Process death

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  • One of my processes is dying. Does ASP ever kill a process?
Yes. As per the SAF spec, all AMF communications are timed. Therefore if your process instantiation time or processing of AMF callbacks (CSI assignment) takes too long, then the process may be killed. The process must call saAmfResponse() within a configurable time limit (default 30 seconds) or it will be killed. For example here is a handler for the "active" assignment:
void CSISetHandler(SaInvocationT invocation,const SaNameT *compName,SaAmfHAStateT haState, SaAmfCSIDescriptorT csiDescriptor)
    switch ( haState )
        case SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE:  // BAD
            sleep(35);  // This "sleep" is placeholder for your actual routine that runs for 30+ seconds. Since this occurs before the saAmfResponse, it will cause the AMF to think that the process is hung.  The AMF will kill the process.
            saAmfResponse(amfHandle, invocation, SA_AIS_OK);
        case SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE:  // BAD
            saAmfResponse(amfHandle, invocation, SA_AIS_OK);
            sleep(35);  // This is monopolising the AMF handler thread.  So if another event comes in just after this one, it will delay the processing of that event, causing the AMF to believe that the process is hung.
        case SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE:  // GOOD
            pthread_t thread;
            pthread_create(&thread, NULL, sleep, (void *) 35);  // This a contrived example to start a thread that sleeps for 35 seconds.  You would call your actual routine not sleep!
            saAmfResponse(amfHandle, invocation, SA_AIS_OK);
        }   break;

        /* All other HA states need to be added to this switch, so this is not good template code */