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Code Examples.

//Initialize the timer library
//Timer library will be initialized by EO infrastructure,
//if the basic eo libs for timer is turned on.
rc = clTimerLibInitialize();
//Create a one shot timer which expires after 2 seconds.
//timer callback will be invoked from new thread.
ClTimerTimeOutT timeout = {.tsSec = 2, .tsMilliSec = 0};
ClTimeXXXT *pCookie = NULL;
pCookie = clHeapCalloc(sizeof(ClTimeXXXT), sizeof(ClCharT));
if( NULL == pCookie )
//no memory error should be returned and cleanup should be done.
*pCookie = YYYY;
rc = clTimerCreateAndStart(&timeout, timerType, timerContext,
clTstTimerCallback, &timerCookie,
// timer callback which will be invoked from timer library
ClRcT clTstTimerCallback(void *pCookie)
Once the timer expired based on the context, this particular callback
will be invoked
return CL_OK;
// Just creating repetitive timer for 2 seconds
ClTimerTimeOutT timeout = {.tsSec = 2, .tsMilliSec = 0};
ClTimeXXXT *pCookie = NULL;
pCookie = clHeapCalloc(sizeof(ClTimeXXXT), sizeof(ClCharT));
if( NULL == pCookie )
//no memory error should be returned and cleanup should be done.
*pCookie = YYYY;
rc = clTimerCreate(&timeout, timerType, timerContext,
clTstTimerCallback, &timerCookie,
if( CL_OK != rc )
//Error occured, proper action should be taken
// The above step has just created the timer, so need to start timer.
// Once the timer expires the callback will be invoked repetitively with span
// of 3 seconds.
rc = clTimerStart(&timerHandle);
if( CL_OK != rc )
// Error occcured, proper cleanup and action should be taken
//Updating the timer, while it is running.
ClTimerTypeT newTimeout = {.tsSec = 3, .tsMilliSec = 0};
rc = clTimerUpdate(timerHandle, &newTimeout);
if( CL_OK != rc )
//Error occured, please take apporiate action
//Stopping the timer
rc = clTimerStop(timerHandle);
if( CL_OK != rc )
//Error occured, please take appropriate action
//Deleting the timer
rc = clTimerDelete(timerHandle);
if( CL_OK != rc )
//Error occured, please take appropriate action
//Finalized again it will be done by EO infrastructure,if you have not explicitly
rc = clTimerLibFinalize();
if( CL_OK != rc )
//Error occured, please take appropriate again

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