
Revision as of 17:59, 13 March 2013 by Stone (Talk | contribs)



After you have created the model using IDE and generated the source, add a "test" directory just below the model's root (as a peer to "app") and make subdirectories below "test" for your major functional blocks.

Python TAE Interface

The python testcase files should be present in "<model>/src/test" directory. Since you are probably already programming your test cases in Python using our testcase framework, nothing further need be done.

C TAE Interface

The Python "layer" for an exclusively "C" implementation is simple :

import openclovis.test.testcase as testcase
class test(testcase.TestGroup):

    def test_sg006(self):
        \testcase   BIC-UTL-BIT.TG001
        \brief      Test group based on SG "tcSg005Bitmap"
        # List of service groups to unlock, Maximum time (in seconds) that the test takes to run
        self.run_sg_based_test(['tcSg005Bitmap'], 60)

This python file should be present in "<model>/src/test" directory.

You also need to add some test initialization code in clCompAppMain.c of the component. Here is an example of what all you need to initialize/register :


Before blocking on AMF file descriptor for callbacks, in main() function a thread should be created to run the test in the thread context. Alternatively, you can block on the AMF file descriptor in another thread and let the test run in main thread.

    rc = clOsalTaskCreateDetached(NULL, CL_OSAL_SCHED_OTHER,
                                  clTcRunThread, NULL);

     * Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks

In clCompAppTerminate() finalize the TC in following way :


In clCompAppAMFCSISet(), call TC activate in SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE context :

   switch ( haState )
        case SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE:
             * AMF has requested application to take the active HA state 
             * for the CSI.

             * ---BEGIN_APPLICATION_CODE---
            clTcActivate((ClAmsCSIDescriptorT*)&csiDescriptor, haState);
             * ---END_APPLICATION_CODE---