Doc:Sdk 4.1/awdguide/nodes

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AWD Nodes Page

OpenClovis SAFplus Platform Web Director Nodes Page

The AWD Nodes table describes details about the state of each node in the system. The node's name, IP address, administrative (i.e. desired) state, actual state, redundancy role, and what SAFplus Platform applications and processes are running on it are all available. By checking one or multiple rows, you may press the "start", "idle", "stop", "switchover", or "delete" buttons to execute that operation on one or more nodes. To create a new node, click the "New node" menu item in the left-hand sidebar.

The node's IP address must be correct for the SAFplus Platform web director to correctly deploy software onto the node. To set the node's IP Address, and other details, click the node's name in the left-hand sidebar. This will bring you to the Node Details Page .