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clCkptApi.h File Reference

Header file of Server based Checkpoint Service Related APIs. More...

#include <clCommon.h>
#include <clIocApi.h>

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struct  ClCkptCallbacksT
 This structure is the only location where all the callbacks converge. More...
struct  ClCkptCheckpointCreationAttributesT
 This structure represents the properties of checkpoint that can be specified during the creation process. More...
struct  ClCkptCheckpointDescriptorT
 This structure is used to describe a checkpoint. More...
struct  ClCkptIOVectorElementT
 This structure represents an IO vector which will be used for dealing with more than zero sections. More...
struct  ClCkptSectionCreationAttributesT
 This structure represents section attributes that can be specified during the creation process. More...
struct  ClCkptSectionDescriptorT
 This structure represents a section in a checkpoint. More...
struct  ClCkptSectionIdT
 This structure represents a section identifier. More...


 OpenClovis extension.
 Collocated checkpoint.
 Checkpoint open for create.
 Checkpoint open for read.
 Checkpoint open for write.
 NULL Section ID.
 Hot stanby checkpoint.
 Default ID for generated section.
 OpenClovis extension.
 OpenClovis extension.
 Asynchronous checkpoint.
 Asynchronous checkpoint.
 Synchronous checkpoint.
#define CL_CKPT_WR_ALL_SAFE   0X20
 Safe Asynchronous checkpoint.


typedef void(* ClCkptCheckpointOpenCallbackT )(ClInvocationT invocation, ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, ClRcT error)
 This function gets called When clCkptCheckpointOpenAsync() call returns on the server.
typedef void(* ClCkptCheckpointSynchronizeCallbackT )(ClInvocationT invocation, ClRcT error)
 This function gets called When clCkptCheckpointSynchronizeAsync() call returns on the server.
typedef ClUint32T ClCkptCreationFlagsT
 Flags to indicate various attributes of a checkpoint on creation.
typedef ClHandleT ClCkptHdlT
 The handle used to identify a checkpoint.
typedef ClRcT(* ClCkptNotificationCallbackT )(ClCkptHdlT ckptHdl, ClNameT *pName, ClCkptIOVectorElementT *pIOVector, ClUint32T numSections, ClPtrT pCookie)
 This function gets called whenever a checkpoint is getting updated on the local server.
typedef ClUint32T ClCkptOpenFlagsT
 Flags to indicate open mode such as read, write or create.
typedef ClHandleT ClCkptSecItrHdlT
 The handle used to identify a section in a checkpoint.
typedef ClUint32T ClCkptSelectionObjT
 Selection object.
typedef ClHandleT ClCkptSvcHdlT
 The type of the handle for the the checkpoint service library.


enum  ClCkptSectionsChosenT {
 This enum is used for selection of sections while iterating through all the sections. More...
enum  ClCkptSectionStateT {
 This enum represents the state of a section in a replica. More...


ClRcT clCkptActiveReplicaSet (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle)
 Sets the local replica to be active replica.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointClose (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle)
 Closes the checkpoint designated by the checkpointHandle.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointDelete (CL_IN ClCkptSvcHdlT ckptHandle, CL_IN const ClNameT *checkpointName)
 Removes the checkpoint from the system and frees all resources allocated to it.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointOpen (CL_IN ClCkptSvcHdlT ckptHandle, CL_IN const ClNameT *ckeckpointName, CL_IN const ClCkptCheckpointCreationAttributesT *checkpointCreationAttributes, CL_IN ClCkptOpenFlagsT checkpointOpenFlags, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout, CL_IN ClCkptHdlT *checkpointHandle)
 Opens an existing checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointOpenAsync (CL_IN ClCkptSvcHdlT ckptHandle, CL_IN ClInvocationT invocation, CL_IN const ClNameT *checkpointName, CL_IN const ClCkptCheckpointCreationAttributesT *checkpoiNtCreationAttributes, CL_IN ClCkptOpenFlagsT checkpointOpenFlags)
 Creates and opens a checkpoint asynchronously.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointRead (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_INOUT ClCkptIOVectorElementT *ioVector, CL_IN ClUint32T numberOfElements, CL_OUT ClUint32T *erroneousVectorIndex)
 Reads multiple sections at a time.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointRetentionDurationSet (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN ClTimeT retentionDuration)
 Sets the retention duration of a checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointStatusGet (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_OUT ClCkptCheckpointDescriptorT *checkpointStatus)
 Returns the status and the various attributes of the checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointSynchronize (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT ckeckpointHandle, CL_IN ClTimeT timeout)
 Synchronizes the replicas of a checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointSynchronizeAsync (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN ClInvocationT invocation)
 Synchronizes the replicas of a Checkpoint asynchronously.
ClRcT clCkptCheckpointWrite (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN const ClCkptIOVectorElementT *ioVector, CL_IN ClUint32T numberOfElements, CL_OUT ClUint32T *erroneousVectorIndex)
 Writes multiple sections on to a given checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptDispatch (CL_IN ClCkptSvcHdlT ckptHandle, CL_IN ClDispatchFlagsT dispatchFlags)
 Invokes the pending callback in context of the EO.
ClRcT clCkptFinalize (CL_IN ClCkptSvcHdlT ckptHandle)
 Closes the checkpoint service client and cancels all pending callbacks related to the handle.
ClRcT clCkptImmediateConsumptionRegister (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN ClCkptNotificationCallbackT callback, CL_IN ClPtrT pCookie)
 Registers a callback function to be called to notify change in the checkpoint data.
ClRcT clCkptInitialize (CL_OUT ClCkptSvcHdlT *ckptSvcHandle, CL_IN const ClCkptCallbacksT *callbacks, CL_INOUT ClVersionT *version)
 Initializes the checkpoint service client and registers the various callbacks.
ClRcT clCkptSectionCreate (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN ClCkptSectionCreationAttributesT *sectionCreationAttributes, CL_IN const ClUint8T *initialData, CL_IN ClSizeT initialDataSize)
 Creates a section in the checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptSectionDelete (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN const ClCkptSectionIdT *sectionId)
 Deletes a section in the given checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptSectionExpirationTimeSet (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN const ClCkptSectionIdT *sectionId, CL_IN ClTimeT expirationTime)
 Sets the expiration time of a section.
ClRcT clCkptSectionIterationFinalize (CL_IN ClHandleT sectionIterationHandle)
 Frees resources associated with the iteration.
ClRcT clCkptSectionIterationInitialize (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN ClCkptSectionsChosenT sectionsChosen, CL_IN ClTimeT expirationTime, CL_OUT ClHandleT *sectionIterationHandle)
 Enables the application to iterate through sections in a checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptSectionIterationNext (CL_IN ClHandleT sectionIterationHandle, CL_OUT ClCkptSectionDescriptorT *sectionDescriptor)
 Returns the next section in the list of sections.
ClRcT clCkptSectionOverwrite (CL_IN ClCkptHdlT checkpointHandle, CL_IN const ClCkptSectionIdT *sectionId, CL_IN const void *dataBuffer, CL_IN ClSizeT dataSize)
 Writes a single section in a given checkpoint.
ClRcT clCkptSelectionObjectGet (CL_IN ClCkptSvcHdlT ckptHandle, CL_OUT ClSelectionObjectT *selectionObject)
 Helps detect pending callbacks.

Detailed Description

Header file of Server based Checkpoint Service Related APIs.

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