Doc:Sdk 4.1/awdguide/deploy

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Application Installation and/or Deployment

To install and run software bundles on the cluster, use the application deployment page. On the top, select the nodes on which you want the application to be installed/deployed. Next choose the "Operation" (just install -- copy the software, just deploy -- create the application in AMF with the assumption that it is already installed, or do both). If the software is already installed it will not be installed again, so the "Install and Deploy" option is the most commonly used option. Next change the deployment name, if desired.

Next, change any High Availability parameters. Note that the parameters shown are selected by the application. It is possible that the application will not work for a particular combination of parameters so only modify these if you know the application intimately.

Finally click the "Deploy" button to make it happen. Be patient! Since the system may be installing the application on remote nodes it can take some time.

OpenClovis SAFplus Platform Web Director New Application Deployment Page