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API Usage Examples
Buffer Management

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Code Examples.

The following code example shows how to use few of the basic APIs of the buffer library. The following code shows initializing the buffer library, creation of a buffer message, writing and reading to the buffer message and deleting it once the application is done with using it.

ClRcT errorCode = CL_OK;
// Initializes the buffer management library. The application has
// to specify pool configuration through clBufferInitialize() API,
// but if NULL is passed then the Buffer library will choose
// the default configuration for Pool.
errorCode = clBufferInitialize(NULL);
if(CL_OK != errorCode) {
//error occured. take appropriate action
// Creates a message. And the message handle will be returned
// in myMessage. To perform any buffer operations on the buffer
// message this buffer message handle should be used.
ClBufferHandleT myMessage = 0;
errorCode = clBufferCreate(&myMessage);
if(CL_OK != errorCode) {
//error occured. take appropriate action
//Writes "n" number of bytes into the message
ClUint8T* pByteBuffer = clHeapAllocate(15);
strcpy(pByteBuffer, "Hello Clovis");
errorCode = clBufferNBytesWrite(myMessage, pByteBuffer, 15);
if(CL_OK != errorCode) {
//error occured. take appropriate action
//Returns the length of the message
ClUint32T length = 0;
errorCode = clBufferLengthGet(myMessage, &length)
if(CL_OK != errorCode) {
//error occured. take appropriate action
//Reads "n" number of bytes from the message
ClUint32T length = 15;
errorCode = clBufferNBytesRead(myMessage, pByteBuffer, &length);
if(CL_OK != errorCode) {
//error occured. take appropriate action
//Prepends data to the message
strcpy(pByteBuffer, "ABRAKADABRA");
errorCode = clBufferDataPrepend(myMessage, pByteBuffer,
if(CL_OK != errorCode) {
//error occured. take appropriate action
//Deletes the message
errorCode = clBufferDelete(&myMessage);
if(CL_OK != errorCode) {
//error occured. take appropriate action

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