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CM Plug-in Guide


CM-Plugin is an event controlling policy in Platform-Support-Package(PSP) to allow and/or restrict the events received from HPI and forward them to Application during run-time. The policy is defined by Application.

What you can learn

How to define a policy to control the events in PSP, so that only interested events are forwarded to Application and unintended events are discarded.

Building the CM-Plugin model and controlling Events in run-time

The example code containing Application and CM-Policy is available in PSP/src/example

Usage of CM-Plugin

The policy to control the events are defined in cmPolicy.c and is available in location: \CmPlugin\src\app\common\plugins\cmPolicy.c in specified example.


    ClRcT HpiEventFilter(SaHpiSessionIdT session, SaHpiEventT* event, SaHpiRdrT* rdr, SaHpiRptEntryT* rpt)
        /* Define the policy to Allow, Block or Change the events here */
        if ( /* For Specific condition of Event Ex: event->Severity==SAHPI_MAJOR */)
             /* Change the event to required form */
             /* event->Severity=SAHPI_MINOR;      */
        return CL_OK;
  • HpiEventFilter() will be contain the details of specific event to be handled and specific modification for that event.

How to Run cmPlugin model

Copy the image to required location (/root/asp/).

  1. Start the SAFplus Platform on deployed node
     # cd /root/asp/
     # ./etc/init.d/asp start
  2. Generate event using HPI Event Simulator OR through actual hardware
     # cd /root/asp/bin
     # ./hpithres
    The logs are available in var/log/sys.latest and application_name.latest