High Availability (AMF) Questions

Revision as of 17:27, 15 August 2011 by (Talk)

High Availability (AMF)


OpenClovis ASP provides a SA-Forum compliant High Availability solution (the AMF in SAF terminology). This component controls the starting/stopping of applications, application redundancy configuration, and role assignment.


  • How to get the IOC address for the given node?
The relevant API is "clCpmIocAddressForNodeGet" in "clCpmExtApi.h".
  • What’s the best way for an application to determine the name/slot of the currently active controller in the cluster?
The relevant API is "clCpmMasterAddressGet". Example code (which also converts the node's address into its name) is as follows:
#include <clCpmExtApi.h>
ClRcT masterNodeGet(void)
    ClIocNodeAddressT node = 0;
    ClRcT rc = clCpmMasterAddressGet(&node);
        ClCpmSlotInfoT slotInfo = {.slotId = node } ;
        rc = clCpmSlotGet(CL_CPM_SLOT_ID, &slotInfo);
        if(rc == CL_OK)
            clLogNotice("MASTER", "GET", " Currently active controller node name is [%.*s]",
                        slotInfo.nodeName.length, slotInfo.nodeName.value);
    return rc;
  • How does component recovery and escalation work ?

If your recovery is component restart and your component is marked as restartable, and it restarts sgconfig.compRestartCountMax within sgconfig.compRestartDuration, then it escalates to SU restart. If the SU restart happens sgconfig.surestartcountmax within sgconfig.surestartduration, then it escalates to SU failover. If SU is not marked as restartable, then it escalates to SU failover. If the SU failover happens nodeconfig.sufailovercountmax within nodeconfig.sufailoverduration, then it escalates to node failover. If the nodeconfig.autorepair is set to TRUE (default), the node is rebooted on node recovery escalations. Also if a component cleanup action fails which typically happens when the configured component cleanup script fails when run on abnormal process exits/crashes, the recovery is escalated to node failover if the compconfig.nodeRebootCleanupFail is set to TRUE (default). The node reboot behavior on escalation/recovery can be controlled by exporting the following environment variables in your MODEL/target.env location thats automatically copied to etc/asp.conf while building the target images with make images.

 The above flag would disable reboot of nodes. If the user wants to restart the 
 middleware or ASP on node recovery, then he could:
  • What is the purpose of each timeout, what happen after the timeout expires?

    • instantiateTimeout

The component has to respond to AMF instantiation request with saAmfResponse within this time. Otherwise on timeout, amf would kill it and try to relaunch it compConfig.numMaxInstantiate times after which it would try to launch it compConfig.numMaxInstantiate times after compConfig.instantiationDelay. If they fail or timeout, the component is marked INSTANTIATION-FAILED. Recovery from INSTANTIATION-FAILED is intended to happen by operator intervention through an "amfRepaired" operation, accessible via API or debug CLI.

    • terminateTimeout

If the component doesn't respond to the appterminate request from AMF within the terminate timeout, it would be marked termination-failed and component cleanup would be issued. (abrupt termination or SIGKILL sent with configured compCleanupScript invocation)

    • cleanupTimeout

If component cleanup times out which usually happens when the configured component cleanup script takes more than cleanupTimeout to return during component cleanup trigger and compConfig.nodeRebootCleanupFail is set to TRUE, then node is reset/rebooted (based on env flags in etc/asp.conf. Default is reboot). Otherwise if its false, then SU is failed over on cleanup error.

    • amStartTimeout/amStopTimeout

Nothing happens on monitoring these timeouts as its not present and processes can use amf healthcheck with recommended recovery.

    • quiescingCompleteTimeout

When the component doesn't respond with saAmfQuiescingComplete within the quiescingcompletetimeout for a component CSI QUIESCING set request, then its configured recovery takes effect.

    • csiSetTimeout

Same as above. If the process doesn't respond with saAmfResponse for a csi set request (ACTIVE/STANDBY or QUIESCED), then component recommended recovery takes place.

    • csiRemoveTimeout

Same. If the process doesn't respond with saAmfResponse to the amf csiRemove request, then recovery is triggered.

    • proxiedCompInstantiateTimeout

This is only true for SAF-proxy-proxied components. If the SA-AWARE proxy doesn't respond with saAmfResponse to the proxiedCompInstantiate request or proxied-non-preinstantiable doesn't respond to the proxied csiset request (BOTH requests sent to the PROXY component) with saAmfResponse within the proxied instantiate timeout, then recovery is triggered for the proxied.

    • proxiedCompCleanupTimeout

Again only true for proxy-proxied. If the proxy component doesn't respond to the proxied cleanup callback with saAmfResponse, then a cleanup error for the proxied is processed which is the same as cleanup error for cleanup timeout mentioned above. Either nodeReset if nodeRebootCleanupFail is configured for the component or recovery to SU failover (proxied compcleanup is triggered when proxied component is failed by proxy or fails healthcheck from proxy and proxy returns failure with saAmfResponse or times out the healthcheck for its proxied component which proxy is managing).