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API Usage Examples
Heap Management

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Code Examples.

Here the allocation and deallocation of the memory is shown. These are very simple operations and very similar to malloc() and free() system calls.

ClRcT retCode = CL_OK;
ClCharT *pStr = NULL;
pStr = (ClCharT*) clHeapAllocate(1024);
if(pStr == NULL)
// There is insufficient memory and because of it the memory
// allocation failed.
// Now the memory allocate in pStr can be used like a character array.
retCode = clHeapFree(pStr);
if(CL_OK != retCode)
// Freeing of the allocated memory failed.
// allocated memory is freed successfully.

Generated on Tue Jan 10 10:29:15 PST 2012 for OpenClovis SDK using Doxygen