csa104 Messaging
Messaging refers to communications between components within the cluster. SAFplus provides a SA-Forum compliant implementation of the messaging service. In one sentence, the messaging service is a reliable packet based communications mechanism which stores and addresses endpoints via cluster-wide message queues that are identified by a well-known name and can be bound to any running process. For more details and API reference please see the SA-Forum spec SA-AIS-MSG-B*.pdf.
csa104 demonstrates the use of the SAFplus Messaging service to provide basic communications during process and node failure.
What Will You Learn
- how to initialize the messaging client library,
- how to create a message queue.
- how to send messages to the queue.
- how to receive messages from the queue.
- how to take over the message queue after process failure.
The Code
The code can be found within the following directory:
All messaging code has been isolated into a single module that consists of 2 files: msgFns.c and msgFns.h to increase readability. These files provide the following APIs.
void msgInitialize(void);
SaAisErrorT msgOpen(const char* queuename,int bytesPerPriority);
SaAisErrorT msgSend(const char* queuename, void* buffer, int length);
void* msgReceiverLoop(void * notused);
These APIs constitute the basic operations of any messaging library; initialize, open, send and receive.
The following constants are also defined:
#define ACTIVE_COMP_QUEUE "csa104msgqueue"
#define QUEUE_LENGTH 2048
The ACTIVE_COMP_QUEUE defines the well-known name of the messaging queue which will be used in this example. The QUEUE_LENGTH defines the maximum size of the buffer allocated for each priority within a particular queue. There are 4 possible message priorities and the maximum buffer size can be set on a per priority basis.
Initialization follows the standard SA Forum library lifecycle pattern:
void msgInitialize(void)
SaAisErrorT Rc;
SaMsgCallbacksT MsgCallbacks = {
.saMsgQueueOpenCallback = (SaMsgQueueOpenCallbackT) 0,
.saMsgQueueGroupTrackCallback = (SaMsgQueueGroupTrackCallbackT) 0,
.saMsgMessageDeliveredCallback = (SaMsgMessageDeliveredCallbackT) 0,
.saMsgMessageReceivedCallback = (SaMsgMessageReceivedCallbackT) 0,
SaVersionT Version = {
.majorVersion = 1,
.minorVersion = 1,
.releaseCode = 'B',
Rc = saMsgInitialize (&msgLibraryHandle, &MsgCallbacks, &Version);
if ( SA_AIS_OK != Rc)
clprintf ( CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "Init failed [0x%X]", Rc);
The messaging library supports either a callback or threaded paradigm. In this example, we will use threading so no callbacks are installed and therefore it is not necessary to periodically call saMsgDispatch(...).
To receive messages from the queue, the application must first open it. The open essentially binds the well-known name to the application process so that senders know where to direct messages. By providing an explicit bind operation (rather then folding it into the library initialize) the API allows the application to choose when it takes ownership of the queue; this could be when it becomes active (or standby) for example, allowing senders to address messages to a single well-known queue name if they need to communicate with the active component.
Designing addresses that represent a concept such as "The currently active transaction server" rather then a physical entity is an extremely powerful design pattern used throughout highly available applications because it means that the sender does not need to access the real-time cluster state to determine this mapping and does not need to handle errors caused by application failure (except perhaps with a simple retry-on-error loop).
SaAisErrorT msgOpen(const char* queuename,int bytesPerPriority)
SaAisErrorT rc;
SaNameT saQueueName;
SaMsgQueueCreationAttributesT CreationAttributes;
SaMsgQueueOpenFlagsT OpenFlags = SA_MSG_QUEUE_CREATE;
CreationAttributes.creationFlags = 0;
CreationAttributes.size[i] = bytesPerPriority;
CreationAttributes.retentionTime = 0;
rc = saMsgQueueOpen (msgLibraryHandle, &saQueueName, & CreationAttributes, OpenFlags, SA_TIME_MAX, &msgQueueHandle);
if (SA_AIS_OK != rc)
clprintf ( CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "Msg QueueOpen failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc);
return rc;
Message transmission uses the saMsgMessageSend API which allows the application to pass a message buffer and a bunch of meta-data (such as message version, sender's name, etc) that will be sent to the receiver:
SaAisErrorT msgSend(const char* queuename, void* buffer, int length)
SaAisErrorT rc;
SaNameT saQueueName;
SaMsgMessageT message;
/* Load the SAF string */
/* Load the SAF message structure */
message.type = 0;
message.version.releaseCode = 0;
message.senderName = 0; /* You could put a SaNameT* in here if you wanted to pass a reply queue (for example) */
message.size = length;
message.data = buffer;
rc = saMsgMessageSend (msgLibraryHandle, &saQueueName, &message, SA_TIME_MAX);
if (SA_AIS_OK != rc)
/* Error 0xC here means that the queue has not yet been created.
That is, the receiver is not yet listening. */
clprintf ( CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "Msg saMsgMessageSend to queue [%s] failed [0x%X]", saQueueName.value,rc );
return rc;
For simplicity, this example creates the destination SaNameT and the SaMsgMessageT structures each time a message is sent. However, for efficiency when sending multiple messages to the same destination it is preferred to pre-create and reuse these objects.
This example will create a dedicated message receiver thread and run the following code within that thread:
void* msgReceiverLoop(void * notused)
SaAisErrorT rc;
SaNameT SenderName;
char Data[1024];
SaMsgSenderIdT SenderId;
SaTimeT SendTime;
SaMsgMessageT message = {
.size = 1024,
.senderName = &SenderName,
.data = Data,
rc = saMsgMessageGet (msgQueueHandle, &message, & SendTime, & SenderId, SA_TIME_MAX);
if (SA_AIS_OK != rc)
clprintf ( CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "Msg saMsgMessageGet failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc );
if (message.senderName->length)
clprintf ( CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "Sender Name : %s\n", message.senderName->value);
clprintf ( CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "Received Message : %s\n", (char *)message.data);
rc = saMsgQueueClose (msgQueueHandle);
if (SA_AIS_OK != rc)
clprintf ( CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "Msg Queue Close failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc );
return 0;
This code simply loops "forever" receiving messages and printing the contents of the message. If anything goes wrong it kicks itself out of the message processing loop and closes the message queue. Closing the queue will allow some other application to open it, in effect "taking over" the queue. If an application is killed or disappears due to node death (or other events) the AMF will close all queues opened by the application. This allow the new active application to take control of the queue.
Putting it all Together
These functions are called from the application's clCompAppMain.c
file to implement an application that periodically sends a message from the standby to the active application. First we define a helper function that will repeatedly send messages. This function will loop so long as the application is standby, as indicated by a global variable "standby" that is set in the work assignment callback.
void* senderLoop(void* p)
int count =0;
char msg[100];
while (standby)
snprintf(msg,99,"Msg %4d from %.*s",count,appName.length,appName.value);
clprintf(CL_LOG_SEV_INFO,"csa104: Sending Message: %s",msg);
return NULL;
Next, we initialize the messaging library from main():
* Now register the component with AMF. At this point it is
* ready to provide service, i.e. take work assignments.
if ( (rc = saAmfComponentNameGet(amfHandle, &appName)) != SA_AIS_OK)
goto errorexit;
if ( (rc = saAmfComponentRegister(amfHandle, &appName, NULL)) != SA_AIS_OK)
goto errorexit;
* Initialize the log stream
clEvalAppLogStreamOpen((ClCharT*)appName.value, &gEvalLogStream);
* Print out standard information for this component.
In the work assignment callback, we open the queue and spawn the message receiver thread when an active assignment is received, and spawn a message sender thread when a standby assignment is received.
void clCompAppAMFCSISet(SaInvocationT invocation,
const SaNameT *compName,
SaAmfHAStateT haState,
SaAmfCSIDescriptorT csiDescriptor)
* Print information about the CSI Set
clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "Component [%.*s] : PID [%d]. CSI Set Received\n",
compName->length, compName->value, mypid);
clCompAppAMFPrintCSI(csiDescriptor, haState);
* Take appropriate action based on state
switch ( haState )
* AMF has requested application to take the active HA state
* for the CSI.
pthread_t thr;
clprintf(CL_LOG_SEV_INFO,"csa104: ACTIVE state requested; activating message queue receiver service");
running = 1;
saAmfResponse(amfHandle, invocation, SA_AIS_OK);
* AMF has requested application to take the standby HA state
* for this CSI.
pthread_t thr;
clprintf(CL_LOG_SEV_INFO,"csa104: Standby state requested");
running = 0;
standby = 1;
saAmfResponse(amfHandle, invocation, SA_AIS_OK);
How to Run csa104 and What to Observe
This sample application runs 2 processes on SCNodeI0 (first system controller) in all the hardware setups described at the beginning of this eval guide. While it is certainly possible to run messaging across multiple nodes, this single node configuration makes evaluation simpler.
csa104 is "enabled" by default when SAFplus is started so there is no need to enter the SAFplus Debug Console and change its program state.
The following output is given when you run tail -f
on the csa104 log files. For example:
# ./eval start
# tail -f var/log/csa104CompI?Log.latest
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.215 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00009 : INFO) Name value pairs :
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.215 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00010 : INFO) HA state : [Active]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.215 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00011 : INFO) Active Descriptor :
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.215 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00012 : INFO) Transition Descriptor : [1]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.215 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00013 : INFO) Active Component : [csa104CompI0]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.215 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00014 : INFO) csa104: ACTIVE state requested; activating message queue receiver service
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00015 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 1 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:38:47.251 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00016 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 2 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00007 : INFO) CSI Flags : [Add One]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00008 : INFO) CSI Name : [csa104CSII]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00009 : INFO) Name value pairs :
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00010 : INFO) HA state : [Standby]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00011 : INFO) Standby Descriptor :
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00012 : INFO) Standby Rank : [1]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00013 : INFO) Active Component : [csa104CompI0]
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00014 : INFO) csa104: Standby state requested
Fri Jan 11 14:38:45.250 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00015 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 1 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:38:47.251 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00016 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 2 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:49.252 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00017 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 3 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:49.252 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00017 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 3 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:38:51.253 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00018 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 4 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:51.253 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00018 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 4 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:53.253 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00019 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 5 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:53.254 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00019 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 5 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:55.254 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00020 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 6 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:38:55.255 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00020 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 6 from csa104CompI1
The logs show the work assignment occurring with csa104CompI0 as ACTIVE and csa104CompI1 as STANDBY. This causes the csa104CompI1 (standby) component to start sending messages and the csa104CompI0 (active) component to begin receiving them.
Sometimes the output shows a double send, double receive or even a receive before a send! This is an effect of the tail program polling the logs and not an actual issue.
Next, find the active csa104 process and kill it. In this case, its the one that's receiving the messages. The process ID is available in the log which is formmated as follows:
date (Node .PID : compname.---.---.logCount : SEVERITY) Message
Fri Jan 11 14:38:55.255 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00020 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 6 from csa104CompI1
So in the log above the active process is pid 3301.
While keeping the tail running, open a new window and run the kill command:
# kill 3301
After killing the active component you should see lines in the log files like the following:
root@gh-lubuntu1204:~/eval# tail -f var/log/csa104CompI?Log.latest
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:43:19.398 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00152 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 138 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:43:21.399 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00153 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 139 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:43:21.400 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00153 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 139 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:43:23.400 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00154 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 140 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:43:23.401 2013 (SCNodeI0.3301 : csa104Comp.---.---.00154 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 140 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.158 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00001 : INFO) Component [csa104CompI0] : PID [4069]. Initializing
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.158 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00002 : INFO) IOC Address : 0x1
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.158 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00003 : INFO) IOC Port : 0x89
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00004 : INFO) csa102: Instantiated as component instance csa104CompI0.
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00005 : INFO) csa104CompI0: Waiting for CSI assignment...
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00006 : INFO) Component [csa104CompI0] : PID [4069]. CSI Set Received
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00007 : INFO) CSI Flags : [Add One]
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00008 : INFO) CSI Name : [csa104CSII]
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00009 : INFO) HA state : [Active]
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00010 : INFO) Active Descriptor :
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00011 : INFO) Transition Descriptor : [1]
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00012 : INFO) Active Component : [csa104CompI0]
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.159 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00013 : INFO) csa104: ACTIVE state requested; activating message queue receiver service
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.401 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00155 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 141 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:43:25.401 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00014 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 141 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:43:27.403 2013 (SCNodeI0.4069 : csa104Comp.---.---.00015 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 142 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:43:27.403 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00156 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 142 from csa104CompI1
As you can see, the messaging continues through the failure.
But actually this service group was configured to demonstrate some advanced AMF failover semantics as well as messaging.
As can be seen in the logs above, a failover did not happen. Instead, the active was restarted and reassigned active. This occurred because this service group was configured to allow component restarts (in the IDE, look at the isRestartable field in the csa104Comp).
However, the service group was configured so that multiple kills in quick succession will cause a failover. In particular, 2 failures within 10 seconds will cause the fault to be elevated to the service unit level and a further 2 failures within 10 seconds will elevate the failure to the service group level (and cause a fail over). These failure counts and time limits are configured in the service group configuration dialog box.
- By carefully selecting your failure elevation strategy, you direct the AMF to automatically use process restarts and therefore limit the scope of failures*
So now, lets kill the process 4 times in a row. This can be done by quickly by watching the "tailed" logs and repeatedly killing the process that receives messages:
# kill 4069
# kill 5566
# kill 5595
# kill 5691
This causes the following logs:
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:56:15.783 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00540 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 526 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:56:15.784 2013 (SCNodeI0.5691 : csa104Comp.---.---.00018 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 526 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.123 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00541 : INFO) Component [csa104CompI1] : PID [3302]. CSI Set Received
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.123 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00542 : INFO) CSI Flags : [Target All]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.123 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00543 : INFO) HA state : [Active]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.123 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00544 : INFO) Active Descriptor :
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.123 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00545 : INFO) Transition Descriptor : [3]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.123 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00546 : INFO) Active Component : [csa104CompI0]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.123 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00547 : INFO) csa104: ACTIVE state requested; activating message queue receiver service
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00548 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 1 from csa104CompI0
Above, we see that we have triggered a failover and the the standby process is being assigned active (note this is "Comp1" and has the original pid of 3302).
Next, the process is restarted and assigned standby:
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00001 : INFO) Component [csa104CompI0] : PID [5747]. Initializing
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00002 : INFO) IOC Address : 0x1
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00003 : INFO) IOC Port : 0x8d
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00004 : INFO) csa102: Instantiated as component instance csa104CompI0.
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00005 : INFO) csa104CompI0: Waiting for CSI assignment...
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00006 : INFO) Component [csa104CompI0] : PID [5747]. CSI Set Received
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00007 : INFO) CSI Flags : [Add One]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00008 : INFO) CSI Name : [csa104CSII]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00009 : INFO) Name value pairs :
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00010 : INFO) HA state : [Standby]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00011 : INFO) Standby Descriptor :
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00012 : INFO) Standby Rank : [1]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00013 : INFO) Active Component : [csa104CompI1]
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00014 : INFO) csa104: Standby state requested
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.155 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00015 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 1 from csa104CompI0
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.784 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00549 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 527 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:56:17.784 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00550 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 527 from csa104CompI1
==> var/log/csa104CompI0Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:56:19.156 2013 (SCNodeI0.5747 : csa104Comp.---.---.00016 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 2 from csa104CompI0
==> var/log/csa104CompI1Log.latest <==
Fri Jan 11 14:56:19.156 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00551 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 2 from csa104CompI0
Fri Jan 11 14:56:19.785 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00552 : INFO) csa104: Sending Message: Msg 528 from csa104CompI1
Fri Jan 11 14:56:19.785 2013 (SCNodeI0.3302 : csa104Comp.---.---.00553 : INFO) Received Message : Msg 528 from csa104CompI1
And message passing resumes!
Further Investigation
The following are a few changes that you can make to continue investigating the message service:
- Add a new "reply" queue so the active can send the standby messages.
- Use the saMsgMessageSendReceive and saMsgMessageReply functions to implement send/reply semantics.
- Using the IDE, change the component's fault escalation behavior so that it fails over the first time the process is killed rather then restarting.
- Investigate message queue groups.
Summary and References
We've seen :
- How to use SAFplus Messaging to communicate between any 2 processes
- How to take over a communications channel after a failover
Further information can be found within the following: SA-AIS-MSG-B* (SA-Forum Messaging Specification), 'OpenClovis API Reference Guide.