
Revision as of 16:23, 15 August 2013 by Stone (Talk | contribs)

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SAFplus Performance and Test Guide guide provides information about how the SAFplus system performs under load and how we test the product.


This guide is designed for system integrators, designers, and system architects. To use the product, you must be aware of the fundamentals of design, development, operation, management and configuration of telecommunication and networking systems. You must also be familiar with C programming, UML notations, and have the basic knowledge of Linux.

Documentation Conventions

This guide uses different fonts and symbols to differentiate between document elements and types of information. These conventions are summarized in the following table.

Notation Description

This font denotes the C code provided in various examples.

Cross reference

This font denotes a hyperlink. You can click on the hyperlink text to access the reference location, which can be either a section within the User Guide or a URL link.A cross reference refers to a section name and accesses the first page of that section.

Bold Text

Menu items and button names.

Italic Text

Variables for which you enter values.

OpenClovis Note.pngThis indicates the presence of notes or annotations, related to the context of the document.
OpenClovis Caution.pngThis indicates that certain precautionary measures must be taken before performing a particular task.
OpenClovis Info.pngThis indicates that additional information is provided to you.

Related Documents

For additional information about OpenClovis products, refer to the following guides:

  • SAFplus Platform Release Notes provides information about the software and the hardware required to install OpenClovis Application Service Platform (SAFplus Platform) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It summarizes the additional features and enhancements of the product since the previous release. It also summarizes the issues and limitations of the product and provides workarounds wherever applicable.
  • SAFplus Platform SA-Forum Compliance describes the level of compliance of OpenClovis SAFplus Platform and its Application Programming Interface (API) with the relevant Service Availability Forum Specifications.
  • SAFplus Platform Installation Guide provides the system requirements, installation procedure for OpenClovis SAFplus Platform, IDE, and the Evaluation System.
  • SAFplus Platform Sample Application Tutorial explains the steps to create and build a sample model using OpenClovis IDE and OpenClovis SAFplus Platform. It also provides troubleshooting information for this process. This provides the logical first step in understanding the SAFplus Platform offering.
  • SAFplus Platform Evaluation System User Guide provides all the required information to configure and run the sample models packaged within the Evaluation System. This document also provides good understanding of OpenClovis SAFplus Platform's functionality. This is the natural follow on to the OpenClovis Sample Application Tutorial as it builds on the example created in that document.
  • SAFplus Platform SDK User Guide provides information about SAFplus Availability/Scalability Platform architecture, various SAFplus Platform components, and their interactions. This guide helps you to configure the OpenClovis SAFplus Platform components, compile, and execute the SAFplus Platform code to build your custom application.
  • SAFplus Platform IDE User Guide describes the usage of Integrated Development Environment (IDE), a graphical development environment that complements the SAFplus Platform. This guide helps you to understand how to use the various features of the IDE to build the application.
  • SAFplus Platform Log Tool User Guide provides information about the usage of OpenClovis Log Tool. OpenClovis Log Tool is an interactive utility that allows you to view binary log files in a readable format and hence monitor system errors, warnings, and other log information. Log Tool allows you to format the .log files and filter them to view the required entries.
  • SAFplus Platform API Reference Guide [1] is provided for each component. It describes the Application Programming Interface (API), Service Model, and Management Information Model of the various OpenClovis Application Service Platform (SAFplus Platform) services. It helps the developer to understand the capabilities of the SAFplus Platform services and the APIs provided by these services.
  • SAFplus Platform Console Reference Guide provides details about managing applications built on SAFplus Platform using the SAFplus Platform runtime debug console commands. SAFplus Platform Console commands can be used to manage, monitor, and test your application.

OpenClovis Online Technical Support

OpenClovis customers and partners can register on our Web site and receive personalized services and information. If you need any support or assistance while working on OpenClovis products, you can access the following: URL: Send your queries to: Open source community support is available at:

Documentation Feedback

We are interested in hearing from our customers on the documentation provided with the product. Let us know your comments and suggestions on improving the documentation at OpenClovis Inc. Send your comments to: Or even better, edit (or comment in) the page on our documentation wiki located at




Required Cluster Configuration


What to Observe