmp/my_db_file";
ClDBNameT dbName = "/tmp/myDB.db";
ClUint32T maxKeySize = 5;
ClUint32T maxRecSize = 30;
rc = clDbalTxnOpen(dbName, dbFile, dbFlag, maxKeySize, maxRecSize,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Create: could not create database. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;

Begins a transaction if transaction protection is needed. In case of GDBM, transaction APIs are not supported.

rc = clDbalTransactionBegin(dbHandle);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not begin transaction. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;

Add ten records into the database

for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordInsert(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not add record into DB, rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully added %s:%s", exmp[i].key, exmp[i].data);

Retrieve all ten records which were added earlier.

ClCharT *data = NULL;
ClUint32T dataSize = 0;
for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordGet(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not get record from DB. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully retrieved record with key=%s:%s",
exmp[i].key, data);

Replace the ten records which were added earlier.

for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordReplace(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not replace record into DB. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully replaced %s:%s", exmp[i].key,

Traverse through the database and get the records :

[1] Return the first record

ClCharT *firstKey = NULL;
ClUint32T firstKeySize = 0;
ClCharT *firstData = NULL;
ClUint32T firstDataSize = 0;
rc = clDbalFirstRecordGet(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT*)&firstKey,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not retrieve the first record. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Retrieved record %s:%s", key, data);
clDbalKeyFree(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)firstKey);
clDbalRecordFree(dbHandle, (ClDBRecordHandleT)firstData);

[2] Get the next nine records.

/* Get the 'firstKey' using call to clDbalFirstRecordGet() */
ClCharT *curkey = firstKey;
for(i = 1; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalNextRecordGet(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)curKey, curKeySize,
(ClDBKeyHandleT*)&nextKey, &nextKeySize,
(ClDBRecordHandleT*)&nextData, &dataSize);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not retrieve the next record. rc = %d",
return rc;
printf("Retrieved record %s:%s", nextKey, nextData);
clDbalKeyFree(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)curKey);
clDbalRecordFree(dbHandle, (ClDBRecordHandleT)nextData);
curKey = nextKey;
/*Free The last key */
clDbalKeyFree(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)curKey);

Delete all ten records added earlier

for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordDelete(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not delete record from DB. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully deleted record with key=%s", exmp[i].key);

Commit the transaction. Committing a transaction will result in saving all the changes done upto this point to the database.

rc = clDbalTransactionCommit(dbHandle);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not commit transaction. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully commited transaction");

You need to begin the new transaction by calling clDbalTransactionBegin() after every commit or abort.

rc = clDbalTransactionBegin(dbHandle);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not begin transaction. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;

Add ten records into the database in the new transaction

for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; i++)
rc = clDbalRecordInsert(dbHandle, (ClDBKeyHandleT)exmp[i].key,
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not add record into DB, rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully added %s:%s", exmp[i].key, exmp[i].data);

Abort the transaction. Aborting a transaction will result in a rollback upto the point where the transaction was started.

rc = clDbalTransactionAbort(dbHandle);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not abort transaction. rc = [0x %x]",
return rc;
printf("Successfully aborted transaction");

Close the Database

rc = clDbalClose(dbHandle);
if(CL_OK != rc)
printf("Could not close the database");
return rc;

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