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clRuleApi.h File Reference

Header file of RBE related APIs. More...

#include <clCommon.h>
#include <clCommonErrors.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  ClRuleExpr
 Rule to filter data.Expression definition. More...


#define CL_RULE_EXPR_FLAG_BITS   (2)
#define CL_RULE_SWAP32(x)
 Macros to convert big-to-little endian and vice versa.


typedef struct ClRuleExpr ClRuleExprT
 Rule to filter data.Expression definition.


enum  ClRuleExprFlagsT {
  CL_RULE_BIG_END = 0x2,
 Its filters acc, filter the data based on the rule.Expression qualification. More...
enum  ClRuleResultT {
 RBE result enum. More...


ClRuleResultT clRuleDoubleExprEvaluate (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr1, CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr2)
 Evaluates Double RBE Expressions.
ClRcT clRuleExprAllocate (CL_IN ClUint8T len, CL_OUT ClRuleExprT **ppExpr)
 Allocates RBE expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprAppend (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pFirstExpr, CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pNextExpr)
 Appends a RBE expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprDeallocate (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr)
 Frees an RBE expression.
ClRuleResultT clRuleExprEvaluate (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_IN ClUint32T *pData, CL_IN int dataLen)
 Evaluates a complex RBE Expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprFlagsGet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_OUT ClRuleExprFlagsT *pFlags)
 Gets RBE expression flags.
ClRcT clRuleExprFlagsSet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_IN ClRuleExprFlagsT flags)
 Sets Flags of an RBE expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprMaskGet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_IN ClUint16T offset, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pMask)
 Get RBE expression Mask value.
ClRcT clRuleExprMaskSet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_IN ClUint16T offset, CL_IN ClUint32T mask)
 Set Mask of an RBE expression.
ClUint32T clRuleExprMemLenGet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr)
 Get the total memory used by the expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprOffsetGet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_OUT ClUint16T *pOffset)
 Get RBE expression Offset value.
ClRcT clRuleExprOffsetSet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_IN ClUint16T offset)
 Sets offset of a RBE expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprPack (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pSrcExpr, CL_OUT ClUint8T **ppBuf, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pLen)
 Pack an RBE Expression into the given memory area.
ClRcT clRuleExprPrint (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr)
 Prints a complex RBE Expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprUnpack (CL_IN ClUint8T *pBuf, CL_IN ClUint32T len, CL_OUT ClRuleExprT **ppDstExpr)
 UnPack a RBE Expression.
ClRcT clRuleExprValueGet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_IN ClUint16T offset, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pValue)
 Get RBE expression value.
ClRcT clRuleExprValueSet (CL_IN ClRuleExprT *pExpr, CL_IN ClUint16T offset, CL_IN ClUint32T value)
 Set Value of a RBE expression.

Detailed Description

Header file of RBE related APIs.

Generated on Tue Jan 10 10:29:15 PST 2012 for OpenClovis SDK using Doxygen