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API Usage Examples
Name Service

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Code Examples.

Code Example with comments:

// There are two default contexts there, either name can be registered
// under the existing contexts or the user can create their own context
// by following the following code snippet.
// global context, for local context CL_NS_USER_LOCAL
// any number other than CL_NS_DEFT_GLOBAL_MAP_COOKIE and
// CL_NS_DEFT_LOCAL_MAP_COOKIE as they meant for DEFAULT cookies.
ClUint32T contextMapCookie = 100;
ClUint32T contextId = 0;
// the returned context id will be used to register Names under that
// particular context
rc = clNameContextCreate(contextType, contextMapCookie, &contextId);
if( \c CL_OK != rc )
/* Error returned, take appropriate action */
// Register a name under the created context
ClNameSvcRegisterT regInfo = {0};
ClUint64T objRef = 0;
rc = clNameRegister(contextId, &regInfo, &objRef)
if( \c CL_OK != rc )
// Error returned, take appropriate action
// Given a name, getting the registered object reference from NameServer.
ClNameT name = {0}; // this should be filled with the specified name
ClNameSvcAttrEntryT attr = {0}; // attributes if any
ClUint32T contextMapCookie = 101; //context map cookie
rc = clNameToObjectReferenceGet(&name, 0, &attr, contextMapCookie,
if( \c CL_OK != rc )
// Error returned, take appropriate action
ClNameT name = {0}; // this should be filled with the specified name
ClNameSvcAttrEntryT attr = {0}; // attributes if any
ClUint32T contextMapCookie = 101; //context map cookie
ClNameSvcEntryPtrT outBuf = {0}; // this will be carrying mapping variable
rc = clNameToObjectMappingGet(&name, 0, &attr, ctxMapCookie, &outBuf);
if( \c CL_OK != rc )
// Error returned, take appropriate action
// Deregister all the names registered by particular component.
ClUint32T compId = YYY; // component id of the component.
if( \c CL_OK != rc )
// Error returned, take appropriate action
//Deregister a particular service
rc = clNameServiceDeregister(contextId, compId, &serviceName);
if( \c CL_OK != rc )
// Error returned, take appropriate action
// Delete the context while finalizing the system.
ClUint32T contextId = 0; // contextId of the contex to be created.
rc = clNameContextDelete(contextId);
if( CL_OK != rc )
//Error returned, take appropriate action

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