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Cross Compilation for SAFplus
Making your own tool chain
- Download a toolchain for target at (prefer).
- Making your own toolchain by yourself with a tools to generate cross-compilation toolchain:
- Create toolchain configuration file
- This file is included in the cross build makefile. If your toolchain tarball does not include this file, please create it manually. Basically, the file contains the following configuration variables:
::ARCH=i386 ::MACH=i686 ::TARGET=i686-unknown-linux-gnu ::TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=0.1 ::export ARCH MACH TARGET TOOLCHAIN_VERSION
Making prerequisite SAPlus 3rdparty libraries for your toolchain
- Export your configuration tool chain
- $source <location of toolchain>/
- Goto <SAFplus SDK dir>/src/SAFplus/3rdparty/base:
- $make PREFIX=<path to locate thirdparty libraries>
Prefer using the location of toolchain.